IRR 2018 of RA 10591
IRR 2018 of RA 10591
IRR 2018 of RA 10591
Salient Features of
Revised Implementing Rules and
Regulations 2018 of RA 10591
These Rules shall be known and cited as the Revised IRR of RA No. 10591,
otherwise known as "Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act".
3.1. Accessories - refer to parts of a firearm which may enhance or increase the
operational efficiency or accuracy of a firearm but will not constitute any of the major
or minor internal parts thereof such as, but not limited to' laser scope, telescopic sight,
and sound suppressor or silencer.
3.21. Firearm - refers to any handheld or portable weapon, whether a small arm
or light weapon, that expels or is designed to expel a bullet, shot, slug, missile or any
projectile which is discharged by means of expansive force of gases from burning
gunpowder or other form of combustion or any similar instrument or implement. For
purposes of the law, the barrel, frame or receiver is considered a firearm.
3.52. Mill-Run Parts - are materials, such as but not limited to, steel and aluminum
parts used in the manufacture or assembly of firearms which have undergone
machining process, whether in part or in almost semi-
finished form.
3.53 Minor Parts of a Firearm - refer to the parts of the firearm other than the
major parts which are necessary to effect and complete the action of expelling a
projectile by way of combustion, except those classified as accessories.
3.66. Small Arms- refer to firearms intended to be or primarily designed for individual use or
that which is generally considered to mean a weapon intended to be fired from the hand or
shoulder, which are not capable of fully automatic bursts of discharge and does not exceed a
caliber of a Light Weapon, such as:
b. Rifle - a shoulder firearm or designed to be fired from the shoulder that can discharge a
bullet through a rifled barrel by different actions of loading, which may be classified as lever,
bolt, or self-loading and intended for sports shooting only; and
c. Shotgun - a weapon designed, made and intended to fire a number of ball shots or a
single projectile through a smooth bore by the action or energy from burning gunpowder.
Section 4. Standards and Requisites for issuance of and Obtaining a License to Own
and Possess Firearm or Firearms and Ammunition
4.1 . ln order to qualify and acquire a license to own and possess a firearm or
firearms and ammunition, the applicant must:
h. Submit a certificate that the applicant has passed a Gun Safety and Responsible Gun
Ownership Seminar (GSRGOS) which was administered by the PNP or a registered and
authorized gun club.
j. Submit a photocopy of a valid government-issued lD with picture, and present the original
thereof for comparison, for purposes of cross referencing his/her name, age, and place of
residence; and
4.4. Applicants shall be required to pay the license and registration fees as
provided under Annex "B‘ of this Revised lRR.
9.1 Subject to the requirements mentioned, a qualified individual may be issued the appropriate
license under the following categories:
Type 1 license - allows a citizen to own and possess a maximum of two (2) registered firearms;
Type 2 license - allows a citizen individual to own and possess a maximum of five (5) registered
Type 3 license- allows a citizen to own and possess a maximum of ten (10) registered firearms;
Type 4 license- allows a citizen to own and possess a maximum of fifteen (15) registered firearms; and
Type 5 license - allows a citizen, who is a certified gun collector, to own and possess more than fifteen
(15) firearms.
Section 10. Firearms That May Be Registered
10.1. Only small arms as defined in this Revised IRR may be registered by licensed citizens or
licensed juridical entities for ownership, possession and concealed carry.
10.2. A light weapon shall be lawfully acquired or possessed exclusively by the AFP, the PNP and
other law enforcement agencies authorized by the President in the performance of their duties. The
PNP shall formulate parameters and guidelines governing the acquisition or possession of light
weapons by authorized law enforcement agencies.
10.3 Private individuals who are already licensed holders for Class-A light weapons as herein
defined upon the effectivity of this Revised IRR shall not be deprived of the lawful possession
thereof, provided that they renew their licenses and firearm registration and they continue to
possess the standard requirements mentioned in paragraphs 4.1 and 4.4, in this Revised lRR.
