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Kantar IMRB


◦ Research Objective.
◦ Project Talic
◦ Project Digest
◦ Project UNS
◦ Project Pluto Sales & Service
◦ Project Reprise
◦ Project UK perception
◦ References.
Role in the Organization during Summer Internship:
Taking interviews based on given projects.
Taking feedback from the respondents.
Sync the data on the regular basis.
To be ethical with work.
Follow the rules & regulations of MRSI.
The questionnaire is prepared by the research team of IMRB with the objective to know
Project Digest
Digestive problems that generally occur,
the solutions that people opt for,
the people’s perspective about various medicine and their willingness to buy a product if they like it.
Project UNS_India ( Central Location Test)
To understand the requirement/demand of the public
the amount of money they are willing to pay to fulfill that requirement
the difficulties they face with their current vehicle
the contribution of the respondent in the process of decision making
the income and also the savings etc.
Project Pluto (sales & service)
To know about the service Centre experience such as wait time, ambience, mechanic’s knowledge and
ability, etc. in case of Pluto service
And in case of Pluto sales the questionnaire was directed to know and understand the experience of the
buyers at the dealership, the services they provide, after sale service, etc.
Project Talic:

To know about customer satisfaction,

to know about the general image of the company among people, to know and understand about the gap between the
customers and the company,

to know about the employees from the customer’s experience.

Project Reprise:

to know the financial position of the respondent and their desire to own a particular bike.

to compare between brands and the respondent’s opinion on the various brands.

Project U.K. Perception

To know about people’s perception about U.K,

what the students and young professionals think about U.K,

how much the respondents know about U.K.

(Q was divided into three sections viz. Student. Own business/ Entrepreneur, Professional. The reason for the same was that all three categories
of people comes from different place, and have different life experience and thus different opinions).AW
Analysis using SPSS
Correlation Matrixa

How likely are you to

choose the POLICY next
Is a company which is time you want to purchase Transparency of terms &
Is an ethical company transparent in its dealings. Is a company you trust. an insurance policy? conditions of the policy. Range of policies
Correlation Is an ethical company 1.000 -.041 -.076 .298 .160 .273

Is a company which is transparent in its -.041 1.000 .079 .023 .129 -.089

Is a company you trust. -.076 .079 1.000 -.155 .106 -.172

How likely are you to choose the POLICY next .298 .023 -.155 1.000 -.017 -.075
time you want to purchase an insurance

Transparency of terms & conditions of the .160 .129 .106 -.017 1.000 -.028

Range of policies .273 -.089 -.172 -.075 -.028 1.000

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .657

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 31.939

df 28

Sig. .077

KMO values between 0.6 and 1 indicate the sampling is adequate.

KMO values less than 0.6 indicate the sampling is not adequate and that remedial action should be taken.
KMO Values close to zero means that there are large partial correlations compared to the sum of correlations. In other
words, there are widespread correlations which are a large problem for factor analysis.
Total Variance Explained
Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings
Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 1.646 20.581 20.581 1.646 20.581 20.581
2 1.433 17.911 38.492 1.433 17.911 38.492
3 1.204 15.056 53.548 1.204 15.056 53.548
4 1.051 13.132 66.679 1.051 13.132 66.679
5 .931 11.639 78.318
6 .774 9.677 87.996
7 .496 6.200 94.196
8 .464 5.804 100.000

Total Variance Explained

Rotation Sums of Squared Loadingsa

Component Total
1 1.365

2 1.476

3 1.326

4 1.241

Project digest

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 25 1 2.9 3.1 3.1
26 1 2.9 3.1 6.3
28 3 8.6 9.4 15.6
29 2 5.7 6.3 21.9
30 1 2.9 3.1 25.0
31 1 2.9 3.1 28.1
33 3 8.6 9.4 37.5
35 4 11.4 12.5 50.0
36 1 2.9 3.1 53.1
39 2 5.7 6.3 59.4
40 2 5.7 6.3 65.6
43 1 2.9 3.1 68.8
44 1 2.9 3.1 71.9
45 2 5.7 6.3 78.1
47 1 2.9 3.1 81.3
48 1 2.9 3.1 84.4
49 1 2.9 3.1 87.5
50 1 2.9 3.1 90.6
52 1 2.9 3.1 93.8
54 1 2.9 3.1 96.9
55 1 2.9 3.1 100.0
Total 32 91.4 100.0
Project digest

