Personal Hygiene and Proper Handwashing
Personal Hygiene and Proper Handwashing
Personal Hygiene and Proper Handwashing
-the most effective
way to prevent the
spread of
Personal hygiene
are health
practices and
habits which
enable one to stay
physically healthy.
Personal hygiene
are health
practices and
habits which
enable one to stay
physically healthy.
This means keeping
oneself clean to
avoid transfer of
harmful bacteria
especially in food
Ways to achieve
personal hygiene.
• 1. Regularly wash
and cut your hair to
keep a neat
appearance. If you
have facial hair,
you can save
money by
maintaining it
yourself with a set
of quality clippers.
Ways to achieve
personal hygiene.
• 1. Regularly wash
and cut your hair to
keep a neat
appearance. If you
have facial hair,
you can save
money by
maintaining it
yourself with a set
of quality clippers.
2. Visit the dentist
at least once a
year (twice a year
is optimal). Though
you are brushing
every day, your
dentist will correct
any dental
problems you have.
2. Visit the dentist
at least once a
year (twice a year
is optimal). Though
you are brushing
every day, your
dentist will correct
any dental
problems you have.
3. Bathe every
day before
work, or every
night before
you go to sleep.
This will help
you cleanse/
remove body
3. Bathe every
day before
work, or every
night before
you go to sleep.
This will help
you cleanse/
remove body
4.Wear deodorant or
anti-perspirant daily if
you tend to sweat
heavily. Some people
can actually get away
with not wearing
deodorant, but most
people, espe-cially
those who have heavy
duty jobs or work in
warm climates, benefit
greatly from it.
4.Wear deodorant or
anti-perspirant daily if
you tend to sweat
heavily. Some people
can actually get away
with not wearing
deodorant, but most
people, espe-cially
those who have heavy
duty jobs or work in
warm climates, benefit
greatly from it.
5. Scrub your hands with soap and water
before you handle any food especially
when you have just come from the toilet,
after touching your hair or other parts of
your body, and after your hands cover your
mouth or nose when you cough or sneeze.
Be sure to clean under fingernails where
dirt and bacteria tend to accumulate.
5. Scrub your hands with soap and water
before you handle any food especially
when you have just come from the toilet,
after touching your hair or other parts of
your body, and after your hands cover your
mouth or nose when you cough or sneeze.
Be sure to clean under fingernails where
dirt and bacteria tend to accumulate.
6. Trim your nails; especially if
you work is in the food service
.This will help keep your hands
much cleaner and prevent the
spread of the germs to the
7. Keep hand sanitizer and facial
tissues near your work desk. If you
do not work on your desk, put travel
sizes of these items in your pocket.
Sanitizer and tissues will come in
handy when you're ill and can also
prevent the spread of germs
resulting from touching items such
as money and computer keyboards.
7. Keep hand sanitizer and facial
tissues near your work desk. If you
do not work on your desk, put travel
sizes of these items in your pocket.
Sanitizer and tissues will come in
handy when you're ill and can also
prevent the spread of germs
resulting from touching items such
as money and computer keyboards.
8. Use a
separate towel
or cloth for
drying dishes,
and wiping
8. Use a
separate towel
or cloth for
drying dishes,
and wiping
9. Avoid working with food when
you have an open cut, sore, boil,
or infected wound in your hands.
Pus and other liquids secreted
by the wound contain millions of
harmful bacteria that can cause
food poisoning.
9. Avoid working with food when
you have an open cut, sore, boil,
or infected wound in your hands.
Pus and other liquids secreted
by the wound contain millions of
harmful bacteria that can cause
food poisoning.
10. Keep
hands out of
food as
much as
11. Avoid
smoking while
preparing or
handling food
as ashes may
drop into the
12. Wear suitable
clothes at work.
Do not wear
clothes with long
sleeves when
working with food.
Wear also
comfortable and
clean shoes. Be
sure aprons are
always clean.
12. Wear suitable
clothes at work.
Do not wear
clothes with long
sleeves when
working with food.
Wear also
comfortable and
clean shoes. Be
sure aprons are
always clean.
Proper Hand washing
Washing is the single most
effective way to prevent the
spread of infections.
"Germs" (a general term for
microbes like viruses and
bacteria) can be spread
casually by touching another
Proper Hand washing
Washing is the single most
effective way to prevent the
spread of infections.
"Germs" (a general term for
microbes like viruses and
bacteria) can be spread
casually by touching another
You can also catch
germs when you touch
contaminated objects
or surfaces and then
you touch your face
(mouth, eyes, and
"Good" hand washing
techniques include
using an adequate
amount of soap, rubbing
the hands together to
create friction, and
rinsing under running
The following are different situations
where people can pick up "germs".