Ozlem Tokusoglu Celal Bayar University Turkey

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Improved Food Preservation and Shelf

Life Stability By Ultrasound Processing

Technologies: Case Studies


Associate Professor Dr. Özlem Tokuşoğlu
July 21, 10:05-10:30,
Hampton Inn Tropicana, Hampton Events Center A, Las Vegas,
Consumer Demands
 With less additives
 With high nutritional value
 High quality
 Less thermal damage
 Good sensory properties
 Safe products

Thereby, food manufacturing

designed for better food safety and
 Premium food products
Strategies for
 Long lasting Foods
Food Processors  Convenience foods
 Minimally processed foods
 Ready-to-cook meals
 Ready-to-eat foods
 Low-fat foods
 Low-carbohydrate foods
 Specialities in foods
(For Health Treatments
For Kids
For Military
For Pregnants
For Sportmans)
High Hydrostatic Pressure
Pulsed electric fields
Cold Plasma
DensePhase CarbonDioxide

THERMAL Microwave
Ohmic Heating
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All rights reserved. Slide content © 2013, by the presenter. All rights reserved.
Induction Heating
Shelf Life
Pathogen Innovative
Inactivation Fresh
Unwanted Unwanted
Enzyme OR
Inactivation Reduced
Ultrasound Theory ; Definitions

Ultrasound is one of the emerging technologies that

were developed to minimize processing, maximize
quality and ensure the safety of food products.

Ultrasound is applied to impart positive effects in food

processing such as improvement in mass transfer, food
preservation, assistance of thermal treatments and
manipulation of texture and food analysis

Ultrasound Theory
Ultrasound is considered as one such nonthermal
processing alternative, which can be used in many
food processing operations.
It travels through a medium like any sound wave,
resulting in a series of compression and rarefaction.

At sufficiently high power, the rarefaction exceeds

the attractive forces between molecules in a liquid
phase, which subsequently leads to the formation
of cavitation bubbles.
Each bubble affects the localized field experienced by
neighboring bubbles, which causes the cavitation
bubble to become unstable and collapse, thereby
releasing energy formany chemical and mechanical
effects. The collapse of each cavitation bubble acts as
a hotspot,which generates energy to increase the
temperature and pressure up to 4000 K and 1000
atm, respectively.

Ultrasound is efficient non-
thermal alternative. Ultrasonic
cavitation creates
shear forces that break cell
walls mechanically and
improve material transfer.

There are a number of mechanisms by which
ultrasound can affect mass transfer. The high ultrasonic
intensity of the waves can generate the growth and
collapse of bubbles inside liquids, a phenomenon known
as cavitation.

 Ultrasound that can affect the resistance to mass

transfer are the heating of materials due to
thermoacoustic effects, the microstirring in fluids,
mainly at interfaces, and some structural effects such as
the so called “sponge effect” when the samples are
squeezed and released like an sponge and the creation of
Fundatementals: Ultrasound Processing Principle
 Energy generated from waves of
20,000 or more vibrations per
• high frequency or diagnostic (2-10
Sonicator Tip MHz)
 Lyses
• lowand inactivates
frequency cells (20-100
or power
Solution Intracelullar
kHz) cavitation
 Variables to control:
Amplitude of the
ultrasonic wave
Time of treatment
Sonication Modes
 Sonication (US)
 Thermo-sonication (TS)
Ultrasound plus heat
 Mano-thermo-sonication
Ultrasound plus heat and
Ultrasound Theory



Preservation Extraction

The potential utilizing effects by ultrasound

cavitation phenomena are shown in Fig.2.
Cavitation may cause to off-flavors, structural
modifications, free radicals, and sometimes
metallic taste 14
Utilizing of Ultrasound in Food Science &Technology

