Introduction To Osha: Directorate of Training and Education OSHA Training Institute
Introduction To Osha: Directorate of Training and Education OSHA Training Institute
Introduction To Osha: Directorate of Training and Education OSHA Training Institute
Topic 1:
Why is OSHA Important to You?
4,405 workers were killed on the
OSHA Makes a
job in 2013 (3.2 per 100,000 full- Difference
time equivalent workers) • Worker deaths in
America are
An average of nearly 12 workers down–on
die every day average, from
about 38 worker
797 Hispanic or Latino workers deaths a day in
were killed from work-related 1970 to 12 a day
in 2013.
injuries in 2013 • Worker injuries
Nearly 3.0 million serious and illnesses are
down–from 10.9
workplace injuries and illnesses incidents per
were reported by private industry 100 workers in
1972 to 3.0 per
employers in 2012 100 in 2012.
History of OSHA
OSHA stands for the
Occupational Safety and
Health Administration, an
agency of the U.S.
Department of Labor
OSHA’s responsibility is to
improve worker safety and
health protection
On December 29, 1970, President Nixon signed
the OSH Act
This Act created OSHA, the agency, which
formally came into being on April 28, 1971
OSHA’s Mission
The mission of OSHA is to assure safe and
healthful working conditions for working men
and women by setting and enforcing
standards and by providing training,
outreach, education and assistance.
Some of the things OSHA does to carry out its
mission are:
◦ Developing job safety and health standards and
enforcing them through worksite inspections
◦ Providing training programs to increase knowledge
about occupational safety and health
Topic 2:
What Rights Do You Have Under OSHA?
You have the right to:
◦ A safe and healthful workplace
◦ Know about hazardous chemicals
◦ Report injury to employer
◦ Complain or request hazard correction from employer
◦ Training
◦ Hazard exposure and medical records
◦ File a complaint with OSHA
◦ Participate in an OSHA inspection
◦ Be free from retaliation for exercising safety and
health rights
Worker Rights
Handout #1:
OSHA Poster
Your Right to…
Your Right to…
Your Right to…
Your Right to…
Your Right to…
Your Right to…
Your Right to…
Provide a workplace free from recognized hazards
and comply with OSHA standards
Provide training required by OSHA standards
Keep records of injuries and illnesses
Provide medical exams when required by OSHA
standards and provide workers access to their
exposure and medical records
Not discriminate against workers who exercise
their rights under the Act (Section 11(c))
Post OSHA citations and hazard correction notices
Provide and pay for most PPE
Employer Responsibilities (cont.)
Employers must:
Report each worker death to OSHA
Report each work-related hospitalization,
amputation, or loss of an eye
Maintain injury & illness records
Inform workers how to report an injury or
illness to the employer
Make records available to workers
Allow OSHA access to records
Post annual summary of injuries & illnesses
Topic 4:
What are OSHA Standards?
OSHA standards are: Four Groups of
OSHA Standards
Rules that describe the
methods employers General Industry*
must use to protect Construction
employees from Maritime
Designed to protect
workers from a wide *General Industry is the set that applies to
the largest number of workers and
range of hazards worksites
Most Frequently Cited OSHA Standards
OSHA’s website provides information regarding the
most frequently cited standards
Click: Frequently Cited OSHA Standards
to view current data
“Select number of employees in
establishment,” select ALL or one of
the options listed
“Federal or State Jurisdiction,” select
Federal or, from the dropdown
menu, a specific state
“NAICS,” enter ALL for all Industry
groups, or enter a valid 2 to 6 digit
code for a specific Industry from the
NAICS Manual
Shown are search results for: All
sizes of establishments, in Federal
jurisdiction, with a Construction
NAICS code of “23”
Common Most Frequently Cited Standards:
Fall Protection; Hazard Communication; Scaffolding; Respiratory
Protection; Electrical; Powered Industrial Trucks; Ladders
The OSH Act authorizes OSHA compliance
safety and health officers (CSHOs) to conduct
workplace inspections at reasonable times
OSHA conducts inspections without advance
notice, except in rare circumstances (e.g.
Imminent Danger)
In fact, anyone who tells an employer about
an OSHA inspection in advance can receive
fines and a jail term
Different Types of OSHA Inspections
Imminent danger
Fatality or hospitalizations
Targeted inspections—
Local Emphasis Program
(LEP), National Emphasis
Program (NEP), particular
hazards or industries
Follow-up Inspections
WILLFUL OSHA may propose penalties of up to
A violation that the employer intentionally and knowingly $70,000 for each willful violation, with
commits or a violation that the employer commits with plain a minimum penalty of $5,000 for each
indifference to the law. willful violation.
There is a mandatory penalty for
A violation where there is substantial probability that death
serious violations which may be up to
or serious physical harm could result and that the employer
knew, or should have known, of the hazard.
OSHA may propose a penalty of up to
A violation that has a direct relationship to safety and health,
$7,000 for each other-than-serious
but probably would not cause death or serious physical
Give an example of a reason why OSHA would
conduct an inspection at your workplace
Sources within the workplace/worksite
Sources outside the workplace/worksite
How to file an OSHA complaint
Employer or supervisor, co-workers and
union representatives
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for information on
Labels and warning signs
Employee orientation manuals or other
training materials
Work tasks and procedures instruction
OSHA website: and
OSHA offices (you can call or write)
Compliance Assistance Specialists in the area
National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH) – OSHA’s sister agency
OSHA Training Institute Education Centers
Doctors, nurses, other health care providers
Public libraries
Other local, community-based resources
How to Raise a Concern
Handout #7: Identifying
Safety and Health Problems
in the Workplace
Download the OSHA complaint form from OSHA’s
File the complaint online
◦ Workers can file a complaint
◦ A worker representative can file a complaint
Telephone or visit local regional or area offices to
discuss your concerns
Complete the form – be specific and include
appropriate details
OSHA determines if an inspection is necessary
Workers do not have to reveal their name
Handout #8a:
General Industry
Each group reviews the handout and
discusses the industry-specific scenario
Groups need to determine what information
would be important to include in their
Have the class discuss the group’s results:
◦ What was included in the complaint?
◦ What was added to the complaint?
Handout #8b:
Each group reviews the handout and
discusses the industry-specific scenario
Groups need to determine what information
would be important to include in their
Have the class discuss the group’s results:
◦ What was included in the complaint?
◦ What was added to the complaint?
Handout #8c:
Maritime Industry
Each group reviews the handout and
discusses the industry-specific scenario
Groups need to determine what information
would be important to include in their
Have the class discuss the group’s results:
◦ What was included in the complaint?
◦ What was added to the complaint?
What are some resources inside the
workplace that will help you find information
on safety and health issues?
This lesson covered:
The importance of OSHA, including the
history of safety and health regulation leading
to the creation of OSHA and OSHA’s mission;
Worker rights under OSHA;
Employer responsibilities;
OSHA standards;
OSHA inspections; and
Safety and health resources, including how to
file a complaint.
Thank You!