Financial Accounting and Reporting Retained Earnings
Financial Accounting and Reporting Retained Earnings
Financial Accounting and Reporting Retained Earnings
Retained Earnings
Accounting for Corporations
Learning Objectives:
1. Define retained earnings and show how it is affected by some
accounting events.
2. Discuss dividends in general.
3. Identify the important dates in the dividends distribution.
4. Analyze and record transactions involving cash dividends,
property dividends, share dividends and share splits.
5. Summarize the effects of dividends and share splits.
6. Differentiate cumulative from non-cumulative preference shares.
Financial Accounting and Reporting – Retained Earnings
Accounting for Corporations
Learning Objectives:
7. Differentiate participating from non-participating preference
8. Illustrate dividends when both preference and ordinary shares
are issued.
9. Explain prior period errors and examine its effect on the financial
10.Prepare a statement of retained earnings.
11.Prepare a statement of changes in shareholders’ equity.
12.Calculate book value per share.
Financial Accounting and Reporting – Retained Earnings
Date of record
A shareholders entitled to the declared dividends is prepared at the date
of record
Date of Payment
The corporation settles its liability on this date.
Issues additional
shares may
2 Non-Cumulative and Participating
contain one
of these 3 Cumulative and Non-Participating
of features: 4 Cumulative and Participating
Doom Dane Publishers, Inc., the premier publisher of accounting, finance,
economics, math, taxation, entrepreneurship, and other business textbooks, has
the following selected accounts in its shareholders’ equity:
The board failed to declare dividends for the past two years. The current year’s
results of operations gave the board reasons to declare cash dividends of P200,000.
Financial Accounting and Reporting – Retained Earnings
Dividends on Preference and Ordinary Shares
In 2017, the bookkeeper of Manalili Realty, Inc. debited Advertising Expense
and credited Cash to record the purchase of a small parcel of land to be used
as the entity’s sales training venue. The entry should have been a debit to
Land and a credit to Cash of P250,000. The effect of this prior period error is to
overstate 2017 advertising expense and ultimately, understate 2017 profit by
the same amount. Land is also understated by P250,000. The external
auditors discovered the prior period error in 2018, The correcting entry will be:
Land 250,000
Retained Earnings 250,000
Based on agreement
The BOD designate a portion of retained earnings for
future expenses, contingencies or other purposes
Financial Accounting and Reporting – Retained Earnings
Retained Earnings
Pinnacle Technologies, Inc. bought 1,000 of its share at 150,000.
A portion of the retained earnings is restricted for the cost of the
treasury purchased.
Retained Earnings
Unappropriated P 61,250
Appropriated 30,000 91,250
Total Share Capital and Retained Earnings P2,025,000
Less: Treasury-Preference, 250 shares at cost 30,000
Total Shareholders’ Equity P1,995,000
Financial Accounting and Reporting – Retained Earnings
Book Value Per Share
Assume that Severino Ramos Security Agency has a total
shareholders’ equity of P180,000 and 5,000 shares of ordinary
shares outstanding. The book value per share is P36
(P180,000/5,000 shares).
Preference Shares:
Book Value per Share, P616,000 / 400 shares Financial Accounting and Reporting – RetainedP1,540
Book Value Per Share
The ordinary book value per share is obtained as follows:
Ordinary Shares: