1. The document discusses marketing audits, which systematically evaluate a company's marketing environment, objectives, strategies, and activities to identify opportunities and problems and recommend improvements.
2. A marketing audit analyzes areas like marketing strategy, organization, systems, productivity, and functions. It identifies threats and plans needed changes.
3. The stages of a marketing audit include introduction, review of controls, advanced audit, and reporting. It provides an objective assessment of a company's marketing performance and shortcomings.
1. The document discusses marketing audits, which systematically evaluate a company's marketing environment, objectives, strategies, and activities to identify opportunities and problems and recommend improvements.
2. A marketing audit analyzes areas like marketing strategy, organization, systems, productivity, and functions. It identifies threats and plans needed changes.
3. The stages of a marketing audit include introduction, review of controls, advanced audit, and reporting. It provides an objective assessment of a company's marketing performance and shortcomings.
1. The document discusses marketing audits, which systematically evaluate a company's marketing environment, objectives, strategies, and activities to identify opportunities and problems and recommend improvements.
2. A marketing audit analyzes areas like marketing strategy, organization, systems, productivity, and functions. It identifies threats and plans needed changes.
3. The stages of a marketing audit include introduction, review of controls, advanced audit, and reporting. It provides an objective assessment of a company's marketing performance and shortcomings.
1. The document discusses marketing audits, which systematically evaluate a company's marketing environment, objectives, strategies, and activities to identify opportunities and problems and recommend improvements.
2. A marketing audit analyzes areas like marketing strategy, organization, systems, productivity, and functions. It identifies threats and plans needed changes.
3. The stages of a marketing audit include introduction, review of controls, advanced audit, and reporting. It provides an objective assessment of a company's marketing performance and shortcomings.
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KEVIN HARIYANTO CAREN ANGELLINA MIMAKI AUDIT MARKETING Marketing holds the key to success in exploring, maintaining, maintaining, and developing sources of corporate income. Various marketing efforts carried out starting from identifying and analyzing market opportunities, choosing target markets, developing marketing and management mixes for marketing efforts are carried out in an integrated manner with strategies to achieve company goals. The company's strategic plan integrating all functional plans including the marketing function, is a commitment to all components of the company's success. Definition Marketing audit is a comprehensive, systematic, independent and periodic testing of the marketing environment, objectives, strategies, and activities of the company or business unit, to determine opportunities and problem areas that occur, and recommend action plans to improve the company's marketing performance. Objectives and Benefits of Management Audit The main purpose of a marketing audit is to identify the marketing threats faced by the company and plan the improvements needed to eliminate the threat. While the benefits obtained from this audit, the audit results can provide an objective picture of the company's marketing performance and various shortcomings that occur in the management of marketing efforts that still need improvement. Type of Marketing Audit There are two types of marketing audits: 1. Functional (vertical) audit, is an audit conducted on several activities from the marketing department such as advertising or sales and makes an analysis of the audited parts. 2. Comprehensive Audit (horizontal), which conducts an audit of the entire marketing function of the company. Audit Scope and Objectives Marketing audits can include the following six main areas of marketing: 1. Marketing Environment Audit 2. Marketing Strategy Audit 3. Audit Marketing Organization 4. Marketing System Audit 5. Marketing Productivity Audit 6. Audit of Marketing Functions Stages of Marketing Audit Basically the marketing audit can follow the audit stages in general, namely: 1. Introduction Audit 2. Review and test the control of the company's management 3. Advanced Audit 4. Reporting Marketing Management Process The marketing management process is the process of analyzing market opportunities, selecting target markets, developing marketing mixes, and managing marketing efforts. This process coordinates all marketing activities in a marketing strategy set by the company and the resources involved in achieving the company's goals. Determining Consumer Goals 1. Market segmentation is the process of grouping customers into certain groups with the same needs, characteristics, or behavior. Market segmentation can be distinguished based on geographical, demographic, physicalographic, and behavioral factors. Every market has a segment, but not all ways in market segmentation have the same benefits. 2. Determination of the target market is a process to evaluate each attraction of the market segment and choose one or more segments to be entered. With limited resources it is not possible for companies to serve all existing market segments. Companies can choose one or several profitable market segments 3. Market positioning determines a product to occupy a clear, different and desirable place relative to rival products in the mind of the target consumer. Identification of competitive advantage is the first thing a company must do to decide the position of its product. This competitive advantage can be created if a company can maximize the value of its customers, namely by increasing the benefits that customers can enjoy or by sacrificing customer sacrifices in obtaining and utilizing these products relative to competing products or both ways at the same time Developing a Marketing Mix Marketing mix decisions include decisions on four important variables in marketing, known as 4P: 1. Product Reflects the combination of goods and services offered by the company to the target market. Product decisions related to the product include various inherent attributes such as quality, features, durability, design, suitability, and others. 2. Price Basically it reflects the sacrifices that consumers must make to obtain and use a product. Prices that can be controlled by the company only relate to the amount of money that the customer must give to get a product. Price decisions are the company's competitive strategic decisions. 3. Place In connection with the company's efforts to make products always ready to be available to consumers in the right amount and time. There are several levels in the marketing channel, from agents to retailers. Decisions about distribution channels are related to the effectiveness and efficiency of the use of distribution channels 4. Promotion Reflecting various activities to communicate and socialize the advantages of prodyj to their customers. Determination of the promotion method, advertising material and media selection are very important things that affect the success of the promise to achieve its goal. Managing Marketing Efforts Management of marketing efforts involves the main functions of marketing management, namely: 1. Marketing analysis 2. Marketing planning 3. Marketing implementation 4. Marketing control Cont The success of marketing implementation is influenced by several important factors, namely: 1. Program of action 2. Formal organizational structure 3. Decision and award system 4. Human resources 5. Corporate culture Audit Work Program The audit program provides a systematic foundation in the audit so that the audit can go according to plan. Marketing Environment Audit
