Fable, Myth, and Legend Unit 6: Learning Objectives

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Unit 6 Fable, Myth, and Legend

Learning Objectives
Spoken Cycle
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
 Make invitation and respond to invitation/offer,
 Give praise to others and respond to praise,
 Tell story or tell,
 Understand spoken English,
 Respond to spoken English,
 Involve actively in English conversation.

Written Cycle
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
 Identify, comprehend, and respond to the narrative texts,
 Comprehend the use of Present Perfect Continuous Tense,
 Write simple narrative texts.
Spoken Cycle

Making and Accepting Invitation/Offer

Making and Accepting Invitation/Offer
Expressing Praise
Written Cycle

Narrative text

A narrative is a piece of text which tells a story to

amuse and entertain the reader or listener. Narrative
deals with problematic events or complications which lead
to a crisis and ends in a resolution.
Grammar Corner

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

The continuous also expresses an action or state which began in the past
and which has continued into present time (see usage 1 of the Present Perfect
Tense). The difference between the Present Perfect and The Present Perfect
Continuous Tense is that the Present Perfect Progressive Tense gives more
emphasis to the continuity and duration of the action.
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense is generally used with time
expressions showing duration of time, e.g. since two o’clock, since you came, for
two days, for a year, or time expressions such as today, this week, lately, etc.

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