10.4. Failure to renew the registration of a Class-A light weapon or comply with the standards and
requirements for renewal purposes shall be a ground for the cancellation of the registration. ln case
of revocation of license and cancellation of registration, the individual concerned shall surrender the
weapons herein mentioned to the nearest police station within thirty (30) days. Otherwise, the
concerned individual could be charged for violation of the law.
Section 19. Renewal of Licensee and Registration
19.1 . All types of licenses i.e. License to Own and Possess Firearm, Long Certificate of
Registration and Short Certificate of Registration shall be renewed every two (2) years. Failure
to renew the license on or before the date of expiration shall cause automatic revocation of the
license and of the registration of the firearm/s under said licensee.
19.2.The registration of the firearm shall be renewed every four (4) years. Failure to renew the
registration of the firearm on or before the date of expiration shall cause automatic revocation of
the registration of the firearm. The said firearm shall be confiscated or forfeited in favor of the
government after due process.
19.3. The application for the renewal of the license or firearm registration may be submitted to
the FEO within six (6) months before the date of the expiration of such license or registration.
19.3.1. lf an application for renewal is filed at least 90 days prior to its expiration date,
the expiring license shall remain valid until a decision is rendered on the
application for renewal.
19.4. Failure to renew a license or firearm registration without justifiable cause within the period
stated above on two (2) occasions shall cause the holder of the firearm to be perpetually
disqualified from applying for firearm license.
19.5. The C, PNP through FEO shall formulate the necessary policies and guidelines for the
renewal of licenses and/or registration of firearms on the following:
241. Any licensee may deposit a registered firearm, parts, and/or ammunition to the CSG-
FEO, Police Regional Office, Police Provincial Office or City Police Office for
safekeeping. A written receipt shall be issued corresponding to the deposit and
reasonable fees for storage shall be imposed.
24.2. The CSG-FEO, Police Regional Office, Police Provincial Office or City Police Office
shall not be liable for any damage or loss of the firearm submitted for safekeeping by
reason of any fortuitous event.
Section 25. Abandoned Firearms and Ammunition
25.1 . Firearms, parts and/or ammunition deposited with the FEO for safekeeping shall not
exceed five (5) years. Failure to claim the deposited firearms and ammunition within five
(5) years and/or non-payment of storage fee for five (5) consecutive years shall be
considered as abandoned firearms.
25.2. Firearms, parts and/or ammunition that have been found and deposited to the CSG-FEO,
Police Regional Office, Police Provincial Office or City Police Office and remained
unclaimed for five (5) years shall be considered as abandoned firearms.
25.3 The CSG-FEO, Police Regional Office, Police Provincial Office or City Police Office may
dispose of the same after compliance with established procedures.
Section 26. Death or Disability of the Licensee
26.1 . Upon the death of a licensed citizen, the privilege of his/her license to own or possess
firearms and the registration of the firearm automatically expires. ln case of legal disability
pursuant to Section 26.1 .5 of this Revised lRR, the privilege provided for by a license to own or
possess firearms and the registration of the firearm shall be revoked.
26.1.1. When a licensed citizen with registered firearms or ammunition dies, or becomes
legally disabled, his/her next of kin, nearest relative, legal representative or any other
person, shall cause the delivery of the same to the CSG-FEO or Police Regional Office or
through the nearest police station which has jurisdiction over the licensee and/or the
registered firearms within the prescribed period provided hereunder:
a. lf the next of kin, nearest relative, legal representative, or any other person has prior
knowledge of the existence of the firearms, within six (6) months after the death or
legal disability;
b. lf the next of kin, nearest relative, legal representative, or any other person has no
prior knowledge of the existence of the firearms, within six (6) months from the
actual possession of the firearms.
26.1.2. Upon presentation of the proof that the individual is the legitimate heir pursuant
to the law, he/she may register small firearm/s provided he/she meets the standard
requirements andqualifications in accordance with RA 10591 and this Revised lRR, or
may transfer to licensed citizen or licensed juridical entity.
