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Gender Issues and Anti-Sexual Harassment

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OJT Orientation

June 07, 2019

SLH, VSU, Baybay City, Leyte

Maricel Villalino-Lim
Gender and Development Coordinator
College of Engineering
Visayas State University
The 1987 Philippine Constitution in article II,
section 14 maintains that the State, "recognizes
the role of women in nation building and shall
ensure the fundamental equality before
the law of women and men." The Revised Penal
code of the Philippines, Republic Act No. 3815.
Males Females

Logical Emotional

Aggressive Passive

Better in sciences Better in services

Physically stronger Physically weaker

 Theory that biological
differences between
women and men dictate a
difference in social roles
and personality

 These differences
reinforce the notion that
men are superior and
women are inferior
Women are Men are denied
deprived of the opportunity
access to work, to become
opportunities, nurturers,
independence, express their
power emotions
"Gender“ the role of a male or female in
society, known as a gender role, or an
individual's concept of themselves, or gender

Sometimes, a person's genetically assigned sex

does not line up with their gender identity. These
individuals might refer to themselves as transgender,
non-binary, or gender- nonconforming.
Agender FTM Trans
Androgyne Gender Fluid Trans*
Androgynous Gender Nonconforming Trans Female
Bigender Gender Questioning Trans* Female
Cis Gender Variant Trans Male
Cisgender Genderqueer Trans* Male
Cis Female Intersex Trans Man
Cis Male Male to Female Trans* Man
Cis Man MTF Trans Person
Cis Woman Neither Trans* Person
Cisgender Female Neutrois Trans Woman
Cisgender Male Non-binary Trans* Woman
Cisgender Man Other Transfeminine
Cisgender Woman Pangender
Female to Male
Transsexual Male
Transgender Female
Transsexual Man
Transgender Male
Transsexual Person
Transgender Man
Transsexual Woman
Transgender Person
Transgender Woman
Transsexual Female
"Gender refers to the socially constructed
characteristics of women and men, such as
norms, roles, and relationships of and between
groups of women and men. It varies from
society to society and can be changed."
It is the vision that men and women should be
treated equally in social, economic and all other
aspects of society, and to not be discriminated
against on the basis of their gender. ... World
bodies have defined gender equality in terms of
human rights, especially women's rights, and
economic development.
Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of
individuals are not treated differently or less
favourably , on the basis of their specific
protected characteristic, including areas of
race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual
orientation and age.
- means that men and women
have equal power and equal opportunities for
financial independence, education, and
personal development.
also known as sexual equality or equality of the
sexes, is the state of equal ease of access to
resources and opportunities regardless of
gender, including economic participation and
decision-making; and the state of valuing
different behaviours, aspirations and needs
equally, regardless of gender.
Occupational inequality is the unequal
treatment of people based on gender,
sexuality, height, weight, accent, or race in
the workplace.
Title. - This Act shall be known as the "Anti-
Sexual Harassment Act of 1995."
Declaration of Policy. - The State shall value the
dignity of every individual, enhance the
development of its human resources, guarantee
full respect for human rights, and uphold the
dignity of workers, employees, applicants for
employment, students or those undergoing
training, instruction or education. Towards this
end, all forms of sexual harassment in the
employment, education or training environment
are hereby declared unlawful.
Work, Education or Training -Related, Sexual
Harassment Defined. - Work, education or training-
related sexual harassment is committed by an
employer, employee, manager, supervisor, agent of
the employer, teacher, instructor, professor, coach,
trainor, or any other person who, having authority,
influence or moral ascendancy over another in a work
or training or education environment, demands,
requests or otherwise requires any sexual favor from
the other, regardless of whether the demand, request
or requirement for submission is accepted by the
object of said Act.
(1) Against one who is under the care, custody or supervision of
the offender;
(2) Against one whose education, training, apprenticeship or
tutorship is entrusted to the offender;
(3) When the sexual favor is made a condition to the giving of a
passing grade, or the granting of honors and scholarships, or the
payment of a stipend, allowance or other benefits, privileges, or
consideration; or
(4) When the sexual advances result in an intimidating, hostile or
offensive environment for the student, trainee or apprentice.
Any person who directs or induces another to
commit any act of sexual harassment as
herein defined, or who cooperates in the
commission thereof by another without
which it would not have been committed,
shall also be held liable under this Act.
Duty of the Employer or Head of Office in a Work-
related, Education or Training Environment. - It shall
be the duty of the employer or the head of the work-
related, educational or training environment or
institution, to prevent or deter the commission of acts
of sexual harassment and to provide the procedures
for the resolution, settlement or prosecution of acts
of sexual harassment. Towards this end, the employer
or head of office shall:
 (a) Promulgate appropriate rules and
regulations in consultation with and jointly
approved by the employees or students or
trainees, through their duly designated
representatives, prescribing the procedure
for the investigation of sexual harassment
cases and the administrative
sanctions therefore.
is an imposition of misplaced "superiority"
which is enough to dampen an employee’s
spirit and her capacity for advancement. It
affects her sense of judgment; it changes her
Any actions or words with a sexual connotation
that interfere with an employee's ability to
work or create an uncomfortable atmosphere
are considered sexual harassment.
Can come in many forms:
 Unwanted sexual advances;
 Requests for sexual favors;
 Verbal or physical harassment of a sexual
nature would also constitute sexual
 Making offensive remarks about a person’s
Marunong kang
Virgin ka pa?
mag drive?

May Naa kay Ganahan man

experience ka uyab? ko nimu oi
Exposure to Internet pornography has
potential implications for adolescent sexual
relationships, such as number of partners and
substance use. Sexual Explicit Websites
(SEWs) can serve an educational purpose and
create an opportunity for adults to engage
adolescents in discussions about sexual
health and consumption of Internet material.
 sexual favoritism
 pressure for dates or sexual favors
 gifts, letters, calls, e-mails, or materials of a
sexual nature
 unwelcome physical contact (touching,
patting, stroking, rubbing)
 catcalls or whistling in a demeaning manner
with sexual overtones
 inappropriate comments about dress or
physical appearance
 Tell harasser to stop in calm & loud voice,
SCREAM if needed to call attention.
 Leave place/compromising situation
 Use whatever defense tactics you know:
kicking, biting, slapping
 Write down details and circumstances as
accurately as possible to facilitate further
 Informal Procedure – Have the incident
documented/recorded only; both parties undergo

 Formal procedure - Complainant files a written

complaint to the ASHO. Probable cause will be
determined prior to conduct of a formal
investigation and hearing.
 Be Aware of Warning Signs: locked door, other staff or
students being sent out of the room.
 Be alert to suggestive looks, comments and body language
of potential harassers. Get out of situations when these
 Do all your consultations in academic buildings preferably
in groups or with a friend and stick to academic matters.
 Find out who are the reputed harassers and stay away
from them.
Temporary Location: Institute for Strategic Research and
Development Studies (ISRDS)
Telephone Number: 563-7695
Email address: gad.office@vsu.edu.ph
Look for:

Prof. Maria Aurora “Tess” T.W. Tabada

University GAD / ASHO Coordinator & ISRDS Director

Ms. Letty Jean “LJ” C. Lor

Science Research Assistant
Maricel V. Lim
COE GAD Coordinator

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