Building Design

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JURISDICTION - the Administrative Authority under the

Department of Health, the Department of Public Works & Highways,
the Department of Interior and Local Government, the City Mayors
of Chartered Cities. Environmental Management Bureau(D.E.N.R)
and other government entities that regulate the practice of
Registered & Licensed Master Plumbers.
 LABELED – equipment or materials bearing a label of a listing
agency. All labels shall be embossed, stamped or indelibly
marked with stickers, glued on the finished production indicating
the weight, specifications and logo of the manufacturer.

 LATERAL – in plumbing a secondary pipeline. In sewage, a

common sewer to which no other branch sewer is connected. It
receives sewage from building sewer service connections only.
 LATRINE – a water closet consisting of a continuous trough
containing water. The trough extends under two or more
adjacent seats. Prohibited by health authorities for permanent

 LAVATORY – a fixture designed for the washing of the hands or

face. Sometimes called a wash basin.

 LEACHING CESSPOOL – a cesspool that is not watertight.

 LEADER –(See Conductor) – a pipe connected from building

gutter to the downspout or conductor.

 LENGTH OF PIPE – is measure along its centerline

 LIQUID WASTE – is the discharge from any fixture, appliance or

appurtenance in connection with a plumbing system which does
not receive fecal matter.
 LISTED – equipment or materials included in a LIST published by
a listing agency that maintain periodic inspection on current
production of listed equipment or materials and whose listing
state either that the equipment or materials complied with
approved standards or have been tested and found suitable for
use in specified manners.

 LISTING AGENCY – is an agency accepted by the Administrative

Authority in the business of listing or labeling and which
maintains a periodic inspection program on current production of
listed models, and makes available a published report of such
listing where specific information is included that the product has
been tested against approved standards and found safe for use
in a specific manner.
 LOCAL VENT – a pipe or shaft to convey foul air from a
plumbing fixture or a room to the outer air.

 LOOP OR CIRCUIT VENT – a vertical vent connection on a

horizontal soil or waste pipe branch at a point downstream of the
last fixture connection and turning to a horizontal line above the
highest overflow level of the highest fixture connected thereat;
the terminus connected to the stack vent in the case of loop
venting or to the vent stack nearby in the case of circuit venting.

 LOT – a single area of land legally recorded by other means

acceptable to the Administrative Authority where a building is
situated of any work regulated by this Code, together with the
yard, court, and unoccupied space legally required for the
building, and which it owned by or in the lawful possession of the
owner of the building or works.
 LOW HAZARD - see Pollution.
 Main – any system of continuous piping, which is the principal
artery of the system where branches are connected.

 Main sewer – see Public Sewer.

 Main vent – the principal artery of the venting system to which

vent branches are connected.

 Manhole – a large opening in a sewer line or part of a plumbing

system constructed with sufficient size for a man to gain access
therein for maintenance purposes and facility for changes of line
and grade of pipeline.
 MASTER PLUMBER – a person technically and legally qualified
and licensed to practice the profession of Master Plumbing
without limitations in conducted by the Professional Regulation
Commission, has received a Certificate of Registration from the
Board of Master Plumbing and possesses the current license to

 MAY – the word “may” is a permissive term.

 MOBILE HOME PARK SEWER – that part of the horizontal

piping of sanitary drainage system which measures 0.6 meter
downstream from the last mobile home site and conveys sewage
to a public sewer, private sewer, individual sewage disposal
system or other points of disposal
215. 1NAMPAP – National Master Plumbers Association of the

215.2 NUISANCE – includes, but is not limited to the following.

215 2.1 Any public nuisance known in common law or in equity
215 2.2 Whenever any work regulated by this Code is dangerous to
human life or detrimental to health and property; and
215 2.3 Inadequate or unsafe water supply and/or sewage
disposal system.
 OAKUM – hemp or old hemp rope soaked in oil or tar to make it

 OCCUPANCY – the purpose for which a building is used or

intended to be used. The term shall also include the building or
room housing used. Change of occupancy is not interpreted to
mean change of tenants or proprietors.

 OFFSET – in a line of piping is a combination of elbows or beads,

which brings one section of the pipe out of line but into a line
parallel with the original section.

 PERSON – a natural person, his heirs, executors, administrators
or assigns; and also includes a firm, partnership or corporation,
its or their successors or assigns or agents of any of the

 PB – Polybutylene. Tube made of plastic material and colored

black. The cross-sectional shape is normally oval and is demoted
by its outside diameter or O.D Normally used as water service
connection from main to meter.
 PE – Polyethylene. Tube made of plastic material and colored
black. The cross-sectional shape is circular and is demoted by its
outside diameter or O.D.

 PIPE – a cylindrical conduit or conductor conforming to the

particular dimensions commonly known as “pipe size” and is
denoted by its interior diameter or LD.

 PITCH – see Grade.