26.1.3. Pending the issuance of a license to the applicant, the registered firearm of the
deceased or legally disabled licensee shall remain under the custody of the FEO or the
Police Regional Office (PRO) which has jurisdiction over the licensee and/or the
registered firearm. ln the event that there is no qualified applicant, the C,PNP through
the FEO shall dispose the firearm in accordance with the rules set forth for this
26.1.4. Failure to deliver the firearm or ammunition pursuant to Section 26.1.1 shall
render the possessor liable for illegal possession of firearms and/or ammunition.
26.1.5. For licensed citizens, legal disability shall include but shall not be limited to the
following circumstances:
a. Mental incapacity;
e. Failure to pass the Gun Safety Seminar; or f. Failure to pass the required
drug test.
28.3. The penalty of prision mayor in its maximum period shall be imposed upon any
person who shall unlawfully acquire or possess a Class-A light weapon.
28.4. The penalty of reclusion perpetua shall be imposed upon any person who shall
unlawfully acquire or possess a Class-B light weapon.
28.5. Penalty of one (1) degree higher than that provided in paragraphs a to c in this Section
shall be imposed upon any person who shall unlaMully possess any firearm under any or
combination of the following conditions:
28.6. The penalty of prision mayor in its minimum period shall be imposed upon any person
who shall unlawfully acquire or possess a major part of a small arm.
28.7. The penalty of prision mayor in its minimum period shall be imposed upon any person
who shall unlawfully acquire or possess ammunition for a small arm or a Class-A Light Weapon.
lf the violation of this paragraph is committed by the same person charged with the unlawful
acquisition or possession of a small arm, the former violation shall be absorbed by the latter.
28.8. The penalty of prision mayor in its medium period shall be imposed upon any person who
shall unlawfully acquire or possess a major part of a Class-A light weapon.
28.9. The penalty of prision mayor in its medium period shall be imposed upon any person who
shall unlawfully acquire or possess ammunition for Class-A light weapon. lf the violation of this
paragraph is commifted by the same person charged with the unlawful acquisition or
possession of a Class-A light weapon; the former violation shall be absorbed by the latter.
28.10. The penalty of prision mayor in its maximum period shall be imposed upon any person
who shall unlawfully acquire or possess a major part of a Class-B light weapon.
28.11. The penalty of prision mayor in its maximum period shall be imposed upon any person
who shall unlawfully acquire or possess ammunition for a Class-B light weapon. lf the violation
of this paragraph is committed by the same person charged with the unlawful acquisition or
possession of a Class-B light weapon, the former violation shall be absorbed by the latter.
Section 29. Use of Loose Firearm in the Commission of a Crime
29.1. The use of a loose firearm, when inherent in the commission of a crime punishable
under the Revised Penal Code or other special laws, shall be considered as an aggravating
circumstance: Provided, That if the crime committed with the use of a loose firearm is penalized
by the law with a maximum penalty which is lower than that prescribed in the preceding section
for illegal possession of firearm, the penalty for illegal possession of firearm shall be imposed in
lieu of the penalty for the crime charged: Provided further, That if the crime committed with the
use of a loose firearm is penalized by the law with a maximum penalty which is equal to that
imposed under the preceding section for illegal possession of firearms, the penalty of prision
mayor in its minimum period shall be imposed in addition to the penalty for the crime punishable
under the Revised Penal Code or other special laws of which he/she is found guilty.
29.2. lf the violation of the law is in furtherance of, or incident to, or in connection with the crime
of rebellion or insurrection, or attempted coup d‘etat, such violation shall be absorbed as an
element of the crime of rebellion or insurrection, or attempted coup d'etat.
29.3. lf the crime is committed by the person without using a loose firearm; the violation of the
law shall be considered as a distinct and separate offense.
Section 34. Tampering, Obliteration or Alteration of Firearms identification
34.1. The penalty of prision correccional to prision mayor in its minimum period shall
be imposed upon any person who shall tamper, obliterate or alter without authority,
the barrel, slide, frame, receiver, cylinder or bolt assembly including the name of the
maker, model or serial number of any firearm or who shall replace without authority
the barrel, slide, frame, receiver, cylinder or bolt assembly, including its individual or
peculiar identifying characteristics essential in forensic examination of a firearm or
light weapon.
