Aissce: Cambridge Court High School
Aissce: Cambridge Court High School
Aissce: Cambridge Court High School
Investigatory project
Rutherford model of scattering
• Before performing this experiment , it was assumed by Rutherford
that most of the alpha particles would pass through the gold foil with
less deflection. He assumed this on the basis of basis of theory
proposed by JJ Thomson which said that the negative charge in the
“plum pudding model” is widely spread.
• On bombarding the alpha particles, they were scattered in different
directions with different angles and were detected by fluorescent
rotatable detector which has a microscope and a screen coated with
zinc sulphide.
• After performing his experiment , he made the following
1. Almost all the alpha particles went straight through the foil.
2. Some alpha particles were deflected at large angles.
3. Very few of the alpha particles even bounced backwards or retraced
their path after hitting the gold foil.
On the basis of these observations Rutherford made the following
• Since most of the alpha particles passed straight through the gold
foil without any deflection , most of the space within the atoms is
• Some of the alpha particles were deflected by large angles since
they must have been repelled by a positive charge. It was
concluded that the volume occupied by the positive charge is very
small and concentrated at the center of the atom rather than being
distributed uniformly in it.
• One in ten thousands even bounced backwards as they
experienced head on collision with the positive charge at the
center of the gold atoms . From this , Rutherford inferred that the
majority of the mass too was concentrated in a central core.
• An atom has a tiny positively charged core which
contains most of the mass over 99.9% of the mass of
the atom.
• The electrons revolve around the nucleus in circular
paths similar to the planets revolve around the Sun.
The electrostatic force of attraction between the
nucleus and electron provides centripetal force.
• The estimated radius of the nucleus is at least
1/100000 times than that of the radius of the atom.
• The amount of positive charge in the nucleus is equal
to the amount of negative charge on the electrons. So,
the atom as a whole is electrically neutral.
• According to classical electromagnetic theory, being a charged
particle , electron must emit energy when it is accelerated.
• Around the nucleus, the motion of electron is an accelerated
motion, hence it must radiate energy. But this does not happen in
actual practice.
• Assume that if it occurs, then due to continuous loss of energy,
orbit of electron must decrease continuously. As a result, electron
will fall into the nucleus eventually after some time. But this is
against the practical situation and hence this shows that atom is
• If the electrons emit energy continuously, continuous spectrum
should be formed. But in practical, line spectrum is observed.