Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) : Prepared By: M.Ganesh Murugan

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Prepared by : M.Ganesh Murugan
 Total productive maintenance (TPM) originated in
Japan in 1971 as a method for improved machine
availability through better utilization of
maintenance and production resources.
 TPM is a maintenance process developed for
improving productivity by making processes more
reliable and less wasteful.TPM is an extension of
TQM(Total Quality Management)
Why TPM ?
 TPM was introduced to achieve the following
objectives. The important ones are listed below.
 Avoid wastage in a quickly changing economic
 Producing goods without reducing product quality.

 Reduce cost.

 Produce a low batch quantity at the earliest possible

 Goods send to the customers must be non defective.
What is TPM?
 “Strategy of TPM is to change the attitude from “I
use, You maintain” to “I use, I maintain”.
 Think about how to Increase production and
reduced cost by reducing or eliminating loss, and
this is the TPM.
Objectives of TPM
 To improve equipment effectiveness
 TPM examines the effectiveness of facilities by
identifying and examining all loses.
Example: Downtime loses, Speed loses, and defect loses.
 To achieve autonomous Maintenance
 TPM allows the people who operate equipment to take
responsibility of the maintenance tasks.
 To train all staff in relevant maintenance skills
 TPM places a heavy emphasis on appropriate and
continuous training to all operating and maintenance
Objectives of TPM
 To plan maintenance
 TPM has a systematic approach to all maintenance
 To achieve early equipment management
 TPM aims to move towards zero maintenance through
“Maintenance Prevention”.
The Evolution of Maintenance

First Generation Second Generation Third Generation

• Fix it when it • Plant availability • Higher plant

broke • Increase availability
equipment life • Higher Reliability
• Lower cost • Increase safety
• Better Quality
• No damage to the
• Increase
Equipment life
• Greater cost
Types of maintenance
 Breakdown maintenance
 Itmeans that people waits until equipment fails and
repair it. Such a thing could be used when the
equipment failure does not significantly affect the
operation or production or generate any significant loss
other than repair cost
Types of maintenance
 Preventive Maintenance
 Preventive Maintenance is periodic maintenance that
retains the condition of equipment and prevents failure
through the prevention of deterioration, periodic
inspection, and equipment condition diagnosis. PM
includes cleaning, inspection, lubrication and tightening.
 Preventive Maintenance is further divided into
Periodic Maintenance and Predictive Maintenance.
 Periodic Maintenance is time-based.
 Predictive Maintenance is condition-based.
Types of maintenance
 Corrective Maintenance
 Corrective Maintenance improves equipment and its
components so that preventive maintenance can be
performed reliably. Equipment with a design weakness
is redesigned with corrective maintenance to improve
reliability or maintainability.
Types of maintenance
 Maintenance Prevention
 Maintenance Prevention deals with improving the
design of new equipment. Current machine data
(information leading to failure prevention, easier
maintenance, prevention of defects, safety, and ease of
manufacturing) are studied and designs are
incorporated in new equipment.
Pillars of TPM
Pillars of TPM
 PILLAR 1 - Autonomous Maintenance
 A collaborative team activity involving production, maintenance, and
 Maintaining Basic conditions on shop floor & in Machines.

 All over participation through TPM Circles.

