Avocado Dye
Avocado Dye
Avocado Dye
Submitted to :- Dr.Praveen D. Nagarajan
Submitted by:-VIJAY MAHAR
Submitted to :- Dr.Praveen D. Nagarajan
Submitted by:-VIJAY MAHAR
Family - Lauraceous
Species - Persea americana
Avocado is a perennial plant
It is a hardy plant.
Avocado is medium to large ever green plant
Known as a 'poor man’s butter’ to the King of Fruits
Most varieties of avocado are oval or round shaped with thick, rough green skin.
The avocado is native to Mexico and Central America
Avocado or alligator pear also refers to the fruit, botanically a large berry that
contains a single seed.
I dye with avocados quite regularly so either freeze the skins and
stones, or simply collect them on a plate in the kitchen for a couple of
weeks until I have enough.
When drying them, I put them on a sunny windowsill or close to a
radiator or on top of my tumble dryer where it gets warm.
It’s best to dry each skin or stone completely before storing with the
rest of the collection to avoid mold growth.
Colour will be light pink to yellowish green’
1. Place the avocado in a large non-reactive pot (like stainless steel or glass). The dye could
stain some pots and spoons, so use these only for dyeing.
2. Make a paste of avocado using a mixer and water.
3. After preparation of paste, fill the pot with twice as much water as the paste.
4. Carefully place the fabric in the dye bath and bring to a slow boil and add alum. Simmer
for an hour or so, stirring once in a while.
5. Check your fabric. It will be lighter when it dries. An hour should be enough.
6. Add salt or any other fixative so the color stays.
7. When you get the color you want, take the fabric out and wash in cold water. Expect the
color to run some as the excess dye is washed out
8. Dry the cloth as usual.