Co-PO Mapping
Co-PO Mapping
Co-PO Mapping
and Attainment
Expected Outcomes
This CO contributes to analysis of translation
problem (PO2), examining the source code to
object code mapping (PO1), examining and
evaluating how static analysis of the source
CO-PO Mapping
CO2: Use regular expressions and CFG to specify the
lexical and syntactic structure of programming
This CO contributes to applying knowledge of formal
notations(PO1), analysis of lexical and syntactic
structure of programming language(problem
analysis PO2), arriving at correct
specification(design/development of solutions PO3)
PSO1: Able to create extensible and reusable code or systems to
strive balance between increasing complexity and reduction in
time available for development
PSO2: Able to use CASE tools that allows speedy and cost effective
implementation of systems
PSO3: Able to assess alternatives for data representations and
PSO4: Able to estimate the issues in all area like Databases, System
Software, Security
CO-PSO Mapping
CO1: Identify the issue that arise in the design and
construction of translators for programming languages.
This CO contributes to (PSO4): Able to estimate the
issues in all area like Databases, System Software,
CO4: Assess the various program transformations.
This CO contributes to (moderately) (PSO3): Able to
assess alternatives for data representations and
CO5: Design a simple compiler for a subset of a
programming language using compiler generators.
This CO contributes to (PSO2): Able to use CASE tools
that allows speedy and cost effective implementation of
systems and (PSO3): Able to assess alternatives for data
Assessment in OBE
Assessment process is very important in
OBE, and it should have following
1. It should be valid means it should allow
assessment of what is intended to asses.
2. It should be reliable means should give
consistent results.
3. It should be fair means it should not get
influenced by factors like background of
Assessment in OBE
Direct Assessment: All examinations. It
allows calculation of attainment of COs,
and then using CO-PO/PSO mapping the
attainment of POs and PSOs is
Indirect Assessment : Exit survey,
Employer’s feedback, Alumni feedback.
Assessment in OBE
Direct Assessment: Mapping questions to
Q.1. Consider the following lexical rules in Lex specification. CO5
a[abc]c? {return 100;}
ab {return 200;}
c+ {return 300;}
abc {return 400;}
(1) Which rules apply to the strings ab and abc? List
them by their return code.
(2) Which rule/s is/are applied to the strings ab and abc
by the scanner generated by Lex? (Specify the rule/s in
terms of return code). What you conclude about the
way the scanner generated by Lex picks the rule when
multiple rules apply?
(3) What token sequence is produced by the scanner
generated by Lex for string abccc?Why?
Assessment in OBE
Direct Assessment: Mapping questions to
Explanation: This question attempts to
measure ability to write lex specification
for generating a scanner. Therefore it
contributes to attainment of CO5:
Design a simple compiler for a subset of
a programming language using compiler
Assessment in OBE
Direct Assessment: Mapping questions to
Q.2. An elevator is controlled by two commands: a to move CO2,
one floor up and b to move down one floor. Assume that CO3
the building is arbitrarily tall and the elevator starts at
floor x. Write an LL(1) grammar that generates
arbitrary command sequences that (1) never cause the
elevator to go below floor x and (2) always return the
elevator to floor x at the end of the sequence. For
example aabb and abab are valid command sequences,
but abba and abb are not. For convenience you can
consider a null sequence as valid sequence. Prove that
your grammar is LL(1).
1 9 15
2 9 12
3 7 9
4 13 0
5 6 9
6 12
7 6 7
8 15 15
9 5 12
10 8 15
11 13 16
12 12 12
13 10 13
14 13 15
60% target 60% target
Attainment Attainment
35.71% 71.42%
CO Attainment calculation(Direct
In an examination there were two question
each of 20 marks, first one contributing to
attainment of CO1, whereas second one
contributing to attainment of CO2, The scores of
the students in each question is given above.