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Sources of Water Supply
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Sources of Water Supply
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SOURCES OE WATER SUPBEY. APPASAHEB BIRNALE COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE, SANGLI ADVANCE SERVICES-| Nt Man SPY FOURTH YEAR B. ARCH. PINON}SOURCES OF WATER SUPPLY : Ue atu em Ra ee eeu AC} Celene a Ml eat Reel eteouseaeestee Rng cer an ea Rela (1) Surface source for water supply schemes Pe ere Rete hems ens RocaSURFACE SOURCES FOR WATER SUPPLY: TO ree aa aratcy ee Ro Pao eae ean Each of the above form of surface sources will now be briefly discussed Pere Ecc ese ee cage Rae ne ac M a ec ee) Pesaran td eg er el a eat aed aT Peace eo eerie Retreat iui cat etl ieee Gee Ede icy the case with seams which are formed by the surface runoff. ee ec eke eeu cee ea tbat me enti ere aera er egret ce ee eee pint Ss eee eae es eee aca © tis found that the flow of water in stream is quite ample in rainy season. But it becomes less and less in hot season Cee aC te tee a eee OR tee ene cee ec: eeu Serene ene ene a geen ean ele eevee en ay Peace Meee ear aa ee eet als le reese era ea ee ee ree oie sauce i Toi Ac hiaS Se oe ele ce en een Mg Pe omee kee airedPonds: er hee PhotoRec te eee eee eee iad CeCe Cec haere ee ena eae eran See eh SON aaa eae eae a cee ead eas tect CLC ed Rete ee heen aR aera eee eee mee eet a eae ee Bea ae erie cee eee ae Le a eee end PRES EE Mage rit na ea eee eg ene eee ao ae eee ete ee cea een eee cc mo eRe ea en ad Serre ee eee Re ge ene ane eee eT eT Peo ee a ere a S ee een Re eee cee rene erie eee oan eee Le aed eee ea cea Ce ee ee tc ete eee ne ec Bech een ati etd 7 Seen ee eee reer Pee eee ete ee eee ey eee ey ee ener ee eg od ee eae ee eee eee a aInorder to ascertain the quanfy of water available from the river, the discharges al various periods of he year are taken and. Pear ee i ene eee eet ee cee eal ee eS a Cen esres See ea eee ee ee ee ed Bee a a eat re ee ee ead Bester eeee tS Nee Ti eve ‘The qualiy of surface woter obtained trom rivers isnot lob. It con‘ain sit ond suspended imputes, When completely or pony eee heer eae cra area sere eee eae) emt tae ee te eee et eed pee erie ne at ee tet eer et nee nee ere eae) purposes. eee een eee ee ie eee read ose eet eee oe ent ee eres hee Re ee an re ee eas ee te et ee ee te ee Renee eee ere ees en erent rea eee err ero en tae Seales Se ee eee eee eee ee Se ea hincrance to the navigation by banks of deposited sods Cee Soe De eee ae et eee eee ree Ceo pee ee ene Sect a emer Cee ee econ ol Gere eee ee ee ee ar eee a ee Cee eeeC © Anarifcial lake formed fy the construction af dam across a valleys termed as a storage reservoir. Whatever Rete ae eres ae ea eae rs cy cae The most important physical characteristic of a reservorris therefore is storage capacity. The topographic survey of the dam sites carried out and a contour map is prepared. The capacity of reservoiris hen worked ou! with the help of the contour map. See ego ae eee Re ana ca aed Rae eter eee et rete et hee ser een a ees ee os Pole ted ee eget cae I en eae eR CCC neg Crea ee ee aca} ‘Agate chamber containing necessary vaives for regulating the flow of water. ‘At present, thisisrather the chief source of water supply schemes for very big cities. the mull-purpose reservoirs Ce ee ee eae ue Pe ere eur | Sanceg eal ean assures the command area of water in any season and of any amount,UNDERGROUND SOURCES FOR WATER SUPPLY: inthis type of source, the water that has percolated into the ground is brought on the surface. The eerie eer enn Ru acne coco eae cD Mn oe ace ael og are Raa n ate ase ue See nen elma olor) eel ener rreceian Gane Re eae mat aa aR