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Non-Ferrous Alloys: Dr. Indika de Silva Senior Lecturer Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering University of Moratuwa

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Non-Ferrous Alloys

Dr. Indika De Silva

Senior Lecturer
Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering
University of Moratuwa
 An alloy, not intentionally contain iron
 Properties of non ferrous alloys, not available
in ferrous:

• Resistance to corrosion
• Ease of fabrication - low melting points
• High electrical and thermal conductivity
• Light weight
• Strength at elevated temperatures
• high ductility with low yield points –
high formability.
Copper and Copper alloys

 General properties and characteristics

• Ductile metal – highly close packed {111} planes
• excellent electrical conductivity -cloud of free
electrons is uniformly available

Model of fcc structure of Cupper

 Cast alloys- alloy that is poured as a liquid into a mold
and cooled into a solid shape: ingot

 Wrought alloys – cast alloy is subjected to;

- forming process like rolling, forging etc.
- heat treatments

• Casted copper alloys have high tensile and compressive

strength, good wear qualities.

• hardening effects of cold working can easily be

removed- recrystallization temperature less than 2600C.
widely used alloys are:

• Copper- Zinc Alloys (Brass)

• Copper- Tin Alloys (Bronze)
• Copper-Nickel Alloys
Copper- Zinc Alloys (Brass)

Phase Diagram of the Copper-Zinc Alloys

• Further changes on cooling from 400°C to room temperature are so
• b - disordered solid solution b`- ordered solid solution formed
under very slow cooling.
formation of a series of solid solutions

Percentage composition
Constituent just below Constituent after slow
the freezing point cooling to 400°C
Copper Zinc

100 to 67.5 0 to 32.5 a a

67.5 to 63 32.5 to 37 a+b a

63 to 61 37 to 39 b a + b`

61 to 55.5 39 to 45.5 b a + b`

55.5 to 50 45.5 to 50 b b`

50 to 43.5 50 to 56.5 b b` + g

43.5 to 41 56.5 to 59 b+g b` + g

 Tensile strength increases with Zn content
• reaches a maximum at a composition
corresponding roughly to equal parts of a and
• falls off rapidly at the appearance of g.

 Elongation rises in a phase (FCC).

• falls considerably with amount of b(BCC).
• very small in the presence of g(BCC).
 Shock resistance rises in a phase.
• falls considerably with amount of b.
• extremely brittle when g is present.

 Hardness rises in b phase.

 Alloys containing only a phase suitable for cold

• a + b , hot working.
• g, avoided for any mechanical treatment
C 23000 - Red Brass (85 Cu, 15 Zn)
• used for ornaments and for cheap jewellery .
• Withstand cold-work and cutting.

C 26000 - Cartridge Brass (70 Cu: 30 Zn)

• for tubes, sheets and wires.
• After annealing, consists of homogeneous solid
solution, especially suitable for cold-working.
• Inclusions (oxides or silicates) lead to failure of the
material during manufacture.
Wrought Cartridge brass

Nominal Composition:
Cu 68.5-71.5
Zn 28.38-31.38,
Pb 0.07,
Fe 0.05
C 28000 - Muntz Metal (60 Cu: 40 Zn)
• The structure in room temp. is mixture of a & b.
• Proportion may be controlled to some extent by the rate
of cooling.

• Application -replacement for copper sheathing placed on

the bottom of boats - anti-fouling abilities of the pure
copper can be maintained cost effectively
- as it cost around two thirds of the pure copper
Copper- Tin Alloys (Bronze)

Phase Diagram of the Copper-Tin Alloys

formation of a series of solid solutions

Percentage composition
Constituent just below Constituent after slow
the freezing point cooling to 400°C
Copper Tin

100 to 87 0 to 13 α α

87 to 86 13 to 14 α+β α

86 to 78 14 to 22 α+β α+δ

78 to 74 22 to 26 β–>(α + β) α+δ
• α solution is the softest ; it can be rolled.
• β and γ constituents do not exist in room
• successive changes occurring at 586°C and 520°C
whereby β is resolved into α +γ and γ into α + δ.
• δ is extremely hard and brittle like γ brass.
95:5 Copper-Tin Alloy
• absorption of oxygen during solidification results in
SnO2 ,make it brittle.
• deoxidizer such as zinc is added.
• used for coins.

