Malpositions and Malpresentations Final
Malpositions and Malpresentations Final
Malpositions and Malpresentations Final
• Malposition and its management:
OccipitoTransverse (OT)
OccipitoPosterior (OP)
Factors that favour malposition
Pendulous abdomen- in multiparae
Anthropoid pelvic brim- favours direct
Android pelvic brim
Occiput Posterior
Occiput Transverse
Abdominal examination - the lower part of the abdomen is
flattened, fetal limbs are palpable anteriorly and the fetal flank.
Vaginal examination - the posterior fontanelle is toward the
sacrum and the anterior fontanelle may be easily felt if the head
is deflexed
How to diagnose :
Course of labour usually normal, except for prolonged
second stage (>2hours)
Abdominal examination :
a) Lower part of the abdomen is flattened
b) Difficult to palpate fetal back.
c) Fetal limbs are palpable anteriorly
d) Fetal heart may be heard in the flanks
Vaginal examination:
a) Posterior fontanelle towards the sacral-iliac joint (difficult)
b) Anterior fontanelle is easily felt, if head deflexed
c) Fetal head may be markedly molded with extensive caput,
making diagnosing correct station and position difficult. 8
Nursing MGT
Encourage the mother to lie on her side from the fetal back,
which may help with rotation.
Pelvic - rocking may Knee - chest position
help with rotation. may facilitate rotation.
Assess psychological and physical factors that may affect reports of
fatigue level
Monitor physical response for example, palpitations/rapid pulse
Monitor fetal heart beat and contractions continuously.
Refraining from intervening with client during contraction.
Keep client and family informed progress.
Provide support during labor through personal touch and contact.
These methods convey concern.
Continue support and encouragement.
Make the client feel she is somewhat in control of her situation.
Provide client and family teaching.
Identify client’s perception of the threat presented by the situation.
• Breech 3 in 100
• Face 1 in 500
• Brow 1 in 2000
• Shoulder 1 in 300
• Compound
Breech Presentation
The perinatal mortality can be up to 4 times that of
vertex presentation.Complications are:
- Increased risk of prolapsed cord.
- Increased risk of CTG abnormalities.
- Mechanical difficulties with delivery of shoulders/head
At or after 36 weeks
Confirmation by ultrasound
In a transverse lie, a
fetus lies horizizontally in
the pelvis so that the
longest fetal axis is
perpendicular to that of the
The presenting part is
usually one of the
shoulders (acromion
process), an iliac crest, a
hand, or an elbow.
Maternal Fetal
The brow
presentation is
caused by partial
extension of the
fetal head so that
the occiput is MGT: If the fetus is alive or dead,
higher than the deliver by caesarean section.
sinciput. *Do not deliver brow presentation
by vacuum extraction, outlet
forceps or symphysiotomy.
Shoulder Presentation
• Occurs as a result of transverse lie
or oblique lie
• Predisposing factors = placenta
previa,high parity,pelvic
tumour,uterine anomaly
• On abdominal
examination, neither the head nor
buttocks can be felt at the
symphysis pubis and the head
is usually felt in the flank.
• On vaginal examination, a
shoulder may be felt, but not
always. Delay in diagnosis risk cod
prolapse and uterine rupture.