rea eee ea} eters Beene ge ecu ee er ae eet nach aos eM an eel ea ene ec eee cen ic elem oMe Mace ARAM ot ade A ol Loe @ The different courses or layers of earth beds are classified as aquifers, aquicludes and aquifuges. @ The previous layers are known as the aquifers or water-bearing strata, They supply water whenever we need it. If aquifer consists of sand and gravel strata, it gives good supply of drinking water. The ee ae ene eS ete a ke etc ee eee Eee ae Ee en ea ee eee a Ce eM oT Cotte a eM a en eee a oe aa el maa of Granite, Quartzite, Dolerite, ete. Ree eee nN Meee ele Rt me Ee Rergere aenn a eee ce Sea ee ee oe eee a ee nd eines Pere earners nee tee aca ect) emo ens Oe en aa eT ros Se ogee te ee 2s rd ee eee eee aa oe See a 5 SER eee ee eee eee a eee ee ee er eee ee Peer ea ee een ener rae ee ee mee ee ore Ue naar eee eed ko ets So en gn oe oc ce ea co ae faeces octalPe Ae ee am ats Sneed gee ages According to this law, Q=KA es Cee een ea) oregano eee no en ae eee en ee ica NCR Reyee eer eee eee ee ea aa aay Sa aaa Re eb (eee relre aie ye Lm ee eae ete Neotel es eae oe ne das eee Reread a eo) one Oe ae ee een Le eld ee eee Se cee ar ae od anceas ec ene Nee eae ee 7 See) ee eee face eee eee eee eee ee rd Hee ese : Pees) EMG Monika denductucbel acai uce eee CMAs tet eae ae arn ee ee ee en Peery Pane ete A eee ea ee Cetera ee tutte eh eerie carer cs eee cee Pe ee ea eeeNR soa Ree Men eC a Mato a ne ae a ane ee CM RIS ee MeCN aN nar eae Cole oN ee re eu a tee elo CIR RC etre RLS Ee EE UL TU eR i RO Peacoat eee eae on aurea el em Rice euch naa Tal Underground travel. The usual minerals present are calcium, ron, magnesum, manganese, potassium and BS Are seen ie et a eT CR orc Cues Cea Ulta ncaa Ae Lee CO Cea Aa rece Meee M Carrer icy lea re Mareseet a Lee a em a Fd see AN Na age Rese N ae ena eae Ne ake ea ou ny Boe eee een ed el co i ae Porn SRNL eae er ee aoe ere eee Rg eeu Aneel uae Toay lacie] mite cea ee aM ee ke aay emer aes ae er oe a ea aaa Aan Pear eee aegis ee a eine geet Dee et aa aS eae a etc a ae ec ee eee Eire e er arte ar eae ag ree ae oy Eee at a ar ea eee ee ee eeFORMS OF UNDERGROUND SOURCES neater) eee Mec ee iicici Oe eae Each of the above form of the underground sources will now be separately discussed in brief Cues ete ene serra eee eae ae ee ea nee ieee eu) © The gallery is usually constructed of brick walls with sab root as shown in fig 3-1. The gallery obtains its water from Beas eet treet aha eee tee ase aed Ba aaa eae eas Pee ieee hee te eee ete eee ante eee eaten eat Bs Rear eee ee ae ee ee eee eatin 6 (teat ais Se oe tne emi oo eeeRiver or Strea gallery | or Stream Loose material z an drain ee ee Infiltration galleryTeun @ Inorder to obtain large quantities of water, the infiltration wells are sunk in series in the banks Cm Meet Nelt Regie Reka eR Reda d fe teui AMIS al oa keegan eR a Pega eer Roe eee cde Na kao CMe Saco gM ate outs aed et acolo aes to fel Fees Rela et ¢ The infiltration wells in turn are connected by porous pipes to a collecting sump, known as Bote ata oe aN ne MNase ol imager cette Rael A Maelo hel at flow of gravity into the jack well. The water from jack well is pumped to the purification plant Creates CN ere Aa tesa ue eco ae a ole collectors. This method is practised in continent and as itis very common in France, itis sometimes referred to as the French system of tapping underground water. It consists of a Nreene Relate ulin eu al Rc ae ae ee eel re RCanCy [erento coe eR enn gerem NR Meee enol eR FRR are Cea ua col ed elo aA uel eA Cere lee egal eee ME a Rok Nera Ree eee ence oe a aos sels may be installed at different levels, if possible. The inner end of each collector pipe is filted with a sluice valve and these valves are rel hcl UN