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The enhancement is a concept of adding your own functionality to SAP's standard business applications
without having to modify the original applications. To modify the standard SAP behavior as per customer

The Enhancement Concept allows us to add our own Functionality to SAP’s Standard Business Applications
with having to Modify the core Applications.
SAP Creates Customer Exits for Specific Programs, Screens and Menus.
These Exits act as Hooks. These exits do not contain any Functionality.
Not all of the Standard SAP Programs will have Exits.

Types of enhancements in SAP

1. User exit
2. Customer exit
A. Menu Exits
B. Screen Exits
C. Function Module Exits
D. Field Exits
3. BADI (Business Add-Ins)
A. Classic BADIs
B. New BADIs
4. Enhancement Frame-Work
A. Enhancement Points
B. Enhancement Sections
C. Implicit & Explicit Enhancements
5. Business Frame Work
BADI (Business Add-Ins)
1. BADI is a new SAP Object Oriented enhancement technique which is used to add our own
business functionality to the existing SAP standard functionality.
2. BADI's are available in SAP R/3 from the system release 4.6c
1. In contrast to the earlier enhancement techniques, BADI follows Object Oriented approach
to make them reusable.
2. A BADI can be used any number of times where as standard enhancement techniques can
be used only once.

The different views of the BADI’s are:

1. Application Programmer can use predefine exit points in source, in which specific industry
sector attach additional software to standard SAP source code without having to modify the
original object.
2. Implementation of Business Add-ins can customize as per business requirement or they can
use a standard logic if available.

When a BADI is created following are automatically generated:

1. An interface with 'IF_EX_' inserted between the first and second characters of the BADI
2. An adapter class with 'CL_EX_' inserted between the first and second characters of the
BADI name.
Types of BADI
Single implementation BADI.
Multiple implementation BADI.
Filter BADI.

1. If within SAP checkbox is selected, then this BADI is only used by sap.
2. If multiple use checkbox is selected, then it is a multiple implementation BADI.
3. If multiple use checkbox is not selected, then it is a single implementation BADI.
4. If filter dependent checkbox is selected, then it is filter dependent BADI. We need to specify
the filter type such as land1, bukrs, werks. For the filter BADI.
How to find BADI.
Go to class builder i.e T-Code SE24
Enter “CL_EXITHANDLER” for the object type and press display.

Double click on “GET_INSTANCE” method to display it.

1. Set a break-point in GET_INSTANCE method of CL_EXITHANDLER.
2. Now GO to another page and run the transaction for which we want to find whether BADI
exist or not.
3. If any BADI exist the control stops at the break-point set in GET_INSTANCE method.
Let us run the transaction MM02

The BADI name can be found out from the variable “EXIT_NAME” in GET_INSTANCE method.
The control stops at the break-point set in GET_INSTANCE method for each BADI that exists in
the transaction.
Find the lIst Of Badi
From the exit-name



Now after finding the list of BADI, put all BADI in the transaction SE18 and
check the parameters for proper method of the BADI.
Once the BADI is selected then implement that BADI and Put a BREAK-POINT.

Go to Transaction and Proceed as normal.

If the BADI triggers then check all the Parameter Value.

If required Value Is Coming then Proceed Further.

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