Group 2
Group 2
Group 2
Child Labour refers to the us of children as a
source of labour while depriving them of their
fundamental rights in the process. Such rights
include the opportunity to enjoy their childhood,
attend school regularly, have peace of mind, and
live dignified life.
The amount of assistance given by the Ministry of Labour for taking up action-oriented projects
aimed at benefiting child labour and women labour will be restricted to 75% of the recurring
cost of the project as per the approved budget. The remaining 25% of the cost including the
non-recurring cost, if any, will have to be borne by the organization concerned.
Duration of assistance will depend on each project and will be for a maximum of 5 years and
will be generally restricted to the currency of the Five-Year Plan. Sanction will, however, be
accorded for a maximum period of three years at a time. Releasing of grants for the project
after a year will be subject to fulfillment of prescribed terms and conditions.
In the event of assistance being available from any other source including international
organizations like ILO, UNICEF, etc. for taking up the action programme on a multi-aided
approach, total assistance will not exceed the ceiling mentioned
The INDUS Child Labour Project was a Technical Cooperation Project of the Government of India
(GOI), Ministry of Labour and Employment and Directorate of Education, and the United States
Department of Labour (USDOL), within the framework of a Joint Statement of Enhanced Indo-US Co-
operation on Elimination of Child Labour.
Objectives :
Children working in selected hazardous occupations in the target districts are identified, in
collaboration with communities and other partners;
Children withdrawn from hazardous work are provided with transitional and pre-vocational education,
and social support to prevent relapse;
Provide adolescents withdrawn from hazardous work with vocational training and alternatives for
income generation;
Increased economic security of families who withdraw their children from hazardous work by
encouraging savings and development of alternative livelihoods;
Access provided for children to quality education to prevent children from entering or re-entering
hazardous work;
Monitoring and tracking takes place of children released from hazardous work to ensure that their
situation has improved;
Public support and momentum created against child labour in the target districts and in favor of
educational opportunities;
Strengthen capacity of national, state, district and local institutions so they can function as ongoing
support for eliminating hazardous child labour; and
Interest in other areas in adopting measures to prevent, remove and provide alternatives for children
in hazardous sectors.