90:10 Copper-Tin Alloy

• Ease of casting and good strength and corrosion
• This is typical gun-metal- originally used for guns
• contain a deoxidizer, Zn (1-10%)
• Applications- intricate castings required to be pressure
tight such as valves, pipe fittings and pumps.
Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys
 Properties of Aluminum

• light in mass
• soft and ductile.
• high resistance to corrosion- thin invisible oxide skin
is formed on surface (self protecting characteristic)
• No colored salts are formed to stain surfaces.
• Good electrical and thermal conductivities
Heat exchangers used in the food, chemical,
petroleum and aircraft.
• Nontoxic – used for cooking utensils, aluminum foil
wrapping for foods
• Commercially pure Al- tensile strength of bout 90 Mpa.
Al alloys -700 MPa are available.
• Lose part of their strength at elevated temperatures.
 classify into two categories,
 Non-heat-treatable:
• Strength depends on the hardening effect of
elements such as manganese, silicon, iron and
• Not subjected to any heat treatment.

• Heat-treatable –
• Treatments include solution heat treatment,
quenching and precipitation or age hardening.
Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Designation

Aluminum, 99% and greater 1xxx

• Aluminum alloys grouped by major alloying elements:
Copper 2xxx
Manganese 3xxx
Silicon 4xxx
Magnesium 5xxx
Magnesium and silicon 6xxx
Zinc 7xxx
Other elements 8xxx
 2nd digit is usually zero.
Non zero numbers are used to indicate some modification to the
original alloy-
If 2nd digit is zero – that indicate original alloy.
If 2nd digit is 1-9 – intentionally introduced impurities.

 In 1xxx last 2 digits indicate the purity of Al,

If last 2 digits are zero – Al 99%
If last 2 digits are 12 – Al 99.12%

 For other types last 2 digits indicate the particular alloy within
the family.
Ex: 2024 means alloy number 24 within the Al-Cu system or 2xxx
Effect of Alloying Elements
1xxx Series - Excellent corrosion resistance.
(Al) - high thermal and electrical conductivity.
- excellent workability.

2xxx series - Require solution heat-treatment to obtain

(Al +Cu) optimum properties.
- artificial aging to further increase the mechanical
properties, yield strength.

3xxx series - non-heat-treatable


4xxx series - lowering of the melting point without producing

(Al+Si) brittleness.
5xxx series - high strength non-heat-treatable alloy
(Al+Mg) - good welding characteristics
- good resistance to corrosion in marine

6xxx series - good formability and corrosion resistance, with

(Al+Si+Mg) medium strength.

7xxx series - when coupled with Mg and Cu results in heat

(Al+Zn) treatable alloys of very high strength.
- 7075, 7050 and 7049, highest strength alloys used
in air-frame structures and for highly stressed
6063-T5 Aluminium alloy
 Main alloying elements: Mg (0.2 - 0.6 wt%)
Si (0.45 - 0.9 wt%)
 T5 - Cooled from an elevated temperature and artificially aged.
Age hardening
 Strengthening a metal by introducing small particles of
another phase which barriers dislocations motion

Cutting through:
When the precipitates are too
small Bowing and By pass:
When precipitates are too strong to be cut
and inter-particle space become large

 Maximum hardness is achieved if the precipitates can resist

cutting by dislocations, and are too close to permit by-passing
of dislocations.
2017-T4: - Duralumin
- Hardened by natural aging.

Applications – widely used for aircraft constructions

fine Al2Cu precipitates coarse Al2Cu (over aged)

(age hardened)
Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys
 Main Properties:

• High strength-weight ratios (Light alloy)

• Excellent machinability
• Relatively low cost

 Other Properties and Applications

• Produced in various forms including casting, sheet ,

plate, forgings, bar, and rod.

• Both standard structural shapes and sections of special

design are made by the Extrusion process.
• Can be machined at higher speeds and at
lower costs.
• Cast Mg alloys,
- Tensile strengths up to about 280 Mpa.
- Yield strengths up to about 160 MPa.
• Wrought Mg alloys,
- Tensile strengths up to about 360 MPa
- Yield strengths up to about 300 MPa.
• The yield strength, tensile strength, and
hardness of Mg alloys decrease with
- rising temperature (impaired at 150°C)
- But elongation increases.