Most of the respondents prefer the natural and herbal way to cure and thus while showing the
concepts it was observed that people responded to the herbal solutions.
Respondents selected any particular concept on the basis of their personal experience and the
influences (TV, advertisements, friends &family advice, etc.). The primary reason stated for the
selection of any particular concept was the benefit they thought they might avail from the product.
This was basically influenced by the Ayurvedic ingredients and herbal benefits that was mentioned in
those concepts.
Affordability and reach of the products also plays a vital role.
 As can be seen the quality of the product is most important factor for anyone to buy that particular
product. Price is another very important factor.
Project UNS

From the above data it can be derived that market penetration of the cars in Pune city in respect to gender
is far below equality. There might be several reasons and one of the findings is that women are not decision
makers in purchasing a car. The findings also claim that in respect to women’s who own a car 50% of them
are aged between 25-35; which gives a conclusion that the young generation are purchasing a car more
than the other groups. The women drivers are a huge and upcoming market thus he company must tap this
for better and more profits.
Again, when asked about what drives them to buy a particular vehicle, respondents picked mileage as the top
priority. Environment friendly and a classy exterior were the second most selected factors. It implies that
people wants a vehicle which is efficient and gives a good mileage. And at the same time it can be seen that
people are being more aware of the environment and hence eco-friendly cars was among favourites. Whereas,
an attractive exterior is very imperative because people buy a car not just for its utility but as a fashion
statement and thus their possession should be good looking.
When asked about if the respondent is willing to pay more for eco-friendly features most of the people refused
to do so. They stated that they do wanted to work and act for the good of environment but will and cannot pay
more as they are already paying taxes and all. Few respondents did agree to pay more, but they questioned how
The ratio who totally disagreed to pay to the who somewhat agreed is 5:1.
Pluto sales& service
Market penetration in terms of age and gender.
The analysis consists of 17 different models of 5 companies and 30 respondents. The age criteria were 25-65
years old car owners. Male to female ratio is 4:1.

Age breakup: - Gender Female breakup

25-35: 11 respondents Male: 24 25-35: 03
36-45: 09 respondents Female: 6 35-45: 02
46-55: 03 respondents 45-55: 00
56-65: 07 respondents 55-65: 01
It can be observed from the data that MARUTI SUZUKI has market share of more than 50% as out of 30
samples 18 cars are of MARUTI SUZUKI and 12 are of other car manufacturers.
Modes of communication

Further analyzing the data it can be concluded that the dealership is the most important mode of communication
with 12 respondents agreed that before purchasing a car they went to meet the agents of dealerships and were
convinced with the information that was shared with them. Further websites and digital media took the second and
third place with 8 and 7 respondents claiming that they visited these platforms and were satisfied with the reviews
on different platforms and then decided to purchase the car. Only 3 respondents called the customer service to get
the information regarding the purchased cars. However, it should be noted that these mode of communication was
the first preference given by the customer. He/she may have used more than one mode of communication before
purchasing the car.
Value perception

From the data it can be seen that 22 out of 30 car owners prefer to get their car serviced through
authorized service centers which is 73% and only 13% of the car owners get their car serviced
through unauthorized and local mechanics. It can be observed that car owners prefer to get their car
service through authorized service centers rather than unauthorized service centers and local

Car owners majorly prefer to go to a service center that is close to their house or office. This means the
company needs to extend its reach and cover more ground, so as to get more people coming to its servicing
center. The rural and semi urban parts of India has a big scope for the same.

Thus it can be seen women prefer a low cc bike as compared to men.

In the above chart, we can see that among the respondents the highest number of bikes in one category is the
“Royal Enfield Bullet Classic 350”
The above chart shows that quality ride is the most selected option, i.e. the most
preferred reason for buying a motorbike. Whereas mileage has a very less importance as
compared to other factors for the buyers and intenders of 200+cc motor bike.

From the chart it is quite visible that people has better

opinion for USA as compared to U.K. The strategic
relationship which the two nation (India and U.K) seeks
needs to be brought into action while making some sound,
i.e. more promotion is needed. Most of the people
interviewed don’t have much knowledge and most
importantly not aware of U.K.
The project was to know about people’s opinion and view
about U.K. and, in the interviewed area the people are not
much aware and not really interested in U.K. related matters.

Initially it seemed like a hard task but, with time while negotiating and convincing the
prospective respondents I was able to understand people’s behavior which helped me a
lot in the later part of the internship. Thus the key learnings from this two months of
internship would be the Convincing, Negotiating and Human Behavior.

Thank You

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