Example: 5 S’, JISHU HOZEN ( Autonomous maintenance ), etc.,

 An approach that
 Develops operating and maintenance skills
 Strengthens communication and cooperation
Steps in JISHU HOZEN :
 Conduct initial cleaning/inspection
 Eliminate sources of contamination
 Establish provisional standards
 Develop general inspection training
 Conduct general inspections
 Improve workplace management and control
 Participate in advanced improvement activities
Pillars of TPM
 PILLAR 2 - Focused Improvement
 Improvement on every one’s activity.
 Improvement is to eliminate Production losses and cost reduction.
 Improvement in Reliability, Maintainability, and cost.
Pillars of TPM
 PILLAR 3 - Planned Maintenance
 Logical analysis “Real causes for real counter measures”.
 Focus on Prevention.
 It is aimed to have trouble free machines and equipments producing
defect free products for total customer satisfaction.
Example: Preventive Maintenance, Breakdown Maintenance, etc.,
 Six steps in Planned maintenance :
 Equipment evaluation and recoding present status.
 Restore deterioration and improve weakness.
 Building up information management system.
 Prepare time based information system, select equipment, parts and
members and map out plan.
 Prepare predictive maintenance system by introducing equipment
diagnostic techniques.
 Evaluation of planned maintenance.
Pillars of TPM
 PILLAR 4 - Quality Maintenance
 Developing perfect machine for perfect Quality.
 Eliminating In – Process defects and custom complaints.
 Policy :
 Defect free conditions and control of equipments.
 QM activities to support quality assurance.
 Focus of prevention of defects at source
 Focus on POKA-YOKE. ( fool proof system )
 In-line detection and segregation of defects.
 Effective implementation of operator quality assurance.
Pillars of TPM
 PILLAR 5 - Education & Training
 Skills development for uniformity of work practices on machines.
 Skills for Zero defects, Zero breakdowns & Zero accidents.
 Multi Skilled employees in all departments
 Steps in Educating and training activities :
 Setting policies and priorities and checking present status of education and
 Establish of training system for operation and maintenance skill up gradation.
 Training the employees for upgrading the operation and maintenance skills.
 Preparation of training calendar.
 Kick-off of the system for training.
 Evaluation of activities and study of future approach.
 A clear understanding of the criteria for judging normal and abnormal
 The ability to quickly respond to any and all abnormalities
Pillars of TPM
 Four Levels of Skills
 Level 1: Lack both theoretical and practical ability (needs to be
 Level 2: Knows theory but not in practice
 Level 3: Has mastered practice but not theory
 Level 4: Mastered both practice and theory
Pillars of TPM
 PILLAR 6 - Development Management
 Developing machines for “high equipment effectiveness”.
 Quick process for developing new products.

Example: KAIZEN
 Kaizen Policy :
 Practice concepts of zero losses in every sphere of activity.
 relentless pursuit to achieve cost reduction targets in all resources.
 Relentless pursuit to improve over all plant equipment effectiveness.
 Extensive use of PM analysis as a tool for eliminating losses.
 Focus of easy handling of operators.
Pillars of TPM
 PILLAR 7 - Safety, Health & Environment
 Zero accidents and Zero hazards at works.
 Zero Pollution at Plant and Environment.
Pillars of TPM
 PILLAR 8 - Office TPM
 Office TPM must be followed to improve productivity, efficiency in the
administrative functions and identify and eliminate losses. This includes
analyzing processes and procedures towards increased office automation
 Plans & Guidelines:
 Providing awareness about office TPM to all support departments
 Helping them to identify P, Q, C, D, S, M in each function in relation to
plant performance
 Identify the scope for improvement in each function
 Collect relevant data
 Help them to solve problems in their circles
 Make up an activity board where progress is monitored on both sides -
results and actions along with Kaizens.
 Fan out to cover all employees and circles in all functions.
Pillars of TPM
 P Q C D S M in Office TPM :
 P - Production output lost due to Material, Manpower productivity,
Production output lost due to want of tools.
 Q - Mistakes in preparation of cheques, bills, invoices, payroll, Customer
returns/warranty attributable to BOPs, Rejection/rework in BOP's/job
work, Office area rework.
 C - Buying cost/unit produced, Cost of logistics - inbound/outbound, Cost
of carrying inventory, Cost of communication, Demurrage costs.
 D - Logistics losses (Delay in loading/unloading)
 Delay in delivery due to any of the support functions
 Delay in payments to suppliers
 Delay in information
 S - Safety in material handling/stores/logistics, Safety of soft and hard
 M - Number of Kaizens in office areas
Steps in introduction of TPM in a
Stage Step (Nakajima’s 12 Steps)
Preparation Stage Step 1:Announce top management’s decision to introduce
Step 2:Introductory education campaign
Step 3:TPM Promotion
Step 4:Establish basic TPM policies and goals
Step 5: Preparation and Formulation of a master plan
Preliminary Implementation Stage Step 6:TPM kick-off
TPM Implementation Stage Step 7:Develop an equipment management program
Step 8:Develop a planned maintenance program
Step 9:Develop a autonomous maintenance program
Step 10:Increase skills of production and maintenance
Step 11:Develop early equipment management program
Stabilisation Stage Step 12:Perfect TPM implementation and raise TPM levels
Implementation of TPM
Steps in introduction of TPM in a
 Step 1: Announce top management’s decision to
introduce TPM
 State TPM objectives in a company newsletter
 Place articles on TPM in the company newspaper
Steps in introduction of TPM in a
 Step 2: Introductory education campaign
 Seminars for managers
 Slide presentations for all employees
Steps in introduction of TPM in a
 Step 3:TPM Promotion
 Special committees at every level to promote TPM
 Establish an organizational structure