• Relatively high,
- Coefficient of thermal expansion
- Thermal conductivity
- Specific heat

• Relatively low electrical conductivity.

ASTM Terminology for Magnesium Alloys
 The first two letters indicate the principal alloying elements;

A - Aluminum M - Manganese
B - Bismuth N - Nickel
C - Copper P - Lead
D - Cadmium Q - Silver
E - Cerium R - Chromium
F - Iron S - Silicon
G - Magnesium T - Tin
J - Phosphorus V - Arsenic
K - Zirconium W - Sulfur
L - Beryllium Y - Antimony
Z - Zinc

 AZ91 means the alloy Mg-9Al-1Zn.

The letter corresponding to the element present in the greatest

quantity is used first.
 If they are equal, they are listed alphabetically.

 The letters are followed by numbers which represent the nominal

compositions of the principal alloying elements.

Casting Alloys
 Al - predominant alloying element :
Normally maximum content, 10%.

 Alloys contained rare-earth metals ( Nd, Gd, Eu..)and Zr:

- increased resistance to creep and stress-rupture at elevated

 Nearly all casting alloys heat treated to improve the mechanical

Wrought Alloys
 Important alloys are M1A, AZ3IB, AZ6IA, AZ80A, and ZK60A.
- Last letter, A – 1 st modification
B – 2nd modification

 M1A for wrought manufactures - sheet, forgings, and


 AZ3lB is employed for sheet and extrusions.

 AZ6lA and AZ80A find use for extrusions.

 AZ80A and ZK60A are heat treated by aging the material as


 M1A and AZ31B sheets are supplied as hot rolled, as cold

rolled, and annealed.
Titanium and its Alloys
 With relative to Fe, lower atomic weight of Ti (47.867)
contribute to its lower density. (Light Alloy).

Hexagonal close-packed (HCP) crystal structure of Ti.

Ti has the following advantages;

• Light weight

• Tensile strengths of 210-1380 MPa, which are equivalent to

those strengths found in most of alloy steels.

• Corrosion resistant

• Very thin, conductive oxide surface film is formed.

• Hard, smooth surface that limits adhesion of foreign materials.

• Titanium has a high mpt. of 1725°C.

 Ti-pd alloys with 0.2% Pd –
Excellent corrosion resistance in chemical processing.

 Most widely used Ti alloy is the Ti-6Al-4V.

• Annealed material -Tensile strength of 1000-1100 Mpa
• Creep resistance of 570 Mpa up to 300°C.
• Applications -
- Aerospace airframe
- Engine components
- Applications in marine and power
generation industries.
 Used for Aerospace applications
 Ti-5Al-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-4Cr
High strength heavy sections at elevated

 Ti-6242 (Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo) for Creep resistance.

 Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn,
High strength at low-to-moderate temperatures.

 Ti-1100 ; High-temperature titanium alloys for service

up to 595oC
Typical mechanical properties for Ti6Al4V

Property Minimum Typical Value

Tensile Strength MPa (ksi) 897 (130) 1000 (145)
0.2% Proof Stress MPa (ksi) 828 (120) 910 (132)
Elongation Over 2 Inches % 10 18
Reduction in Area % 20
Elastic Modulus GPa (Msi) 114 (17)
Hardness Rockwell C 36
Specified Bend Radius <0.070 in x
Specified Bend Radius >0.070 in x
Welded Bend Radius x Thickness 6
Charpy, V-Notch Impact J (ft.lbf) 24 (18
 Excellent mechanical strength.
• High temperature strength through
solid solution strengthening.
• Precipitation strengthening – Carbides.
 Creep resistance at high temperatures.

 Good surface stability.

 Corrosion and oxidation resistance.

-Protective oxide layer (Al2O3, Cr2O3)
 Typically have a matrix with an Austenitic face-
centered cubic crystal structure.
 Base alloying elements are usually Ni , Fe and Ni and Co.