ete a RR LR ne ole Ree Rcd from the well is then pumped directly into mains. It is claimed that there is considerable increase in the yield from such a well and it varies from 500 m to 4000 m per hour depending MeN olan lua tela Ree UcSandy river bed Ss ——— T Porous pipes fro infiltration wells J Masonry wall SY with open join i Plan of jack well witheee ERC eae got Pa areas eg a a ere mee te eke Mere) OREN a eee Ree ein The horizontal collectors are controlled from single unit installed on top of vertical well The steel pipes remain submerged in water for all the time and hence they are not coroded SSAC eel cee Nae ee eae Rea eae a) eeee The water obtained by this method is clean, fresh and bacteriologically pure. It practically does not require any treatment @ When the collector pipes are being driven out, the process of descending is carried out to avoid any possibility of choking of the collector pipes. The collector pipes are finally covered by coarse materials and hence there are less chances of clogging at a later stage: @ The surface area of collection under the command of a well with French system is 30 to 40 times TreeMNoraN te eRe Ree aan o oan Peete em ieee Maina ne ae ean Serena eM crane tht keke Mae Rec a eee oe considerably reduced. Perea eine Ae sou en Ree hae ge a ase og haan er a rita ero eMac Rehan ek Pee Mal cule ogee Mes aunts RaTe Teo ln MR AR ee eld ek el oN oc See re eR a a TTS a Rua Resa oooory ¢ When ground water appears at the surface for any reason, the springs are formed. They serve as source of water supply for small towns, especially near hills or bases of hills. Some springs discharge hot water due to the presence of sulphur and other minerals in their formations, These hot springs Renee ee thes cke ae RAR eC rc uk Race eh i eae ee kk a ae end good spring for the purpose of water supply scheme. However, when a spring is to be developed as eaten Area Manoir gel Leeks aera! @ Itshould be easier, cheaper and surer enough to develop the spring for the locality than to adopt Ce eee le eRe meee a ya See ies ieee ete ace emg oo The spring should be so located as to have natural gravity flow. cy Meee Rec E Nel Dyes ene mec ein eensOre es In this type of spring, the ground water comes fo the surface under pressure as shown in fig. 3-14 CR aa hip ce oun ae ae ccs aN oe ra iS nT eee aa ae eMC ai au a Sandwiched in between two impervious stata and the hydraulic gradient is above the ground level Wate: gushes a tele ies eae ARS eee Ra huey Fe etcetera me Se a? Creme Meer eee tae Me RoR aa an a Cees eee ee ee ea ea ear) ecu ae tem a eae ts eat ane ava ge eee Ce eget ste Eee ee a RSM RC eo aL eis riocor ae A eee eter eae cel ea ee see LL ee ee a area Dene eee Aad © The quantity of water available from surface springs is quite uncertain and the cul-off walls as shown in fig. 3-17, NE Sh arc eC a id CM NAc Raa Reg eo ae Nae tea pec on eene aA ae kamal eo Pelee cum e ee ewes aN TNC ley Meee ewe ace al Supplies. The spring waler which is no} disturbed by rainfalls usually afiractive in appearance and of good FSSA TRU a a Ser eed Seta aeSurface of ground water P - Pervious layer 1- Impervious layer Artesian spring Fic. 3-14 Fi Crack Artesian spring — ye ea P - Pervious layer 1 - Impervious layerGravity spring Surface of ground water Impervious layerro © Awellis defined as an articial hole or pit made in the ground for the purpose of tapping water. The holes made for Pes net er Butin the general sense, 0 wel indicates a source of water. In India, the chief source of water supply for most ofits Poo ee ea kei aoe al ee tose eee Eun oa Cr va Se ee eae eee Ree eee Pees en Sneed oR Cree ace ee eee eee eee ee ere eee ree a ee eae mee ae} eae rae ata eta el ant eae tr ee eee ene ge ead ear