Bb. Mrs. Dewi/7d.o/ 3 KG / MR 1-43-51-07 Admitted On July 27 2019 at 20.00 PM

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2. Bb. Mrs. Dewi/7d.

o/ 3 kg / MR 1-43-51-07
Admitted on July 27th 2019 at 20.00 pm

Chief Complaint: Bloated Stomache

Her parent complained bloated stomache since 5 days before admitted. Bloating was due to her defecating
every 2-3 days and each time the defecation comes out only slightly (1-3cc). She defecated greenish stool
with soft consistency. The first time she defecate when she was 2 days old. She also vomited 2-3 times a day,
the contents are green liquid, Vomiting every time breastfeeding, and reduced after OGT installed.
History of Birth: she was born with SC (because of FD), BW 3 kg, crying immediately, she was first child,
mother age 36 yo
History of Antenatal: her mother often controls to midwife every month, once the 2x ultrasound with
obstetrician specialist and said to be normal, history of fever during pregnancies (-), smell vaginal discharge
during pregnancies (-), history of consuming drug during pregnancy (-).
Vital sign
oHR : 124 tpm
oRR : 48 tpm
oTax : 37,5 Co
oSpO2 : 98% without O2 supply
• Normocephaly (+) pale conjungtiva (-/-), sclera icteric (-/-), light reflex (+/), sunken eye
Head/Neck (-/-), palpebral edema (-/-) OGT (+) 10 fr, production 10 cc with clear liquid
• Swelling (-)

• I : symmetric respiratory movement, retraction (-)

• P : symmetric vocal fremitus
Chest • P : sonor at all lung fields
• A : vesicular breath sound, rhonchi (-), wheezing (-)

• I : distension (+), venectation (+)

Abdomen • A : bowel sound (+) 4-6 x/minute
• P : tenderness (-), Hepar, mass, and lien not palpable, sausage sign (-), dance sign (-)
• P : tympani (+)

Extremities • warm extremities in all regions, CRT <3 s, edema (-/-)

Local State
USG Abdomen (20/07/2019)
USG Abdomen (20/07/2019)
Laboratory Findings 27/07/2019
Examination Result Normal Value

Hemoglobin 18,4 12,00-16,00 g/dl

Leukosit 16,2 4,0-10,5 ribu/ul

Eritrosit 5,40 3,90-5,50 juta/ul

Hematokrit 53,3 37,00-47,00 vol%

Trombosit 213 150-450 ribu/ul

RDW-CV 17,2 11,5-14,7 %

MCV 98,7 80,0-97,0 fl

MCH 34,1 27,0-32,0 pg

MCHC 34,5 32,0- 38,0 %

Ureum 42 10-50 mg/dl

Creatinin 1,46 0.6-1.2 mg/dl

Laboratory Findings 27/07/2019

Examination Result Normal Value

SGOT 114 5-34

SGPT 61 0-55
Natrium 123 135-146 mmol/L
Kalium 3,9 3,4-5,4 mmol/l
Chlorida 88 95-100 mmol/l
PT 14,9 Second
APTT 38,7 Second
Susp. Hirschprung disease + Hyponatremia +
Sepsis Neonatorum
Treatment in ER :
• IVFD D10% 300cc + Nacl 3% 9cc/24 hours
• Ceftriaxone inj 1 x 300 mg iv
• Paracetamol Inj 3 x 30mg iv
• Attach rectal tube
• Washout 3x/24 hours with warm NS 20cc

Consult to Pediatric Surgery:

• MRS + joint with perinatology
• Pro colon in loop

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