 Applications are in,

• Aerospace
• Industrial gas turbine
• Marine turbine industry
Turbine blades for hot sections of jet Engines- Ni base
super alloys.
• Submarines
• Nuclear reactors
• Military electric motors
• Chemical processing vessels, and heat exchanger tubing.
Types of Superalloys
 Predominant alloying ingredient is Ni.
 Other alloying ingredients -
Mo , Cr, Co, Fe, Co, Mn, Ti, Zr, Al, C.

Primary functions
• Effective survival under high-temperature.
• High-stress service in severely corrosive enviornment.
• Pressure vessels of some nuclear reactors, chemical reactors,
and pipes and valves.
Composition of various hastelloys

Alloy Co Cr Mo W Fe Si Mn C Ni Others

B-2 1* 1* 28 – 2* 0.1* 1* 0.01* Balance –

B-3 3* 1.5 28.5 3* 1.5 0.1* 3* 0.01* 65 min.

C-4 2* 16 16 – 3* 0.08* 1* 0.01* Balance Ti-0.7*

C-2000 2* 23 16 – 3* 0.08* – 0.01* Balance Cu-1.6

C-22 2.5* 22 13 3 3 0.08* 0.5* 0.01* Balance V-0.35*

C-276 2.5* 16 16 4 5 0.08* 1* 0.01* Balance V-0.35*

G-30 2* 30 5.5 2.5 15 1* 1.5* 0.03* Balance
N 0.2* 7 16 0.5* 5* 1* 0.8* 0.08* Balance 0.5*, Cu-

W 2.5* 5 24 – 6 1* 1* 0.12* Balance V-0.6*

 Austenitic nickel-chromium-based superalloys.

 Inconel alloys are typically used in high temperature

 Common trade names for Inconel include:
Inconel 625,
Chronin 625,
Altemp 625,
Haynes 625,
Nickelvac 625
Nicrofer 6020.
Different Inconels have widely varying compositions

Element (% by mass)
Ni Cr Fe Mo Nb Co Mn Cu Al Ti Si C

600 72 14-17 6-10 1 0.5 0.5 0.15

625 58 20-23 5 8-10 3-4 1 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.1

718 50 17-21 balance 2.8-3.3 4.5-5.5 1 0.35 0.2-0.8 0.65 0.3 0.35 0.08
 Inconel alloys are oxidation and corrosion resistant
materials suited for extreme environments.
 When heated, forms a thick, stable, passivating oxide
layer protecting the surface from further attack.

 Retains strength over a wide temperature range,

attractive for high temperature applications
where aluminum and steel would succumb to
 High temperature strength is developed by
• Solid solution strengthening or
• Precipitation strengthening
- Small amounts of Nb combine with Ni to
form the intermetallic compound Ni3Nb,
that forms small cubic crystals inhibit slip
and creep effectively at elevated
Applications - encountered in extreme environments
• Gas turbine blades, seals, combustors, turbocharger rotors and

• Pump motor shafts, high temperature fasteners, chemical

processing and pressure vessels, heat exchanger tubing.

• Extensively used in boilers of waste incinerators.

Extensively used Inconel alloys
• Inconel 600: Solid solution strengthened.

• Inconel 625: Acid resistant, good weldability.

• Inconel 690: Low cobalt content for nuclear applications.

• Inconel 718: good weldability.

• Inconel 751: Increased aluminum content for improved

rupture strength in the 1600° F range.

• Inconel 939: good weldability.

Refractory metals and Alloys
Tungsten and Tungsten Alloys
 Tungsten carbide (WC)
Physical properties
• high melting Pt, 2,870 °C
• extremely hard (Vickers Hardness number = 2242)
• Low electrical resistivity (1.7–2.2×10−7 Ohm·m)
 There are two forms of WC;
• Hexagonal form, α-WC,
• Cubic high temperature form, β-WC, which has the
rock salt structure.

β-WC, Rock Salt Structure α-WC, Hexagonal form

 Machine tools
• For materials such as carbon or stainless steel
• In situations where other tools would wear away.
• Carbide generally produces a better finish on the part, and
allows faster machining.
• Carbide tools can also withstand higher temperatures than
standard high speed steel tools
 Military
• used in armor-piercing ammunition,

• Effective neutron reflector – used into nuclear chain

reactions for weapons.
• Used for rotating ball in the tips of ballpoint pens to
disperse ink during writing.
• Jewellery- The finish is highly resistant to scratches.
Molybdenum & Molybdenum alloys
• Outstanding electrical and thermal-conducting capabilities and
relatively high tensile strength.

