Value Addition Palmyra
Value Addition Palmyra
Value Addition Palmyra
Er. P.C.Vengaiah
Scientist(Food Science &Technology)
Dr.Y.S.R. Horticultural University
Horticultural Research Station
Andhra Pradesh
Palmyra palm adorns the dry landscapes of semi arid and
arid regions of the country
1. Palmyra tree thrives in reputedly the poorest, infertile soils of arid region due to
its high RWC and CSI values.
2. The plant requires less rainfall and care hence it can be successfully be grown
in Theri lands, sandy plains and on field bunds of wet and dry lands.
3. As it grows in sandy plains, it is used for Blocking erosion and fixing dunes.
4. The palm is a pioneer species in preventing fire breaks on lands exploited by the
slash and burn technique.
5. Palmyra suffers remarkably little from prolonged flooding.
6. Palmyra is referred as tree of life with several uses which include food, beverage
fiber, fodder, and timber
Moiture 80.34g
Protein 0.77g
Fat 0.18g
Total Sugars 0.85g
Ascorbic acid 12.2 mg
2. TUBER [Apocolon]: Mature
tuber is brittle and breaks off
easily which is rich source of
Carbohydrates. Optimum time for
harvesting of tuber is 135 days
after sowing.
Moiture 15.48g
Protein 2.90g
Fat 0.56g
Carbohydrate 67.06
Fiber 11.60g
Ash 2.40g
Energy 284.88 k. cal
Calcium 38.0g
Phosphorus 99.0 mg
3. ENDOSPERM [Nungu]: Jelly like
endosperm of young fruit of 60 –
70 days old is called nungu which
is a summer delicacy. It is very
Moiture 86.6g
Protein 350g
Reducing Sugar 998mg
Thiamin 82.3mg
Riboflavin 44.4mg
Ash 0.53g
Niacin 674.4mg
Calcium 143mg
Phosphorus 10mg
Iron 0.30mg
Ascorbic acid 15.74mg
1. PALM JAGGERY: It is also called as palm gur. Jaggery is made
byboiling neera in a galvanized iron pan at 110°C. Neera gets
transformed in to viscous fluid which is poured in to shells and allowed
to harden. About 8 liters of neera is required to get 1 kg of jaggery.
Jaggery contains good nutritive and medicinal values. Major problem of
jaggery storage is blackening of colour in short period which needs to be
2. PALM CANDY: Neera free from debris boiled in an alloy
vessel adding small quantity of superphospate. After uniform
boiling the liquid is allowed to cool. After removal of sediments
it is heated to 110°C for 2 hours until it reaches honey like
consistency. The fluid is then allowed to cool and poured in to
chrystaliser. Sugar crystals start forming after 45-60 days.
3. PALM HONEY: Neera is heated for 2 hours to obtain the
honey like consistency. The syrup then is transferred to mud
Pots. Ripe, dry and shelled tamarind fruits devoid of seeds
are added in to syrup. About 1 kg of fruit is required for
adding to10 liters of syrup. The pot is closed tightly with
cloth and vessels are kept in a shock proof, cool and dry
place for 130 – 180 days. Sugar chrystalises on the sutures of
tamarind and the fruits become delicious.
A. Dehydrated palmyrah tuber
A. Neera Khova
B. Neera Pongal
C. Neera Payasam
3. As production of the most economic produces like neera , fruit and nungu are
seasonal, there is a need to further concentrate on the development of
post harvest techniques so as to preserve the produce in its natural farm for
longer periods. It will generate employment to the poor workers round the year