Daftar Tilik APN
Daftar Tilik APN
Daftar Tilik APN
Supraspinatus tear
Presented by:
Marinda Dwi Anggrainie Supervisor :
111 2017 1011
dr. Arianto Arief, M. Kes, Sp.OT
A supraspinatus tear is a tear or rupture of the tendon of
the supraspinatus muscle. The supraspinatus is part of the rotator cuff of the
The shoulder joint is made up of three bones : the humerus, scapula and
The most common risk factors for a tear consist of a history of trauma,
dominant arm and age.
1. Fall on your outstretched arm
s tear
Rotator cuff
Subjective interview:
Onset: Spontaneous or after injury
Duration of pain
Pain provocation/aggravating factors
Night rest
Same problems in the past?
Activity limitations
Localize pain
Past medical history
Recreational or sport activities (possible overhead activities)
Any atrophy present
Range of motion:
1. Expect reductions in flexion, abduction and external rotation
2. If passive abduction range is more than active range, it is an indication of
rotator cuff tear
Muscle power
Test supraspinatus by resisting abduction at 90° and internal rotation
Scapular movement may be affected
Palpation: Forearm behind back to palpate rotator cuff just anterior and below
the acromion
*Muscle atrophy present
•Subacromial grind test
Special tests
1. Drop-arm test: Active shoulder abduction to 90°, then return
Positive: Dropping the arm down with pain indicates a positive test
Injury •Compression
• NSAID's:
• Ibuprofen
Management • Tendon tissue can be weakened by these injections (which would have an adverse effect on the
outcome of a possible surgery)
• Limited to 2 injections
• Physiotherapy (see Physiotherapy management below)
Surgical Management •Single bundle
•Double bundle
A. Post operatif day 1-7 B. Post operatif day 8 – 10
1. Control pain and swelling 1. Suture removal
2. Care for the knee & dressing 2. Physical therapy
3. Early range of motion exercise 3. Maintain full extension
4. Achieve and maintain full passive extension 4. Returning to work
5. Prevent shutdown of the quadriceps muscles
6. Gait training
C. Post operative week 2
1. Maintain full extension
2. Achieve 100-120 degrees of flexion
3. Develop enough muscular control to wean off knee immobilizer
4. Control swelling in the knee
D. Post operative week 3 – 4
1. Full range of motion
2. Strenght through exercise
E. Post operative week 6 – 12
2. Continued strength
3. Introduce treadmill
1. Continued strength