Physics Project: Name:-Kovit Dongre Class: - XII Section: - A Rollno: - 19
Physics Project: Name:-Kovit Dongre Class: - XII Section: - A Rollno: - 19
Physics Project: Name:-Kovit Dongre Class: - XII Section: - A Rollno: - 19
•Burglar (or intrusion), alarms are systems designed to detect unauthorized entry into a
building or area. They consist of an array of sensors, a control panel and alerting system, and
interconnections. Sensors detect intruders by many methods such as monitoring door and
window contacts, by passive infrared motion detectors, ultrasound, vibration, electric or
magnetic fields, or microwaves. Sensors may be directly wired to a control panel that
provides sensor power, or may communicate wirelessly.
•Some alarm systems serve a single purpose of burglar or fire protection. Combination
systems provide both fire and intrusion protection. Intrusion alarm systems may also be
combined with closed-circuit television surveillance systems to automatically record the
activities of intruders, and may interface to access control systems for electrically locked
doors. Systems range from small, self-contained noisemakers, to complicated, multi-zoned
systems with color-coded computer monitor outputs.
• Burglar alarms (or perimeter security systems, perimeter detection systems, Perimeter
protection, intrusion detection systems and other terms for the same thing) are used in
residential, industrial, and commercial properties for protection against theft or property
damage. Mobile alarm systems protect vehicles and their contents ("car alarms"). Prisons
and military facilities use intrusion detection systems for security and control of access.
•The burglar alarm is one of the most reliable means to secure a house or a work place. It is
becoming more and more popular among the homeowners because of the consistency with
which it performs. Today, there are different types of home security systems available in the
market and they perform in different ways to detect potential intrusions.
•What is a burglar alarm?
•Basically, the burglar alarm is a device that monitors the designated area or areas to detect
the presence of suspicious elements. The system takes the help of the sensor to detect such
elements. Once found, the system sends emergency signals to the user or to the monitor
station if the user so intends.
•The components of Burglar Alarm
•The security alarm system generally consists of a number of elements that work together
to enhance the security of a place. The basic components of a burglar alarm system are:
•Control panel
• Siren
• Flashing light
• Motion detector
•How the entire system works?
The work of the home security system begins with the sensors and motion detectors. These
devices are installed in different places that they monitor in their own ways. However, they
send emergency signals to the control panel once they detect something that surpasses
their tolerance level.
The control panel of the system works like the brain and decide the next step of action.
Basically, there are two different things that the control panel performs. It can set off an
alarm located near the house to alert the homeowner and the neighbors.
However, if the system is monitored from a centralized station, the control panel will send
signals there without setting off any audible alarm. In the basic models, the control panel
uses the standard telephone line to send the security message. However, some of the latest
models do use the GSM and internet to dispatch signals. So, they don't need any wires.
The keyboard provided with the home security system enables the users to arm, disarm and
program the security system according to their wish. Most of the time, users are given
multiple keyboards so that they don't have to rush from one place to another to find the
keyboard in emergency.
•The work of the home security system begins with the sensors and motion detectors.
These devices are installed in different places that they monitor in their own ways.
However, they send emergency signals to the control panel once they detect something
that surpasses their tolerance level.
•The control panel of the system works like the brain and decide the next step of action.
Basically, there are two different things that the control panel performs. It can set off an
alarm located near the house to alert the homeowner and the neighbors.
•However, if the system is monitored from a centralized station, the control panel
will send signals there without setting off any audible alarm. In the basic models, the
control panel uses the standard telephone line to send the security message. However,
some of the latest models do use the GSM and internet to dispatch signals. So, they don't
need any wires.
•The keyboard provided with the home security system enables the users to arm, disarm
and program the security system according to their wish. Most of the time, users are
given multiple keyboards so that they don't have to rush from one place to another to
find the keyboard in emergency.
• LM358 – 1
• IR Transmitter or IR LED – 1
• Photo Diode – 1
• 10 KΩ – 1
• 150Ω – 1
• 10 KΩ POT – 1
• Buzzer – 1
• LM358-
It is a dual Op Amp IC. It consists of two independent operational amplifiers that can be
used separately. It is commonly used in all op amp circuits, transducer amplifiers, active
filters, general signal conditioning and DC gain blocks.
• IR Transmitter-
Infrared or IR is a range of light frequencies that have longer wavelength than visible
light. Hence, they are not visible to human eye. An IR transmitter or IR LED is a device
that emits infrared light.
• Photo Diode-
A photo diode is a device that converts light to electrical current. It is basically a PN
junction that operates in reverse bias condition. When light falls on the photo diode, a
reverse bias current flows in the junction that is proportional to the luminescence of the
• Buzzer-
It is an alarming device that makes a loud sound when current flows through it.
The aim of this project is to implement a simple Burglar Alarm System that can detect an unauthorized
entry by a burglar. All the connections are made as per circuit diagram. The working of the circuit is as
LM358 is configured to work as comparator in this project. When the system is powered on, the IR
transmitter or IR LED emits infrared light. This light falls on the surface of the photo diode.
As it is connected in reverse bias fashion, when the light falls on it, it conducts and current flows
through it. Since it is connected to the non-inverting terminal (pin 5) of the op amp, output of the op
amp comparator will be high. As the buzzer is connected between Vcc and output of op amp, no alarm is
When an intruder or a burglar enters the gap between the IR transmitter and photo diode, the light
falling on the photo diode is interrupted and it doesn’t conduct.
As a result, the input at non-inverting terminal (pin 5) is less than the input at inverting terminal (pin 6).
Hence, the output of the comparator is low. This will trigger the buzzer and a loud alarm is made.
Burglar alarms are used for various safety purposes. These are electronic
alarms designed in such way so as to alert users to any unknown danger. Our
alarms are known for high end features like effective performance, fire &
corrosion resistance and durability. Following are the technical specification of
these alarms:
• Sensors are connected to a control unit via low-voltage wiring or a narrow
band RF signal that is used to interact with a response device
• The most common security sensors are used to indicate the opening of a
door or window or detect motion via passive infrared (PIR)
• New construction systems are predominately hardwired for economy
• Retrofit installations often use wireless systems for a faster, more
economical installation.
• Component Description
• LM358
• It is a dual Op Amp IC. It consists of two independent operational amplifiers that can be used
separately. It is commonly used in all op amp circuits, transducer amplifiers, active filters, general
signal conditioning and DC gain blocks.
• LM358 DataSheet
• IR Transmitter
• Infrared or IR is a range of light frequencies that have longer wavelength than visible light. Hence,
they are not visible to human eye. An IR transmitter or IR LED is a device that emits infrared light.
• Photo Diode
• A photo diode is a device that converts light to electrical current. It is basically a PN junction that
operates in reverse bias condition. When light falls on the photo diode, a reverse bias current
flows in the junction that is proportional to the luminescence of the light.
• Buzzer
• It is an alarming device that makes a loud sound when current flows through it.