tea ee er Reet et ae Diener Ce ee eee ee eee aan ene een Me eee Fae ees Rees eae er ee ee eee ere ied ae rie Rete ete tee ei Pc a PM meas er ete Es CClassiication Of Wells ee eee eae an ee een ee ec oeeen nr tes Pees rte ert Se eee ee ee re eee ene ee eee) Res ee ee ee eo ate eee Dieeecee Soe an eel retiree eee ee Lae Teethers ioe cree eee ene een eee Eisen ec Rec ire ee ee i eae ee Tene Doe eee ein eens Tee eres Pee eet ener nn eee eres ene ke ee ae eee ee ee ae Pe ee es eres er ae ee ea ee ene ee nee eer ere ose Oe ere a et eer Ee aie eee le he een eee ere eet eee eect) ieee eC nr ie are eee Pane Atk ae? Cee ee ee ee ee ee ‘The quanti of water rom a shollow wells que infrie to hat rom any one Source Al he Impustes ofthe ground may east id tne Be ee ne ee eee ea bee eee SO ee ae ee a eee ee eee ee te os Se ae re ee a eee ee en er eee ens ire nati te ere ene Ree er eee Meo Parca tons) Ree ee et ee ae eke ete ear Paetsch eerSurface of ground water Y ~~ Steining of thickness 300 mm to 500 mmParts © The deep wells obtain their quota of water from an aquifer below an impervious layer as shown in fig. 3-19, The CeO Rese aa Maha ero ces Some ca SL Fetes Okeke eh Reece el ec sees Rae erat kere Maa Ca ee heae Nea Mela mt ate Ha A Pn tae a a aa ko tee Re Pade lellcuk Mitek Minute area Manet eM CEES rN iste rg Tle geet eel Si cea Cece an Le Re a alia ROC SUE ieee eg Me ee la eo Seay pao © The depth of deep well should be decided in such a way thal the location of outcrop is not very near fo the site of MNase Rea age aeeteo M ce Lem Nesey eee a a ea ee aaa a RCS TUBE WELLS: ¢ Atube welis a deep well having a diameter of about 50 mm to 200 mm and it obtainsits quota of water from a Cee cierto Re Lael ete a ere ees a aor CON ee emma eee eee cn eon Tee ee eg ee ee eee eae’ (eRe ese este ger ae ues ed Tune Ree ete eee eae eae oie tee en oe ae peared (d) The overall construction of a tube wellis easier and cheaper than that of an ordinary well {e) The installation of tube wells helps in lowering the ground water table and itis thus possible fo reclaim the water- eenP Pervious, Dutcrop P- Pervious layer 1 - Impervious ayer Strainer HAD pipe P-- Pervious layer T- Impervious layer + Bottom of boreOren eh et ea a ete Ree a eee Nee OE eae ac ei eee eu eco vee aM noe a Boas ona eee eee) © The theory of working of an artesian wel s based on the principle of hydraulics, namely, that water tends fo remain at the Peete ial ee ane nee ene teen ae ee ena nel aay IRR ECM ee an ae er er ra eee eae ene gan AeA ace ey Deen cence ea ee eee eet eT ee Boos Ne pe ce I oR cc eee eee ea eee een ee oes Olen ee easel Cee eee © Incose of fly artesion wel, the water comes up the bore under pressure and it's available above ground. In case of semi- a eS oe at Co ere Sree enero ei ona a ee eco a ee eee rs Se Metals a ule an a eee ee LS Bierce ied ee nS cee I a Ses Serco Gee i ee oe ee ce eeeTYPES OF WELL CONSTRUCTION ‘he three common methods of well construction are digging ativing, and boring or ailing. Accordingly, the wells may Pete ee otcs een See cece eon ee ee re oe ake ee cr} © Dug wells: In this method of construction, a hole is made in the ground by manual labour till a flow of wateris pee ee eee nate eee Gee ae a ae ete) prevent the entry of waler directly from the surface, « circular wall of small height is sometime constructed al the eC eee ee ema © Driven wells: n this method of construction. « specially designed well points driven into the ground to top water etiam ice reer ay unconsolidated Soils, The diameter of driven wells varies from 25 mm fo 80 mm and the driving is caried out by rene ree aes Oe et he aaa eee en ee cc ea eee a od Beef eee a et a a sees eased as
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