 Newsletters

 Articles

 Videos

 Posters
Steps in introduction of TPM in a
 Step 4: Establish basic TPM policies and goals
 Analyze existing conditions
 Set goals

 Goals that are Result oriented, Specific, Measurable,

Attainable and Realistic
 Predict

 TPM policies and goals should be very much clear to

everyone involved in TPM implementation results.
Steps in introduction of TPM in a
 Step 5: Preparation and Formulation of a master plan
 A master plan lays out your goals, what you will do to
achieve them and when you will achieve them
 Detailed plans for each pillar have to be prepared
 This activity can be carried out by a consultant, plant
personnel, or both.
 Consultant involvement typically begins with a plant visit to
observe production operations, learn about the equipment
(type, function, condition, problems and losses etc.), study
maintenance operations (structure, size and tasks etc.),
gauge orderliness and cleanliness in the plant, and talk to
employees to determine their motivation and attitude
Program Development Master Plan
Steps in introduction of TPM in a
 Step 6: TPM kick-off
 The main kick-off to TPM should take the form of a
formal presentation (feasible study Report)with all
the employees attending
 This opportunity can be used to gain the full support of
the employees
 Invite external customers, affiliated and subcontracting
Steps in introduction of TPM in a
 Step 7: Develop an equipment management program
 The tools of total quality management and continuous improvement are
applied to the management and improvement of equipment
 Form project teams
 Select model equipment
- Identify equipment problems
- Analyze equipment problems
- Develop solutions and proposals for improvement
 Typical membership of a team
- Five to seven operators
- A maintenance person
- A technical expert
 Tools
- Pareto
- Cause & effect
- Root cause
- Methods analysis
Steps in introduction of TPM in a
 Step 8: Develop a planned maintenance program
 Set up plans and schedules to carry out work on
equipment before it breaks down, in order to extend
the life of the equipment
 Include periodic and predictive maintenance

 Include management of spare parts and tools

Steps in introduction of TPM in a
 Step 9: Develop a autonomous maintenance
A handing-over of maintenance tasks from specialized
maintenance personnel to production operators
 Tasks to hand over
- Cleaning
- Lubricating
- Inspecting
- Set-up and adjustment
A Chart for Autonomous Maintenance
Steps in introduction of TPM in a
 Step 10: Increase skills of production and
maintenance personnel
 The training sessions must be planned shortly after the
kick-off presentation
 2 major components
- soft skills training
- technical training
 Train leaders together

