Gender Issues and Anti-Sexual Harassment
Gender Issues and Anti-Sexual Harassment
Gender Issues and Anti-Sexual Harassment
Maricel Villalino-Lim
Gender and Development Coordinator
College of Engineering
Visayas State University
The 1987 Philippine Constitution in article II,
section 14 maintains that the State, "recognizes
the role of women in nation building and shall
ensure the fundamental equality before
the law of women and men." The Revised Penal
code of the Philippines, Republic Act No. 3815.
Males Females
Logical Emotional
Aggressive Passive
These differences
reinforce the notion that
men are superior and
women are inferior
Women are Men are denied
deprived of the opportunity
access to work, to become
opportunities, nurturers,
independence, express their
power emotions
"Gender“ the role of a male or female in
society, known as a gender role, or an
individual's concept of themselves, or gender