Energy Resources
Energy Resources
Energy Resources
Energy efficiency
- Is the best way to reduce our unnecessary waste
of energy.
- Is the measure of how much work we can get
from each unit of energy we use.
As Amory Lovins, puts it, improving energy efficiency
means “doing more and better with less energy and
money, but with more brains and technology.
Uses of Energy;
a. For generating electricity
b. For residential and commercial lighting
c. For cooling and heating
d. For industrial purposes like mining and smelting
e. For use as raw material (coal, petroleum, and
natural gas are used in making chemicals,
plastics, etc.
Sources of Energy;
A. Primary energy source – is created directly from
the actual energy source.
1. Non-renewable energy source – energy from
the ground that has limited supply, either in the
form of gas, liquid or solid.
- They cannot be replenished or made again in a
short period of time.
Example: oil, natural gas, coal called “fossil fuels”
formed from organic remains of pre-historic plants
and animals.
2. Renewable energy source – energy that comes
from a source that’s constantly renewed, such as
the sun and wind.
- Can be replenished naturally in a short period of
time (we don’t have to worry about them
running out).
- Less than 2% of the world’s electricity comes
from renewable resources.
Example: solar, wind, biomass and hydropower