Project Management: Presented by Vikas Singh

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Project Management

Presented By
Vikas Singh
What is a Project ?

Perhaps the oldest form of organized activity

 Definition : A set of finite activities that is
usually performed only once and has well
defined objectives 
Project Management
 Project Management : involves planning and
controlling a project : its goal is to ensure that the
project objectives are achieved on time and on
 Objectives and trade offs : Cost , Schedule, and
Performance : Managing projects often requires
one to take decisions which involves trade off
between these 3 parameters

Project failure Characteristics

 Cost Overrun
 Time overrun
 Fails to meet its performance objectives
Project Life cycle Phases & Processes

A project can typically be divided in to several phases All these phase are collectively

referred to as PLC. A project life cycle serves to define the start and end of a a project.

Every phase could typically involve the following processes

1. Initiation

2. Planning

3. Execution

4. Control

5. Closure
Activities and Decisions in Project
Management :
 Planning
 Scheduling
 Control

 Identify the project customers

 Establish the end product or service
 Set project objectives
 Estimate total resources and time required
 Decide on the form of organization
Planning …

 Make key personnel appointments

 Define major tasks
 Establish a budget

 Develop a detailed Work Break down

Structure (WBS)
 Estimate time required for each task
 Sequence the tasks in the correct order

 Develop a start /stop time for each task

 Develop a detailed budget for each task
 Assign people to tasks

 Monitor actual time cost and performance

 Compare planned to actual figures
 Determine whether corrective action is
 Evaluate alternative corrective action
 Take appropriate corrective action
A work breakdown structure defines the hierarchy
of project tasks, subtasks, and work package


1 Project 1 Project 2

2 Task 1.1 Task 1.2

3 Subtask 1.1.1 Subtask 1.1.2

4 Work Package Work Package

Scheduling Methods - Gantt Chart

Gantt Chart: Utilizes a bar or or milestone chart –

shows not only how much time is required for
each activity but also when each activity takes
Advantages : Easy to use and understand
Disadvantages : Do not show interdependencies
and relationship between activities , difficult to
schedule and reschedule for complex projects
Network Planning Techniques

 Network methods use a graph or a network

to show precedence relations .
  Events , (nodes ) The start or end of an
 Activity : consume a finite amount of time
 Dummy activities : Consume 0 (zero) time
Network Planning Techniques…
 Critical Path : represents The set of activities which
would decide the minimum time required for
completing the project.
 Slack ( Free /total ) : the amount of time that the
activity time con be increased without delaying the
very start of the next activity
 Notations : Conventions used in drawing the
network - Arrow on Node (AON ) , Arrow on
Critical Path Method (CPM)

 Constant time network : The time for each

activity is assumed to be constant –
Deterministic time estimates
 Computations : Earliest Start Time ( EST),
Earliest Finish Time ( EST), Latest Start Time
(LST), Latest Finish Time ( EFT). , Critical
Path , slack
Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)

 ·  Based on Probabilistic time estimates :

Optimistic Time Estimate, Pessimistic Time
Estimate, Most likely Time Estimate, Most
probable Time Estimate,
 Computations : Expected time of completion ,
Variance on the expected time of completion
CPM Time- Cost trade off

 Assumes that Cost and Time are inversely

related and hence project completion time
can be reduced by incurring higher costs .
 Terms : Crash Cost , Crash Time , Normal
Time , Normal Cost
 Computations : Least cost way to reduce the
normal project completion time
Issues and Challenges in PM

PM require a blend of both quantitative and

behavioral skills Leadership
 · Contingency planning
 · Allocation of scarce Resources -
Techniques of load leveling
 Management of Multiple Projects
Thank you

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