The Lay of The Land: Ecosystem Diversity in The Philippines
The Lay of The Land: Ecosystem Diversity in The Philippines
The Lay of The Land: Ecosystem Diversity in The Philippines
Ecosystem Diversity in the
Here in this country, topography
varies to a great extent, ranging
from coastal wetlands to upland
region watersheds. It follows, thus,
that the country is home to several
types of ecosystems, which can be
classified according to their
defining features as follows:
General Types Sub-types (Lower
Major Features
(Higher Level) Level)
• Sub-alpine forest
• Mossy forest
• Montane forest (upper
and lower) Forest types classified
• Pine forest based on:
• Semi-deciduous forest •Altitude ranging from
(moist deciduous) sea level to 3,000
•Lowland evergreen meters above sea level
forest •Presence of dominant
Terrestrial Ecosystem
•Forest over limestone forest species and
(karst) endemic/native plants
•Forest over ultrabasic •Amount of soil nutrients
soil and moisture
•Forest over ultramafic •Type of soil minerals
rocks and soil chemistry
•Grassland (upland and
General Types Sub-types (Lower
Major Features
(Higher Level) Level)
•Lacustrine: Lakes
•Inland wetlands
and ponds
Freshwater classified based on
•Riverine: rivers,
Ecosystem hydrodynamics and
streams, creeks
•Palustrine: marshes