• Thermal conductivity is approximately 50% higher than steel,

iron or nickel alloys.

• Its electrical conductivity is the highest of all refractory metals,

about (1/3) that of copper.

• The major use- alloying agent for ,

alloy tool steels,
stainless steels,
nickel-base or cobalt-base super-alloys
to increase hot strength, toughness and corrosion
 In the electrical and electronic industries
• used in cathodes,
• Radar devices
• magnetron end hats
• mandrels for winding tungsten filaments.

 Important in the missile industry, high-temperature structural

parts, (maximum 1650°C) such as
• nozzles,
• leading edges of control surfaces
• support vanes,
• heal-radiation shields, turbine wheels, and pumps.
TZM Alloy (Titanium, Zirconium, Molybdenum)
 Molybdenum's prime alloy is TZM.
99% Mo, 0.5% Ti and 0.08% Zr.

 TZM offers twice the strength of pure Mo at temperatures

over 1300°C.

• Recrystallization temperature of TZM is approximately 250°C

higher than Mo
- better weldability than pure molybdenum.

• Finer grain structure and formation of TiC and ZrC in the grain
boundaries inhibit grain growth.
• Failure of the base metal as a result of fracturing
along grain boundaries.
• TZM generally costs around 25% more than pure Mo
but in high heat and strength applications it can be
well worth
• TZM is generally available in sheet and foil.
 Major uses include:

• Dies for casting aluminum, magnesium, zinc, and

• Rocket nozzles
• punches for hot stamping
• Tools for metal working (high abrasion)
• Heat shields for furnaces, structural parts, and
heating elements
Amorphous Metal
 Metallic material with a disordered atomic-scale

Crystalline atomic structure Amorphous atomic structure

 usually an alloy rather than a pure metal.

 The alloys contain atoms of significantly different sizes,

leading to low free volume - higher viscosity in molten

 The viscosity prevents the atoms moving enough to form an

ordered lattice.

 Much tougher and less brittle than oxide glasses and


 stronger than crystalline alloys.

 Vitreloy (41.2% Zr, 13.8% Ti, 12.5% Cu, 10% Ni, and 22.5% Be)
• Tensile strength almost twice that of high-grade titanium.

 Ti40Cu36Pd14Zr10 -
• 3 times stronger than titanium
• Elastic modulus nearly matches bones.
• The alloy does not undergo shrinkage on solidification.

 Mg60Zn35Ca5
• Biomaterial for implantation into bones as screws, pins, or
plates, to fix fractures.
Nickel based Alloys
Main properties
 Outstanding strength (480-1170 MPa)
 Corrosion resistance -particularly at high temp.
 can be forged and hot worked, Difficult to cast.
 Welding operations can be performed with little
 Chemical & food processing industries
- Excellent corrosion resistance.

 Resistant to salt water, sulfuric acid, high velocity and high

temperature steam.

 Steam turbine blades.

 Aircraft gas turbines

 Excellent appearance, similar to that of stainless steel.

– Ornamentals, house hold ware.
Three types of Monel,

 K-Monel; 3% Al
- Precipitation hardened to a tensile strength of
1100-1240 MPa.

 H-Monel; 3% Si
 S- Monel; 4% Si
- Both are used for casting applications and
can also be precipitation hardened.
 Ni-Cr alloy (80% Ni, 20% Cr)
- electrical resistors and heating elements.

 Ni-Cr alloy (60% Ni, 16% Cr, 24%Fe)

- Excellent resistance to oxidation while retaining
useful strength at red heats.
Shape Memory Alloys
 Metallic materials that demonstrate the ability to return to
their previously defined shape when subjected to the
appropriate heating schedule.

 The most effective and widely used alloys

- NiTi (50Ni-50Ti),
- CuAlNi,
- CuZnAl
 Applications ;
- Robotics
- General Electric Aircraft Engines,
- Hydraulic Fittings (for Airplanes)
- Oil line pipes for industrial applications

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