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New DDEC Reports 7.0

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DDEC Reports

A new version of DDEC Reports is now available to all Diagnostic Link users at no additional cost.
This version will be included on the CD along with DDDL 7.05 in January of 2010 and must be
installed and registered separately from DDDL 6.X.

Enhancements include:
- Updated Extraction Log Viewer
- CAN communications added for EPA10 vehicles
- Individual and Main Data Security Passwords

Daimler Trucks
This version of DDEC Reports will detect the communication protocol required for the vehicle you
are connected to. The two protocols are J1708 used for EPA04 and EPA98 vehicles. CAN is used
for EPA06 and EPA10 vehicles.
In order for the tool to detect the appropriate protocol, DDComm needs to be configured. The
following steps will illustrate this procedure.
From the Extraction Log Viewer, select RP1210 Configuration from the Tools menu to display the
following dialog panel.

Daimler Trucks
Under the UDS/CAN tab select the Vendor or translator box, the appropriate protocol and the
interface. This illustration shows a setup for the Nexiq USB Link.

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Next, select the J1708 tab and select from the same fields. Again we see the USB Link.
Click OK to confirm.

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Extraction Log
The Extraction Log Viewer has been updated to include DDComm,
which displays the extraction status lights, extraction progress bar
and extraction settings. In addition, a new Extraction Results field has
been included to summarize the activities associated with the
extraction: Extract Pages, Reset Trip Data, Setup Vehicle, Reset Time.
A check box will be placed in each that applies.

Daimler Trucks
DDEC Reports 7.0 has the capability of distinguishing between an EPA10 and Pre-EPA10 vehicle
based on the required communications protocol used to extract trip data:
EPA07 = J1708 ** EPA10 = UDS/CAN
These settings must be configured before you can communicate with any of your vehicles. To do this,
select RP1210 Communications from the Tools Menu within the Extraction Log Viewer panel. Each
protocol is identified with a tab and has three settings: Vendor, Protocol, Interface. Each of these
tabs is shown here. Click OK when finished.

Nexiq USB Link using Nexiq USB Link using

J1708 J1939/UDS

Daimler Trucks
Automatic Protocol
If trip data is being extracted from an EPA10 vehicle, the UDS/CAN
field will illuminate with a green background. The J1708 field will
display green background, as shown here, when an EPA07, EPA04 or
EPA98 vehicle is connected.

Daimler Trucks
NOTE: Passwords
The password feature only applies to 2007 CPC2 with a
minimum software level of 5.0 and 2010 CPC2+ modules.
 Click the “Edit” button.
 Under the Datapage Security heading, click the checkbox “Protect
this vehicle…”.
 Click the radio button next to “Use Individual Password”.
 Enter a 4 to 6 character password. (alpha and/or numeric)
 Re-enter the password to confirm.
 Click Apply
 Click OK to confirm
 Extract from vehicle

Daimler Trucks
The Vehicle Extraction Password allows you to password-protect your
vehicles so that trip data cannot be extracted or cleared by an
unauthorized service location. Once a password is setup via the
vehicle details, it is stored in the program’s registry and then written
to the CPC during the next extraction. A Password Set message will
be displayed confirming the change after the extraction completes.

Daimler Trucks
When the individual password is has been stored in the
registry and the CPC, the next extraction using the same
computer will prompt the user for the password (Image #1).

If the incorrect password is provided three consecutive times,

the datapages will be locked and the extraction will not be
allowed. (Image #2)

Image Image
#1 #2

Daimler Trucks
To eliminate the use this password, take the check out of the
Datapage Security box. You will need to extract from the vehicle
again to write this change to the CPC and complete the change.
After the extraction is complete, a message will be displayed
indicating that the password has been cleared.

Daimler Trucks
The Management Password protects the vehicles within your
fleet so that details such as extraction preferences and setup
files cannot be tampered with. The Vehicle details, for any
vehicle, cannot be accessed without the proper password. At
this point, you can edit any vehicle in the registry.

Daimler Trucks
In order to set this up, select the Change Management
Password from the Tools menu within the Vehicle Registry
panel. If this is the first password, then you will just need to
complete the New Password and Confirm New Password fields.
Click OK to confirm.

DDEC Reports will need to be restarted before that password

is recognized.

Daimler Trucks
You can reset your Management password by typing in the current
password into the Old password and clicking on the Clear Old
Password button. You can now re-enter a new password. If you
forget your password, contact our Customer Support Desk to have
this reset.

Daimler Trucks
If the password for the datapages is lost or forgotten, click on the
Backdoor Password button. The user must call the Customer Service
Center (CSC) with the information displayed on the Backdoor Password
screen. The CSC will need the VIN and SEED displayed on the screen
along with the engine serial number before a password can be
generated. DO NOT click <OK> until a password is given.

NOTE: When the backdoor password is used ALL previously set

passwords will be cleared.

Daimler Trucks
You can reset your Management password by typing in the current
password into the Old password and clicking on the Clear Old
Password button. You can now re-enter a new password. If you
forget your password, contact our Customer Support Desk to have
this reset.

Daimler Trucks

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