Inactivation of Modifications
Microorganisms Enhancing the Efficiency
of Unit Operations  Color Modifi.
and Enzymes
 Antioxidant Modifi.
 Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction
 Ultrasound Assisted Drying  Bioactive Modifi.
 Ultrasound Assisted Osmotic  Polysacharide Modifi
 Ultrasound Assisted Filtration
 Ultrasound Assisted Freezing
 Emulsification in Lipid Containing Foods
 Hommogenization in Lipid Containing Foods
 Cutting in Lipid Containing Foods
Most Frequently Utilizing of Ultrasound ;
Ultrasonic extraction of phenolic compounds and
phenolic pigments (Anthocy., Betacyanin,
Betaxanthin) from plant tissues
 Ultrasonic extraction of lipids and proteins from
plant seeds, such as soybean
 Cell membrane permeabilization of fruits
 Ultrasonic processing of fruit juices, purees,
sauces, dairy
 Ultrasonic processing for improving stability of
Microbial and enzyme inactivation (preservation) is
another application of ultrasound in the food
High energy ultrasound can be used in
preservation and safety and are applying
to food enzymes, in microbial inactivation,
in ultrasound assisted extraction whereas
low power ultrasound can be used for
analysis and quality control of
 plant food resources including fruit
and vegetables, fruit juices, peels, oils and
 fat-based products including meat
products, oil seeds
 cereals products as bread dough,
batters and biscuits, food pastes
Ultrasound- Plant Food Applications
Fruit Juices Tomato Juices
Ultrasound Ultrasound Processing Effects
20 kHz, 24.4 to It is reported that power ultrasound is a potential
61.0 μm, 2 to 10 non thermal technique to inactivate
min and pulse microorganisms pertinent to fruit juices.
durations of 5 s Sonication alone was found an effective process to
on and 5 s off. achieve the desired level of yeast inactivation (YI)
in tomato juice, YI was found to follow the
Weibull model. Adekunte et al., (2010).
In tomato juice, the ultrasonic inactivation
20 kHz, amplitude kinetics of polygalacturonase (PG) and pectin
of 65 μm and methylesterase (PME) was performed
temp. Between 50 Combined ultrasound and heat (thermosonication)
and 75◦C. enhanced the inactivation rates of both
PME and PG. Terefe et al., (2009).
Fruit Juices Orange Juices
Condition Ultrasound Processing Effects

20 kHz, Wave The use of ultrasound extended

amplitude of the shelf-life of orange juice by 4
days. The control juices were
89.25 μm for
rejected by the sensory panel
8 min members after 6 days storage at
4◦C (refrigerator) owing to off-
flavor, and ultrasonicated juice
after 10 days due to off-odor. Ġomez-Ĺopez
Also, sonication affected the et al.,(2010)
color and decreased ascorbic
acid level.
Ultrasound Processing Effects
Low temperatures and
20 kHz, intermediate amplitude (42.7 μm)
24.4–61.0 μm, resulted in lower non-enzymatic
5–30 C, browning and ascorbic acid
0–10 min deterioration, and better quality
orange juice Valdramidis et al. (2010)

In the study of the effect of

20 kHz, 2-10 amplitude level and sonication
min, pulse time on juice quality parameters,
durations of 5 s there was no significant
difference on pH, ◦Brix and
on and 5 s off, titratable acidity. It was found
amplitude levels the degradation of color, cloud
40 to 100% value and an increase in
browning index. Tiwari et al., (200820a,b,c)
Ultrasound Ultrasound Processing Effects
Condition Combination of high intensity
ultrasound with mild heat
600 W, 20 kHz, treatment (45◦C), and natural Ferrante et al., (2007).
95.2-μm antimicrobials (vanillin 1,000 ppm
wave amplitude and citral 100 ppm) was reported
to be the most effective treatment
for the control of L.monocytogenes
in orange juice
20 kHz, 95
Combined treatment involving high-
intensity ultrasound and short-wave
amplitude ultraviolet radiation was more
effective in simultaneous rather than
in series for the inactivation
of Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces
cerevisiae, and a yeast in fruit juice
Char et al., (2010).
Fruit Juices Apple Juices
Ultrasound Processing Effects
With ultrasonic treatments, about 60% and 90%
of the Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris cells were
inactivated after treating the apple juice with
300-W ultrasound for 30 & 60 min, respectively.
23 kHz, 200– The lowest D value at 36.18 min was found when
700 W, 10–60 using 600-W. The alterations of sugar level,
acidity, haze and juice browning were not affected
min the juice quality. Yuan et al., (2009

20 kHz,
ultrasound Ultrasound treatment alone can be Patil et al., (2009).
amplitude 0.4 effective for inactivation of E. coli
to 37.5 μm
Fruit Juices Strawberry Juices
Condition Ultrasound Processing Effects
20 kHz, The ultrasound amplitude level and sonication
amplitude level time was performed on strawberry juice quality.
40–100%, 2–10 It was found that sonication reduced the
min, pulse anthocyanin and ascorbic acid contents by 3.2 and
durations of 5 s 11%, respectively, at the maximum treatment
on and 5 s off. conditions. (Tiwari et al., 2008d)

