Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics
Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics
Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics
Chapter 1
The Study of Sociology and
Meaning of Sociology & Anthropology
• Survival
•Feeling of gregariousness
• Specialization
Historical Development Society
• Fossils of man, like skeletons, such as his height,
posture, shape and capacity of the skull
• How the creature lived, like their tools, evidences
of fire, types of animal bones, evidence that once a
cave was occupied over a period of time.
Historical Development Society
Basic Dimensions
of Social Life
• Personality & character are
molded, shaped & reshaped by the
society where we live.
Social Process
• is a long & complicated way of being
inducted into a group whereby an individual
interacts & learns the physical, intellectual &
social skills, values & culture of the society
where he is a member.
Social Process
• it begins at birth & continues
throughout life
• in this process, the individual becomes a
social person, for example, a recognized
Stages of Social Process
• Imitation Stage
• Play Stage
• Game Stage
Importance of Social Process
• It plays a vital role in the transmission
of culture. It is through social process by
which society transmits its culture to the
succeeding generation.
Importance of Social Process
• It plays a vital role in personality
development. Social process largely
determines the child’s personality
Importance of Social Process
• It plays a vital role in sex-role
differentiation. Every individual is expected
to play his role in society
Social Group
• is composed of 2 or more persons interacting with
each other with established set of norms.
• is a specified number of individuals whereby one is
distinct from the others with respect to values,
attitudes, knowledge but have a common purpose
as a whole.
• consists of 2 or more individuals interacting with each
other & constituting a distinct social unit.
• is a set of individuals with some similar characteristics
& minimum awareness of others.
• is a number of people who, at a given time, interrelate
with one another with common shared attitudes,
sentiments, aspirations & goals & with a set of norms.
Characteristics of Social Groups
• A group must have relative permanence.
• A group must have a goal or purpose of
• A group must have a method of recruiting
members into it.
• Members in a group must be identified according
to their positions.
Characteristics of Social Groups
• Members must have roles in a group.
• A group must have a norm of behavior to be
• Members of a group must have common interest
& values.
• Social relations among the members in a group
Dimensions of Groups
1. Size
2. Structure
3. Goals
4. Cohesiveness
5. Members’ Identity
6. Existence of Leadership
Classification of Groups
1. According to Closeness of
a. Primary group
b. Secondary group
Classification of Groups
2. According to Self-Identification
a. In-group & Out-group
b. Peer group (play group, gang, clique)
c. Reference group
d. Voluntary group (Personal interest groups, Self
service groups & Political action groups)& Involuntary
Classification of Groups
4. According to Lineage
a. Clan
b. Tribe
Basis for Grouping
1. Common ancestral relationship
2. Physical proximity
3. Similarity in body characteristics
4. Similarity in interest
Group’s Influence on the Individual
• When an individual becomes a member
of a group, his behavior is influenced and
affected by the group.
Measures of Cohesiveness
• Number of friends
• Morale of the members
• Sense of belongingness
• Commitment of the members
Social Stratification
• is the ranking of individuals & groups in
any given society.
• is the hierarchical arrangement of social
categories that evolve into social groups with
their status & roles.
Social Stratification
• is a social structure where individuals are
differentiated according to social status & roles.
• refers to what sociologists call it as
“institutionalized inequality” of individual or
“social injustice” due to social categories.
Social Stratification
• is the hierarchical ordering of social positions
along various scales of values.
• is an institutionalized pattern of social inequality
& social injustice by which social categories are
ranked according to class, status and role.
• Society is composed of different groups
with different social structures (social
stratification), that is some groups are
“higher” or “lower” than other groups.
• All societies of any size (large or small)
have a social structure.
• However, as societies grow larger, more
often different groups are formed within
• Social stratification results when one
group has a functional importance in the
community while others do not.
Social Stratification is
Distinguished from Social
Social Stratification is Distinguished from
Social Differentiation
• Social differentiation refers to how people
can be distinguished from one another.
People in a group may differ in skin
color, hair color, race, mental & physical
ability, & the like.
Social Stratification is Distinguished from
Social Differentiation
• Social stratification refers to the ranking of people in a
society. In closed stratification, people cannot change
their ranks while those in the open social stratification,
people can change their ranks. In short, social
stratification refers to separating people into social
categories & these categories are ranked as higher or
Indicators of Social Stratification
1. Sources of income. There are different sources of income.
These are inherited wealth, earned wealth, profits &
professional fees, salaries, wages, private relief, among others.
Wealth is everything that is owned by a person. Inherited
wealth is acquired since birth & without effort. Acquired
wealth is achieved through ones effort either by talent, income
or by marriage. Income refers to the amount of money a
person receives.
Indicators of Social Stratification
2. Occupation. What people do for a living determines,
to a large extent, the social position of the person.
Occupation may be classified into professionals, non-
professionals (clerks, drivers, etc.), proprietors of small
business, skilled workers, semi-skilled workers, unskilled
Indicators of Social Stratification