 PLUMBING – the art and technique of installing pipes, fixtures

and other apparatuses in buildings for bringing in the supply,
liquids, substances and ingredients and removing them; and
such water, liquid and other carried wastes hazardous to health
sanitation, life, property; also the pipes and fixtures after
installation. For example plumbing system.

 PLUMBING APPLIANCE – any one of a special class of device
intended to perform a special plumbing function. Its operation or
control may be dependent upon one or more energized
components, such as motors, controls, heating elements and
pressure-temperature-sensing elements. Such device may
operate automatically through one or more of the following
actions a time cycle, a temperature range, a pressure range, a
measured volume; or the device may be manually adjusted or
controlled by the user or operator.
 PLUMBING APPURTENANCE – a manufactured
device or a prefabricated assembly or an on-the-job
assembly of component parts, and serves as adjunct
to the basic piping system and plumbing fixtures. An
appurtenance demands no additional water supply nor
does it add any discharge load to a fixture or the
drainage system. It performs some useful functions in
the operation, maintenance, servicing, economy or
safety of the plumbing system.
 PLUMBING FIRM – a sole proprietorship or corporation
composed of Registered and Licensed Master Plumbers
together with allied professionals, with the Master
Plumbers composing the majority of the membership,
incorporators, directors and/or executive officers and
Licensed Master Plumber only render work and services
within the cognizance of a Registered Master Plumber and
members of the allied professions also only render work
and serves within the cognizance of their respective
 PLUMBING FIXTURES – are approved-type installed
receptacles, devices or appliances supplied with water or receive
liquid or liquid-borne wastes and discharge such a wastes into
the drainage system to which they may be directly or indirectly
connected. Industrial or commercial tanks, vats and similar
processing equipment are not plumbing fixtures, but may be
connected to or discharged into approved traps or plumbing
fixtures as provided for in this Code.

 PLUMBING OFFICIAL – the Administrative Authority or the

officer charged with the administration and enforcement of the
National Plumbing Code, or his regularly authorized deputy.
 PLUMBING SYSTEM – includes all potable water supply
and distribution pipes, all plumbing fixtures and traps, all
sanitary and storm drainage systems, vent pipes, roof
drains, leaders and downspouts; and all building drains and
sewers, including their respective joints and connections,
devices, receptacles, and appurtenances within the
property; water lines in the premises: potable, tap, hot and
chilled water pipings; potable water treating or using
equipment, fuel gas piping; water heaters and vents for
 PLUMBING UNIT – a minimum standard quantity of
plumbing fixtures that discharge wastes into a
plumbing installation including one(1)water meter,
one(1)water closet, one(1)lavatory, one(1)shower
head and drain for a bathtub or shower stall,
one(1)kitchen sink, one(1)laundry tray and three(3)
floor drains and four(4)faucets/hose bibb.

 POLLUTION – an impairment of the quality of the

water to a degree which creates hazard to the public
health and adversely affects the aesthetic and potable
qualities of waters for domestic use.
 POTABLE WATER – water satisfactory for drinking, culinary and
domestic purposes and meets the requirements of the
Philippines National Standards for Drinking Water.

217.16 PRESSURE – the normal force exerted by a homogenous

liquid or gas, per unit of area on the wall of the encounter.

217.16.1 STATIC PRESSURE – the pressure existing without

any flow motion.

217.16.2 RESIDUAL PRESSURE – the pressure available at

the fixture or water outlet; allowance is made for pressure drop due
to friction loss, head, meter and other losses in the system during
maximum demand period.
 PRIMARY BRANCH – of the building drain is the single sloping
drain from the base of a stack to its junction with the main
building drain.

 PRIVATE OR PRIVATE USE – In classification of plumbing fixtures

“private” applies to plumbing fixtures in residences and
apartments, to private bathrooms in hotels and hospitals, to rest
rooms in commercial establishments for restricted use, single
fixture or group of single fixtures and to similar installations where
the fixtures are intended for the use of a family or an individual.

 PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM – a septic tank with the

efficient discharging into a subsurface disposal field, into one or
more seepage pits or into a combination of subsurface disposal
field and seepage pit or of such other facilities as may be
permitted under the procedures set forth elsewhere in this Code.
 PRIVATE SEWER – a building sewer, which receives the discharge
from more than one building drain and conveys it to a public sewer,
private sewage disposal system, or other points of disposal.

 PRIVY – an outhouse or structure used for the deposition of


 PRIVY VAULT – a pit beneath a privy where excrement collects.

 PUBLIC OR PUBLIC USE – in the classification of plumbing

fixtures, “public” or “public use” shall mean all buildings or
structures that are not defined as private or private use.

 PUBLIC SEWER – a common sewer directly controlled by public

authority to which all abutter have equal rights of connections.

 PVC – Polyvinyl Chloride Potable water pipings are color-coded

BLUE. Drainpipes are manufactured with toxic components are
such color-coded gray, orange or brown.

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