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Child Labour refers to the us of children as a
source of labour while depriving them of their
fundamental rights in the process. Such rights
include the opportunity to enjoy their childhood,
attend school regularly, have peace of mind, and
live dignified life.

A child should not be subjected to any kind of a

work/service at the expense of his/her education.
A complex issue of child labour is a developmental
issue worth investigation.
More then 2,15,000,000 children who undergo
age of 5-14 are still suffering from child labour in
more than 76 countries which also includes India.
India is the largest example of a nation plagued by
the problem of child labour.
The notion that children are being exploited and
forced into labour which indeed results in no
POVERTY- is considered to be the most important cause of
child labour and it deprives children from schooling and
acquiring human skills. These children come from the families
who are below the poverty line, where they do not have choice
but to work for their family and be an earning member because
their parents are unable to support them.
ILLITRACY OF PARENTS- It can deprive their children from
basic education. Work is considered as an alternative than
going to school. They are unaware of the importance of
education and teach their children how to earn money for their
UNEMPLOYMENT- As we have a huge population in our
country unemployment is a major cause of child labour. Even
with high qualified degrees people are unable to get a job
therefore parents think its useful to teach the children how to
earn money at an early age rather than facing difficulties in
FAMILY PROBLEMS– Many children are seen migrating to
Mumbai or run away from their houses due to arguments
between their parents or due to alcoholism and in search for
a better life they migrate to the city and start working for
EASY AVAILABILITY OF JOBS- Being children and under
the age of 14 years it is very easy to find a job as people in
the city think that children will listen to whatever they say and
will be available at a low wage rate.
POOR ENFORCEMENT OF LAW- Due to poor enforcement
of law in India for example even though employing children
below the age of 14 years is a punishable offence (as per
child labour act of 1986) these enforcing agencies ignore the
matter of the offenders and they are not booked.


Children who work often Lack of education as

face serious health children also means that
problems because of when they turn into adults,
working incessantly in finding jobs becomes tough
perilous conditions. since these children do not
Often the employers do not possess the necessary
care at all about underage skills and training.
children who are almost  This leads to a sharp hike
always malnourished, and in unemployment.
continue to work for long It condemns the child to a
hours with little or no life of unskilled, badly paid
respite. work.
 Social Evils  Increase In
Delinquency Activities

Children of below 14 years are Juvenile delinquency the

forced to do labour work in participation by a minor child,
extreme hazardous conditions usually between the ages of 10
and paid a penny amount as
wages for their tireless long and 17, in illegal behaviour or
hours of work. The problem of activities. Juvenile delinquency
child labour is a serious concern is also used to refer to children
not only in India but also in other who exhibit a persistent
developing countries. It is a
great social problem and India, behaviour of mischievousness or
sadly, is the home to the largest disobedience, so as to be
number of child labourers in the considered out of parental
world. control, becoming subject to
The employed children get legal action by the court system.
involved in social evils such as
smoking, drinking liquor and Juvenile delinquency is also
gambling. Also, they lack known as “juvenile offending,”
education and they may not and each state has a separate
understand the effects of such legal system in place to deal
evils. The trend of social evils
continue in the later part of their, with juveniles who break the law.
which can have a devastating To explore this concept, consider
effect on self and family. the following juvenile
delinquency definition.
 Affects personality  Poor image of the
development country

Lack of education and It is estimated that India has

parental care during the largest number of child
childhood affect the labour in the world. It gives a
personality development of poor image to the country as
children. The exploitation well as the government. Child
and hardships at work places labour deprives them of
hamper their personality education which also ruins the
development. It also affects future growth of our country.
the overall social
development of children,
since they do not get their
own age or enough time with
 Hamper The Human
 Exploitation of Resource Development
Children of The Country