Ultrasound treatment (energy

20 kHz, energy density 0.81 W/mL and treatment
density 0.33–0.81 time 10 min) resulted in 5% and
W/mL, 0–10min, 15% reductions in anthocyanin
pulse 5 on 5 off and ascorbic acid, respectively
during storage 4 and 20◦C for 10
days.The improved stability was higher for
ascorbic acid and anthocyanins retention
as compared to control sample. Tiwari et al., (2009d)
Fruit Juices Blackberry Juices
Condition Ultrasound Processing Effects

20 kHz, Significant alterations in color

37.5 μm to and anthocyanins with
insignificant alterations in pH,
61.0 μm, 0–10
titratable acidity, and degree
min, pulse brix were obtained in case of
Tiwari et al., (2009e)

durations of blackberry juice

5s on 5s off
Fruit Juices Red Grape Juices
Ultrasound Ultrasound Processing Effects
Highest degradation of malvanidin-3-O-
20 kHz, glucosides (48.2%), cyanidin-3-O-glucosides
37.5 μm to (97.5%) and delphinidin-3-O-glucosides
61.0 μm, 0–10 (80.9%) at 61.0 μm for 10 min were found. It
was determined that significant alterations in
min, pulse
anthocyanins and color of juice Tiwari et al., (2010)
durations of
5s on 5s off

Fruit Juices Guava Juices
Ultrasound Ultrasound Processing Effects
Condition Ascorbic acid content was found to be
35 kHz, 30 min significantly higher in samples treated with
carbonation and sonication than in the control.
juice. Carbonation provided more nuclei for
cavitations that permitted the elimination of
dissolved oxygen in the juice. Also, further
treatment gave rise to a greater cloudiness and
PPO activity. Cheng et al., (2007).

26 26
Fruits &Vegetables

Plant foods including fruits and vegetables are

highly attenuating materials owing to the
scattering of sound from voids and pores, that
complicates the interpretation of ultrasound data
and thereby unsuitable for evaluating their
(McClements & Gunasekaran, 1997; Povey, 1998; Sarkar & Wolfe, 1983;
Sarkar & Wolfe, 1983)
In Quality control of fresh vegetables and
fruits By Ultrasound

Preharvest and
applications are

(Mizrach, 2008)
Physiological and physiochemical alterations during
growth and maturation,
harvest period,
storage and shelf-life

Ultrasound measurements & other physiochemical
dry weight percentage (DW),
oil contents,
total soluble solids (TSS),
acidity (Mizrach, 2008)
Case Studies on Preharvest Fruits by Ultrasound
 Color Changes & Ripeness Correlation
The amplitude of the ultrasound wave transmitted
through fruit peels increased when the color changed
from green to yellow indicating a good correlation
between the ripeness and the acoustic attenuation
The maturity and sugar content of plum fruits
determined by measuring ultrasound attenuation
in the fruit tissue correlated well with the firmness
of plums and that of tomato in other study

(Mizrach , 2007,2004;
Mizrach , et.al.,1991)
With using the ultrasound attenuation parameter, the
detecting of defective potatoes was performed.

(Cheng & Haugh, 1994). 31

Case Studies on Postharvest Fruits by Ultrasound
Application of ultrasound to osmotic
dehydration of guava slices via indirect
sonication using an ultrasonic bath
system and direct sonication using an
ultrasonic probe system.

Pre-treatments were designed in three

osmotic solution concentrations of 0, 35,
and 70 °Brix at indirect ultrasonic bath
power from 0 to 2.5 kW for immersion
times ranging for 20–60 min and direct
ultrasonic probe amplitudes from 0 to
35% for immersion times of 6–20 min.
Ultrasound power (kW)

Ultrasound amplitude (%)
Ultrasound input as power and amplitude,
osmotic solution concentrations, and
immersion time increased the water loss, solid
gain, and total colour change of guava slices
significantly with p < 0.0005.
Applying ultrasound pre-osmotic treatment
in 70 °Brix prior to hot-air drying reduced
the drying time by 33%, increased the
effective diffusivity by 35%, and decreased
the total colour change by 38%. A
remarkable decrease of hardness to 4.2 N
obtained was also comparable to the fresh
guava at 4.8 N.
Total colour change, vitamin C content, hardness,
and chewiness of dried guava after hot-air drying,
osmotic dehydration prior to hot-air drying, and
ultrasound pre-osmotic treatment prior to hot-air
drying with the commercially dried guava 35
(Kek et.al.,2013)
Disruption of fat globules of milk by thermo-sonication

