several days and finally harvesting when the algal population reaches
reaching the stationary phase and the larger culture volumes are then
Production scheme for batch
culture of algae (Lee and
(.Tamaru, 1993
• Batch culture systems are widely applied because of their simplicity and
• However, the quality of the harvested cells may be less predictable than
that of continuous systems and for example vary with the timing of the
initial inoculation and early growth period. Because the density of the
• Batch cultures also require a lot of labour to harvest, clean, sterilize, refill,
Chroomonas salina.
Cymbella sp. after Nile red staining under fluorescence microscopy. Yellow
droplets show lipid containing droplets and orange droplets show chlorophyll.
Use of micro-algae in aquaculture
• Bivalve molluscs
• Intensive rearing of bivalves has so far relied on the production of live algae,
which comprises on average 30% of the operating costs in a bivalve hatchery.
• the juveniles, representing the largest biomass in the hatchery and consume the
largest volumes of algal culture .
• Eight algal were reported in an international survey among hatchery (Isochrysis
sp., C. gracilis; C. calcitrans; T. suecica; T. pseudonana, clone 3H; P. lutheri; I.
galbana; S. costatum).
• The larvae of most bivalve species have similar food preferences; suitable algal
species including C. calcitrans, I. galbana, and T. suecica (for larvae > 120 μm in
length). Combinations of flagellates and diatoms provide a well balanced diet
which will generally accelerate the rate of larval development to metamorphosis
in comparison with unialgal diets.
• Penaeid shrimp
• Algae are added during the non-feeding nauplius stage so that algae are
• Algal species most often used are Tetraselmis chui, Chaetoceros gracilis, and
Skeletonema costatum.
• Marine fish
• algae are often used directly in the tanks for rearing marine fish larvae.
• This "green water technique" is part of the commonly applied techniques for
rearing larvae of gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata (50,000 cells ml-1 of