Exploitation occurs when The phenomena of child

children work in dangerous labour has scuttled efforts
or unhealthy conditions, aimed at human capital
when they are underpaid or development thereby
when they are coerced into increasing juvenile
forced labour, debt delinquency while
bondage or slavery . perpetuating the vicious
cycle of poverty.
Child labour in Bangladesh is common, with 4.8 million or 12.6% of
children aged 5 to 14 in the work force. Out of the child labourers
engaged in the work force, 83% are employed in rural areas and 17%
are employed in urban areas. In 2006, Bangladesh passed a Labour
Law setting the minimum legal age for employment as 14.
Nevertheless, the enforcement of such labour laws is virtually
impossible in Bangladesh because 93% of child labourers are
employed in the informal sector such as small factories and
workshops, on the street, in home-based businesses and domestic
employment. Lack of education remains one of the top impacts of child
labour. It has also been found that illiteracy rates are a predictor of
child labour prevalence. In 2013, UNICEF estimates that total adult
literacy is around 57.7%. Literacy rates also tend to be lower for
females than males. In Bangladesh, less than 75% of girls finish their
primary education.
BRAC has also been responsible
for running schools for non-formal
education that were put in place
to teach children fired from jobs.
These 8non-formal schools also
gave children another option
besides schooling. Along with the
schooling program, families also
received health care services and
monthly cash stipends to make
up for the wages their children
were not bringing in by
participating in the schooling
In addition to the work of the government, BRAC, and ILO,
there have been a number of contributions from international
organizations and donors to help start strategies against child
labour. These strategies include: taking children out of
hazardous work environments and placing them in schooling
or training programs, giving families stipends to compensate
for loss in wages from a decrease in child labour, and raising
awarenes888888s of the harmful effects of child labour.
As per the Child Labour The ILO’s International
(Prohibition and Regulation) Programme on the
Act, 1986, amended in Elimination of Child Labour
2016(“CLPR Act”), a ”Child” (IPEC) was created in 1992
is defined as any person with the overall goal of the
below the age of 15, and progressive elimination of
the CLPR Act prohibits child labour, which was to
employment of a Child in be achieved through
any employment including strengthening the capacity
as a domestic help. It is a of countries to deal with the
cognizable offence to problem and promoting a
employ a Child for any worldwide movement to
work. combat child labour,
Article 21 A: Right to Education
The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all
children of the age of 6 to 14 years in such manner as the State,
by law, may determine.
Article 24: Prohibition of employment of children in factories,
No child below the age fourteen years shall be employed in work
in any factory or mine or engaged in any other hazardous
Article 39: The State shall, in particular, direct its policy
towards securing
e) that the health and strength of workers, men and women, and
the tender age of children are not abused and that citizens are not
forced by economic necessity to enter avocations unsuited to their
age or strength.
 The Ministry of Labour has been financing, since 1981-82, voluntary organizations by way of
grant-in-aid for taking up action-oriented projects for the benefit of child labor
 The phenomenon of child labour is due to socio-economic compulsions. Government’s policy
is, therefore, to prohibit child labour in hazardous employment and regulate their working
conditions in other employment /occupations. The working children are deprived of the basic
requirements for their development, such as, education, health-care, nutrition etc. The purpose
underlying the Scheme is to identify child labour and to make available welfare inputs to them
through voluntary organizations.

 The amount of assistance given by the Ministry of Labour for taking up action-oriented projects
aimed at benefiting child labour and women labour will be restricted to 75% of the recurring
cost of the project as per the approved budget. The remaining 25% of the cost including the
non-recurring cost, if any, will have to be borne by the organization concerned.
 Duration of assistance will depend on each project and will be for a maximum of 5 years and
will be generally restricted to the currency of the Five-Year Plan. Sanction will, however, be
accorded for a maximum period of three years at a time. Releasing of grants for the project
after a year will be subject to fulfillment of prescribed terms and conditions.
 In the event of assistance being available from any other source including international
organizations like ILO, UNICEF, etc. for taking up the action programme on a multi-aided
approach, total assistance will not exceed the ceiling mentioned
The INDUS Child Labour Project was a Technical Cooperation Project of the Government of India
(GOI), Ministry of Labour and Employment and Directorate of Education, and the United States
Department of Labour (USDOL), within the framework of a Joint Statement of Enhanced Indo-US Co-
operation on Elimination of Child Labour.
 Objectives :
Children working in selected hazardous occupations in the target districts are identified, in
collaboration with communities and other partners;
Children withdrawn from hazardous work are provided with transitional and pre-vocational education,
and social support to prevent relapse;
Provide adolescents withdrawn from hazardous work with vocational training and alternatives for
income generation;
Increased economic security of families who withdraw their children from hazardous work by
encouraging savings and development of alternative livelihoods;
Access provided for children to quality education to prevent children from entering or re-entering
hazardous work;
Monitoring and tracking takes place of children released from hazardous work to ensure that their
situation has improved;
Public support and momentum created against child labour in the target districts and in favor of
educational opportunities;
Strengthen capacity of national, state, district and local institutions so they can function as ongoing
support for eliminating hazardous child labour; and
Interest in other areas in adopting measures to prevent, remove and provide alternatives for children
in hazardous sectors.

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