Sensation, Perception, and Cognition
Sensation, Perception, and Cognition
Sensation, Perception, and Cognition
Physiology Of Sensation, Perception, And Cognition
Sensation is the ability to receive and process stimuli
through the sensory organs.
• The cranial nerves arise from the three structures of the brain and
govern the movement and function of various muscles and nerves
throughout the body (see Figure 38-3).
• The peripheral nerves connect the CNS to other parts of the body
(see Figure 38-4).
Components Of Sensation And Perception
The sensory system is a complex network that
consists of
• Afferent nerve pathways (ascending pathways
that transmit sensory impulses to the brain),
• Efferent nerve pathways (descending
pathways that send sensory impulses from the
brain), the spinal cord, the brain stem, and the
higher cortex (cerebral lobes).
Components Of Cognition
• Cognition includes the cerebral functions of memory, judgment, and emotion. In
order for higher functions (e.g., memory, affect, judgment, perception, and
language) to occur, consciousness must be present.
• Consciousness is a state of awareness of self, others, and the surrounding
• The RAS controls activities such as sleep and wakefulness and monitors the
selective transmission of stimuli to other parts of the neurosensory system.
The primary components of consciousness are arousal and
• The degree of arousal, a component linked closely to the
appearance of wakefulness and alertness, is indicated by a person’s
general response and reaction to the environment.
• Awareness is the capacity to perceive sensory impressions and
react appropriately through thoughts and actions.
• Judgment, the ability to compare or evaluate alternatives to life situations
and arrive at an appropriate course of action, is closely related to reality
testing and depends on effective cognitive functioning.
• Cognitive perceptions are considered in the context of the individual’s
awareness of reality.
Sensory Deficits
• A sensory deficit is a change in the perception of sensory stimuli.
• These deficits can affect all five senses.
Sensory Deprivation
• Sensory deprivation is a state of reduced sensory input from the
internal or external environment, manifested by alterations in
sensory perception.
• Individuals can experience sensory deprivation as a result of illness,
trauma, or isolation.
• A person experiencing sensory deprivation misinterprets the limited
stimuli with a resultant impairment of thoughts and feelings.
The following are factors contributing to sensory
1. Visual or auditory impairments that limit or
prohibit perception of stimuli
2. Drugs that produce a sedative effect on the CNS
and interfere with the interpretation of stimuli
3. Trauma that results in brain damage and
decreased cognitive function
4. Isolation, either physical or social, that results in
the creation of a nonstimulating environment
Individuals who are sensory deprived may exhibit
any of the following characteristics:
1. Inability to concentrate
2. Poor memory
3. Impaired problem-solving ability
4. Confusion
5. Irritability
6. Emotional lability (mood swings)
7. Depression
8. Boredom and apathy
9. Drowsiness
10.Hallucinations (see Table 38-2)
Sensory Overload
Sensory overload is a state of excessive and sustained
multisensory stimulation manifested by behavioral
change and perceptual distortion.
• The nurse should also explore issues such as the client’s current
occupation, home environment, and ability to perform both daily
routines and self-care activities.
Physical Examination
• During the physical examination, the nurse evaluates the client’s
visual, auditory, gustatory, olfactory, and tactile status.
• Assessment of the cranial nerves is done to determine the presence of any neurological deficits.
• Changes in LOC provide clues for underlying disorders, which must be identified and treated early;
see the Safety First display.
• A more detailed mental status assessment is warranted if the client presents with any of the
following: memory deficit, confusion, aphasia (impairment in language functioning), mood swings,
irritability, excessive headaches, behavioral changes, or seizures.
Levels of Consciousness
• The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) was developed as a standardized tool to assess LOC objectively
(Table 38-5).
Functional Abilities
• The nurse needs to have an understanding of the client’s ability to conduct self-care activities.
• Any sensory, perceptual, or cognitive impairments may interfere with the client’s ability to perform
activities of daily living (ADL).
• A person’s environment can affect sensory, perceptual, and
cognitive status in a variety of ways.