34.2. The PNP shall place this information, including its individual or peculiar
identifying characteristics into the database of integrated firearms identification
system of the PNP Crime Laboratory for future use and identification system of a
particular firearm.
Section 35. Use of an lmitation Firearm
An imitation firearm used in the commission of a crime shall be considered a real firearm as
defined in this Revised IRR and the person who committed the crime shall be punished in
accordance with the law and this Revised IRR: Provided, That injuries caused on the occasion
of the conduct of competitions, sports, games, or any recreation activities involving imitation
firearms shall not be punishable under this Revised lRR.
The penalty of prision mayor in its maximum period shall be imposed upon any person who
shall willfully and maliciously insert, place and/or attach, directly or indirectly, through any overt
or covert act, any firearm, or ammunition or parts thereof in the person, house, effects, or in the
immediate vicinity of an innocent individual for the purpose of implicating or incriminating the
person, or imputing the commission of any violation of the provisions of this Revised IRR to said
lf the person found guilty under this paragraph is a public officer or employee, such person shall
suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua.
Section 39. Grounds for Revocation, Cancellation or Suspension of License or Permit
39.1. The C, PNP or his/her authorized representative may revoke, cancel or suspend a license
or permit on the following grounds:
b. Conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude or any offense where the penalty carries
an imprisonment of more than six (6) years;
d. Carrying of the firearm, ammunition or major parts thereof outside the residence or
workplace without the proper permit to carry the same;
e. Carrying of the firearm, ammunition or major parts thereof in prohibited places such as,
but not limited to, places of worship, public drinking and amusement places, other
commercial or public establishments, places of engagements during international events
or public convergence during local celebrations;
f. Dismissal for cause from the service in case of government officials and employees;
g. Commission of any acts penalized under Republic Act No. 9165, otherwise known as the
"Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002";
39.2. Failure to submit necessary reports within three consecutive months shall be a ground for
the revocation of the license of the dealers, manufacturers, importers or gunsmith.
39.3. The FEO shall formulate guidelines and procedures on the revocation, cancellation or
suspension of licenses or permits.
Section 4O. Failure to Notify Lost or Stolen Firearm or Light Weapon
40.1. A fine of Ten Thousand Pesos (Php 10,000.00)shall be imposed upon any licensed
firearm holder who fails to report to the FEO that the subject registered firearm has been
lost or stolen within a period of thirty (30) days from the date of discovery.
40.2. Likewise, a fine of Five Thousand Pesos (Php5,000.00) shall be imposed upon any
person holding a valid firearm registration card/certificate of registration who changes
residence or office address other than that indicated in the firearm registration
card/certificate of registration and fails within a period of thirty (30) days from said
transfer to notify FEO of such change of address.
40.3. For the purpose of this Section, reporting or notification to the FEO can be done
through any of the following modes of written communication: letter, memorandum,
e- mail, or facsimile personally signed by the licensee or authorized
officers/representatives of juridical or head of government agencies/bureaus as the case
may be along with Affidavit of Loss and Certification from the Local Police as contained in
the police blotter in case of lost or stolen firearms.
Section 41. Illegal Transfer/ Registration of Firearms
41.1. lt shall be unlawful to transfer possession of any firearm to any person who has not yet
obtained or secured the necessary license or permit thereof.
41.2. The penalty of prision correccional shall be imposed upon any person who shall violate
the provision of the preceding paragraph. ln addition, he/she shall be disqualified to apply for a
license to possess other firearms and all his/her existing firearms licenses whether for purposes
of commerce or possession, shall be revoked. lf the government-issued firearms, ammunition or
major parts of firearms or light weapons are unlawfully disposed, sold or transferred by any law
enforcement agent or public officer to private individuals, the penalty of reclusion temporal shall
be imposed.
41.3 Any public office or employee or any person who shall facilitate the registration of a
firearm through fraud, deceit, misrepresentation or submission of falsified documents shall
suffer the penalty of prision correccional.
End of Presentation
Thank you…