Culmiation Mass
Culmiation Mass
Culmiation Mass
Come let us sing to every
nation:"Great is our God
and King! He is the Rock
of our salvation! Lift up
your hearts and sing!"
So sing, for we are
God's people; for he
has shown us his ways.
He gathers us to his
table, to partake of his
Come let us sing to
every nation:"Great is
our God and King! He
is the Rock of our
salvation! Lift up your
hearts and sing!"
So when the Lord's voice
you hear,
don't fear or harden your
We know that our God is
by the Word he imparts.
Come let us sing to
every nation:"Great is
our God and King! He
is the Rock of our
salvation! Lift up your
hearts and sing!"
With all the earth we
sing your praise!
We come to give you
thanks, O Lover of us
all, and giver of our
With sun and moon we
dance for joy!
We are your work of
art, the glory of your
hand, the children of
your loving.
I am maker of
I am God of the Earth
like a Mother in labor
I bring all to birth.
With all the earth we
sing your praise!
We come to give you
thanks, O Lover of us
all, and giver of our
With sun and moon we
dance for joy!
We are your work of
art, the glory of your
hand, the children of
your loving.
Priest: In the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit.
People: AMEN
Priest: The grace of our Lord
Jesus Christ, and the love
of God and the communion
of the Holy Spirit be with
you all.
And with your
People: AMEN
Panginoon, maawa ka sa
O Kristo, maawa ka sa amin.
Panginoon, maawa ka sa
//:Glory to God in
the highest and on
earth peace to
people of
We praise You, we bless
You, we adore You, we
glorify You, we give You
thanks for Your great
glory, Lord God, heavenly
King, O God, almighty
//:Glory to God in
the highest and on
earth peace to
people of
Lord Jesus Christ, only
begotten Son, Lord
God, Lamb of God, Son
of the Father, You take
away the sins of the
world, have mercy on
You take away the sins
of the world, receive
our prayer. You are
seated at the right
hand of the Father,
have mercy on us.
//:Glory to God in
the highest and on
earth peace to
people of
For You alone are the
Holy one, You alone are
the Lord. You alone are
the Most high Jesus
Christ. With the Holy
Spirit in the glory of
God the Father.
//:Glory to God in the
highest and on earth peace
to people of goodwill.://
And on earth peace to
people of goodwill. Amen.
Alleluia! (8x)
Christ the Paschal Lamb
has been sacrifice. Let us
then feast with joy in the
Alleluia! (8x)
Priest: The Lord be
with you.
People:And with
your spirit.
Priest: A reading from
the holy
according to…
People: Glory to you, O
Priest: The Gospel of
the Lord.
Praise to
You Lord
Jesus Christ.
I believe in one
God, the Father
almighty, maker of
heaven and earth, of
all things visible and
I believe in one Lord
Jesus Christ, the
Only Begotten Son of
God, born of the
Father before all ages.
God from God,
Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made,
consubstantial with the
Father; through him all
things were made. For us
men and for our
salvation He came down
from heaven,
[At the words that follow up to
and including 'and became man,'
all bow.]
It is right and
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord
God of hosts. Heaven
and earth are full of
Your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who
comes in the name of
the Lord.
Hosanna in the
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord
God of hosts. Heaven
and earth are full of
Your glory, full of Your
glory. //:Hosanna in the
Blessed is he who
comes in the name of
the Lord.
//:Hosanna in the
When we eat this
bread and drink this
cup we proclaim Your
death O Lord, until
You come again.
When we eat this bread
and drink this cup we
proclaim Your death O
Lord, until You come
again, until You come
again we proclaim Your
death O Lord.
Amen, Amen,
Amen, Amen.
Our Father, who art in
heaven, hallowed be
thy name, thy kingdom
come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in
The peace of
the Lord be with
you always.
And with your
//:Lamb of God, You
take away the sins of
the world, have mercy
on us://
Lamb of God, You
take away the sins of
the world. Grant us
Lord, I am not worthy
that you should enter
under my roof, but
only say the word
and my soul shall be
Do not let your hearts be
Do not stay afraid
It is really I who you see
I offer you all my peace
I have waited for this
To be with you again
In my heart you'll
In your heart I'll stay.
I am with you, till the end
of your days. I am with
you, have faith that I
hold you even when you
let go and I love you,
You must know I am here.
I am ever with you.
Do not let your hearts
be troubled
Do not stay afraid
I'm beyond all anguish
or death
I'm risen to life anew
When you feel that
you've been emptied
And can give no more
Know that I am your
breath and I fill your
I am with you, till the end
of your days. I am with
you, have faith that I
hold you even when you
let go and I love you,
You must know I am here.
I am ever with you.
The Lord be
with you.
And with your
Go forth, the
Mass is ended.
Thanks be
to God
I will sing forever of Your
love, O Lord. I will celebrate
the wonder of Your name.
For the word that You speak
is a song of forgiveness
And a song of gentle mercy
and of peace
Let us wake at the morning
and be filled with Your love
And sing songs of praise all
our days
For Your love is as high as
the heavens above us
And Your faithfulness as
certain as the dawn.
I will sing forever of Your
love, O Lord
For You are my refuge
and my strength
You fill the world with
Your life-giving spirit
That speaks Your word
Your word of mercy and
of peace.
And I will sing
forever of Your love,
O Lord
Yes I will sing forever
of Your love, O Lord