Building Design
Building Design
Building Design
PERSON – a natural person, his heirs, executors, administrators
or assigns; and also includes a firm, partnership or corporation,
its or their successors or assigns or agents of any of the
PLUMBING APPLIANCE – any one of a special class of device
intended to perform a special plumbing function. Its operation or
control may be dependent upon one or more energized
components, such as motors, controls, heating elements and
pressure-temperature-sensing elements. Such device may
operate automatically through one or more of the following
actions a time cycle, a temperature range, a pressure range, a
measured volume; or the device may be manually adjusted or
controlled by the user or operator.
device or a prefabricated assembly or an on-the-job
assembly of component parts, and serves as adjunct
to the basic piping system and plumbing fixtures. An
appurtenance demands no additional water supply nor
does it add any discharge load to a fixture or the
drainage system. It performs some useful functions in
the operation, maintenance, servicing, economy or
safety of the plumbing system.
PLUMBING FIRM – a sole proprietorship or corporation
composed of Registered and Licensed Master Plumbers
together with allied professionals, with the Master
Plumbers composing the majority of the membership,
incorporators, directors and/or executive officers and
Licensed Master Plumber only render work and services
within the cognizance of a Registered Master Plumber and
members of the allied professions also only render work
and serves within the cognizance of their respective
PLUMBING FIXTURES – are approved-type installed
receptacles, devices or appliances supplied with water or receive
liquid or liquid-borne wastes and discharge such a wastes into
the drainage system to which they may be directly or indirectly
connected. Industrial or commercial tanks, vats and similar
processing equipment are not plumbing fixtures, but may be
connected to or discharged into approved traps or plumbing
fixtures as provided for in this Code.