By US, better homogenization, color,

appearance and consistency 36
Ultrasound treatment of milk at WSU
Ultrasonic processor
Hielscher® UP400S
(400 W, 24 kHz) with a 22 mm
Ultrasound –Assisted Extraction
Ultrasound is probably the most
simple and most versatile method
for the disruption of cells and for
the production of extracts. It is
efficient, safe and reliable.
Due to ultrasonic cavitation creates
shear forces that breaking cell walls
mechanically and improving the
material transfer; this effect is being
used in the extraction of liquid
Ultrasound (Hielscher,USA) compounds from solid
cells (solid-liquid extraction).
Ultrasound is faster and more complete than
maceration or stirring. The particle size reduction
by the ultrasonic cavitation increases the surface
area in contact between the solid and the liquid
phase, significantly.
The mechanical activity of the ultrasound enhances
the diffusion of the solvent into the tissue. As
ultrasound breaks the cell wall mechanically by the
cavitation shear forces, it facilitates the transfer
from the cell into the solvent.
Extraction Yield Improvements By Ultrasound

Source: Balachandran et al. (2006) 40

Extraction Yield Improvements By Ultrasound

Ultrasound- Oily Food Applications
Target extract : Phenolics of nuts and pastes
Solvent: ethanol-distilled water (30/70, v/v)
Process: Laboratory 24 kHz, 20-75 W s ml-1
Processing conditions: Ambient
Exposing duration: 10 min
Target extract : Lipids of nuts and pastes
Solvent: chlorophorm /methanol (2/1, v/v)
Process: Laboratory 24 kHz, 20-75 W s ml-1
Processing conditions: Ambient
Exposing duration: 10 min
Target: Microbiological quality of nuts & pastes
Solvent: Pepton water (0.1%)
Process: Laboratory 24 kHz, 20-75 W s ml-1
Processing conditions: Ambient
Exposing duration: 10 min Tokuşoğlu et.al.,2011
The Alterations of Total Lipid Value After Processing
NUTS Total KONTROL Ultrasound
Lipid g/100 g Treated

Almond 42.3  1.9 38.63  2.1

Pistachio 54.3  0.8 46.12  1.8
Peanut 48.9  1.2 43.66  1.3
Hazelnut 62.6 2.03 57.25 2.83

Total lipid content decreased after

ultrasound treatment (p0.05)

With ultrasound, the destruction of the cell walls facilitates the

pressing and thereby reduces the residual oil or fat in the pressing

Tokuşoğlu et.al.,2011
Total Phenolics of Studied Nuts
Total Phenolics UP Effect
g/100g D.W g/100g D.W
Almond 176.58  13.83 192.43  6.75
Pistachio 378.72  9.77 397.23  11.04
Peanut 334.51  6.06 361.30  5.46
Hazelnut 278.43  10.1 298.55  7.22

After Ultrasound Processing

(Avg. 12% increasing in total phenolics )
The use of Ultrasound Ass.extraction enhanced mass transfer rates,
increases cell permeability, and increased the extraction capacity of
phenolic constituents, and higher levels of bioactive compounds are
preserved with ultrasound assisted extraction.
Minor Bioactive (Lutein Xanthophylls) of Studied Nuts
NUTS Lutein
Xanthopyyllsg UP Effect
/100g D.W
Almond ND ND
Pistachio 4.12  0.48 7.3  2.02
Peanut ND ND
Hazelnut ND ND

Lutein Xanthophyll


73% Increasing
CHROMATOGRAM (2 ppm) (10 l)

No R.T. (min)
1 Lutein 15,148
2 Zeaxanthin 15,854
2 3 Canthaxanthin 16,468

Cont.Pistachio Oil




After Ultrasound Assisted

Lutein Control UP Effect
 Potential inactivation of pathogens and unwanted
 Enhanced yield or extraction rate, maintaning
and enhancing bioactive levels
 Enhancement of extraction processes where
solvents cannot be used (juice concentrate
 Enhance extraction of heat sensitive constituents
 Potential opportunity for aqueous extraction or
use of alternative (GRAS) solvents
 Commercially viable and scaleable.
Tokuşoğlu Books
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