The marketing environment consists of actors
and forces outside of marketing that influence the company's marketing ability to develop and maintain transactions that are successful with the target customers. The marketing environment consists of two major groups namely the micro environment and the macro environment. Micro Environment
The micro environment consists of the forces
around the company that affect their ability to serve their customers. The following are the main actors in the micro environment Company It consists of a number of interrelated departments and management levels, which influence marketing management decision making. Various marketing programs managed by the company will not be able to achieve their objectives effectively and efficiently without balanced support from other departments. Supplier and pelaggan relations occur in the relationship, so that each function or department must try to satisfy other functions and departments as suppliers satisfy their customers. Therefore, management must be able to synergize the functions of various existing departments in achieving the overall goals of the company. Supplier Suppliers can be in the form of companies or individuals who provide various resources to companies. Suppliers greatly influence the performance of the company, therefore the company's relationship with suppliers must be managed as well as possible. The relationship between the company and the enterer must be managed as a corporate value chain, because basically the supplier is an external value chain so that suppliers are involved in improving the company's performance. Marketing Intermediary Consisting of a number of marketing channel companies that work together to create value for customers. This marketing intermediary becomes an agent for companies that ensure products arrive at customers in a timely, quality and exact quantity. The marketing intermediary consists of: 1. Intermediary or broker 2. Physical distribution company 3. Bureau of marketing services 4. Financial intermediaries Customer Consists of 5 types of markets where companies can sell their products, including markets: 1. Consumers 2. Market producers 3. Seller market 4. Government markets 5. International markets Companies must always try to satisfy their customers. Customer satisfaction is influenced by the value given by the company to its customers. Competitor Competitor Is a competitor that must be faced by the company in maintaining or seizing new markets that are likely to increase the value of the company. The relationship between the company and its competitors is related to the understanding of strategies applied by competitors in mastering purchasing power and consumption capacity in the community. Macro Environment Macro Environment are broader societal forces that influence the entire micro- environment of the company and strategic marketing decisions. This environment covers the natural, demographic, economic, technological, political and cultural environments. Natural Environment The limitations of industrial raw materials, rising energy costs, high levels of pollution, and increasing government intervention in natural resource management are some of the important environmental issues that must be considered by the company because the overall conditions affect both directly and indirectly on the company's performance. The more scarce raw resources make the material more expensive and affect the price of the products transferred to customers. Technology Environment The technological environment consists of forces that create new technologies that produce new products and opportunities. Technological developments create opportunities as well as threats to the company. Every new technology replaces old technology which means it also makes old technology obsolete and out of date. Likewise, new products replace old products that have caused old products to no longer be in demand by the market. Some trends in technological developments that must be of concern to marketers include the following: 1. Proper technological change 2. Technological developments can create unlimited opportunities 3. The research and development budget is increasingly high in technology development 4. Attention to minor development 5. Increased regulations Political Environment
This environment consists of legal and
advocacy institutions, government institutions, and other pressure groups that influence and limit the organization in carrying out its activities including marketing. Cultural Environment
This environment is developed by institutions
and other forces that influence the values, perceptions, preferences and basic behaviors in the community that influence consumer behavior in obtaining and using products offered by the company and other marketing decisions. Marketing Strategy Audit
Strategic management is defined as a set of
decisions and actions that produce the formulation and implementation of various plans designed to achieve company goals. Marketing System Audit
Marketing information systems are people,
equipment, and procedures for collecting, sorting, analyzing, evaluating, and distributing information needed to make marketing decisions accurately and on time. Cont. A useful marketing information has the following characteristics: 1. Relevant Information can influence management decisions (or have a different impact on business decision making). 2. Enough Information that is available in sufficient quantities and is tested for accuracy. 3. Components Obtained from reliable sources and from the processing (analysis) and the right. 4. Efficient Information must be obtained efficiently. Consideration of costs and benefits should be used as a basis for assessing information. An informed decision if the information provides benefits that are greater than the costs incurred in obtaining the information. Information Sources
Marketing information can be developed
from three main sources, namely: (1) company internal records, (2) marketing intelligence, and (3) marketing research Internal Note
Internal record information is information
collected from sources within the company to evaluate performance and detect problems and marketing opportunities. Marketing Intelligence
Marketing intelligence is daily information
about the various developments that occur in the marketing environment. This information is information sourced from outside the company that can be obtained through marketing intelligence.