 Have leaders share information with group members

Training Skill Development Matrix
Steps in introduction of TPM in a
 Step 11: Develop early equipment management program
 The principle of designing for maintenance prevention can be
applied to new products, and to new and existing machines
 New products must be designed so that they can be easily
produced on new or existing machines
 New machines must be designed for easier operations, changeover
and maintenance
 Existing machines:
- analyze historical records for
- trends of types of failures
- frequency of component failures
- root causes of failures
- determine how to eliminate the problem and reduce maintenance
through an equipment design change or by changing the process
Steps in introduction of TPM in a
 Step 12: Perfect TPM implementation and raise TPM levels
 Evaluate for the PM Award: The Japanese Institute for Productive
Maintenance runs the annual PM Excellence Award. They provide a
checklist for companies applying for the award
 Set higher goals
6 Big Loses
Six Big Loss Loss Category Examples Comment
Breakdowns Down Time Loss Tooling Failures There is flexibility
Unplanned on where to set the
Maintenance threshold between a
General Breakdown (Down
Breakdowns Time Loss) and a
Equipment Failure Small Stop (Speed
Setup and Down Time Loss Setup/Changeover This loss is often
Adjustments Material Shortages addressed through
Operator Shortages setup time reduction
Major Adjustments programs.
Warm-Up Time
6 Big Loses
Six Big Loss Loss Category Examples Comment
Small Stops Speed Loss Obstructed Product Typically only
Flow includes stops that
Component Jams are under five
Misfeeds minutes and that do
Sensor Blocked not require
Delivery Blocked maintenance
Cleaning/Checking personnel.
Reduced Speed Loss Rough Running Anything that keeps
Speed Under Nameplate the process from
Capacity running at its
Under Design theoretical
Capacity maximum speed
Equipment Wear (a.k.a. Ideal Run
Operator Rate or Nameplate
Inefficiency Capacity).
6 Big Loses
Six Big Loss Loss Category Examples Comment
Startup Quality Loss Scrap Rejects during
Rejects Rework warm-up, startup or
In-Process Damage other early
In-Process production. May be
Expiration due to improper
Incorrect Assembly setup, warm-up
period, etc.
Production Quality Loss Scrap Rejects during
Rejects Rework steady-state
In-Process Damage production.
Incorrect Assembly
Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)
OEE measures effectiveness based on scheduled hours
Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)
 Availability
 Calculation: Availability = Available Time / Scheduled
 Example:
 A given Work Center is scheduled to run for an 8 hour (480
minute) shift.
 The normal shift includes a scheduled 30 minute break when the
Work Center is expected to be down.
 The Work Center experiences 60 minutes of unscheduled
 Scheduled Time = 480 min – 30 min break = 450 Min
 Available Time = 450 min Scheduled – 60 min Unscheduled
Downtime = 390 Min
 Availability = 390 Avail Min / 450 Scheduled Min = 87%
Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)
 Performance
 Calculation: Performance = (Parts Produced * Ideal Cycle
Time) / Available Time
 Example:
 A given Work Center is scheduled to run for an 8 hour (480
minute) shift with a 30 minute scheduled break.
 Available Time = 450 Min Sched – 60 Min Unsched Downtime =
390 Minutes
 The Standard Rate for the part being produced is 40 Units/Hour
or 1.5 Minutes/Unit
 The Work Center produces 242 Total Units during the shift. Note:
The basis is Total Units, not Good Units. The Performance metric
does not penalize for Quality.
 Time to Produce Parts = 242 Units * 1.5 Minutes/Unit = 363
 Performance = 363 Minutes / 390 Minutes = 93.0%
Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)
 Quality
 Calculation: Quality = Good Units / Units Started
 Example:
 A given Work Center produces 230 Good Units during a
 242 Units were started in order to produce the 230 Good
 Quality = 230 Good Units / 242 Units Started = 95.0%

OEE = Availability x Performance x Quality

Total effective equipment performance
TEEP measures effectiveness against calendar hours, i.e.: 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.

 Calculation: TEEP = Loading x OEE

 Example:

A given Work Center experiences...

 OEE of 34.0%

 Work Center Loading is 71.4%

 TEEP = 71.4% Loading x 34.0% OEE = 24.3%

 Stated another way, TEEP adds a fourth metric

'Loading', Therefore TEEP = Loading x Availability x
Performance x Quality
Total effective equipment performance
TEEP measures effectiveness against calendar hours, i.e.: 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.

 Loading
 Loading = Scheduled Time / Calendar Time
 Example:

A given Work Center is scheduled to run 5 Days per

Week, 24 Hours per Day.
 For a given week, the Total Calendar Time is 7 Days at
24 Hours.
 Loading = (5 days x 24 hours) / (7 days x 24 hours) =
Direct benefits of TPM
 Increase productivity and OPE ( Overall Plant
Efficiency ) by 1.5 or 2 times.
 Rectify customer complaints.
 Reduce the manufacturing cost by 30%.
 Satisfy the customers needs by 100 % ( Delivering
the right quantity at the right time, in the required
quality. )
 Reduce accidents.
 Follow pollution control measures.
Indirect benefits of TPM
 Higher confidence level among the employees.
 Keep the work place clean, neat and attractive.
 Favorable change in the attitude of the operators.
 Achieve goals by working as team.
 Horizontal deployment of a new concept in all
areas of the organization.
 Share knowledge and experience.
 The workers get a feeling of owning the machine.
Difficulties Faced in TPM
 Sufficient resources like people, money, time, etc.
and assistance are not provided.
 TPM is not a “quick fix” approach, it involve cultural
change to the ways to do the things.
 Incomplete understanding of the methodology and
philosophy by middle management.
 Many people treat it just another “program of the
month” without paying any focus and also doubt
about its effectiveness.
 Workers show strong resistance to any change
 Many people considered TPM activities as
additional work or threat.
The Cost of Implementing TPM
 Maintenance programs in place.
 Age of the equipment.
 Pace to be taken.
 Some plants have excellent programs in place and have
kept the equipment in very good shape, so the cost for
implementing TPM in these plants will be lower than for
those who have a bad program or none in place.
 Old equipment sometimes will face the high cost of
parts if attainable.
 • If a fast paced implementation is required, the cost
per year will be higher.

Prepared By M.Ganesh Murugan

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