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• Is a borrowed word from
the French word
• In economics,
entrepreneurship combined
with land, labor, natural
resources and capital can
produce profit.
• Entrepreneurial spirit is
characterized by innovation
and risk-taking, and is an
essential part of a nation’s
ability to succeed in an ever
changing and increasingly
competitive global
Characteristics of an Entrepreneur

1. The entrepreneur is
motivated by an
overwhelming need for
achievement and strong urge
to build.
2. The entrepreneurs are tough,
pragmatic people driven by
needs of independence and
Characteristics of an Entrepreneur

3. They have keen insights,

prone to brainstorms,
deceptions, ingeniousness
and resourcefulness.
4. They are cunning,
opportunistic, creative, and
Characteristics of an Entrepreneur

5. Entrepreneurs exhibit
extreme optimism in their
decision-making processes
6. Entrepreneurs are prone to
overconfidence and over
Types of Entrepreneur

• Small/ Business, Lifestyle and

Family Entrepreneurs
- A small business entrepreneur is
an individual who establishes and
manages a business for the
principal purpose of furthering
personal goals.
Types of Entrepreneur

• Franchise Entrepreneurs
- Franchising is where a franchisor
is offering a franchisee exclusive
rights in return for their payment
of royalties and comformance to
standardized operating
Types of Entrepreneur

• Professional Fast-Growth and

Serial Entrepreneurs
- Professional entrepreneurs lead
these ventures, which typically
employ between 20 and 500
people and have sales growth of
at least 20 percent each year for
four straight years.
Types of Entrepreneur

• Corporate Entrepreneurs and

- A driving force for the corporate
world is “innovative or die”
“Any organization that believes
that management and
entrepreneurship are different let
alone incompatible” - Drucker
Types of Entrepreneur

• Creative Disrupters and

- These entrepreneurs are a rare
breed, living on the creative edge.
Most often, these brilliant
“entrepreneurial-engineers” look
to technology to solve problems in
ways that “unlock value”.
Types of Entrepreneur

• Extreme Entrepreneurs
- are formula-1 race car drivers,
North Atlantic Fihermen,
Lumberjacks etc. Branson says
“Being an adventurer and
entrepreneur are similar. You are
willing to go where most people
won't dare”
Types of Entrepreneur

• Social and Nonprofit

- Giving to the local community
was important. Social and
nonprofit entrepreneurs who
pursue endeavors for the benefit
of society have existed since
ancient times.
Contribution of Entrepreneurs

1. Develop New Markets.

- Markets are people who are
willing and able to satisfy their
- In economics, this is called
effective demand.
Contribution of Entrepreneurs

2. Discover New Sources of

- Entrepreneurs are never satisfied
with traditional or existing sources
of materials.
- Due to their innovative nature,
they persist on discovering new
sources of materials.
Contribution of Entrepreneurs

3. Mobilize Capital Resources

- They properly mix these factors
of production to create goods and
- Capital resources, from a
layman's view, refer to money.
- In economics, capital resources
Contribution of Entrepreneurs

represent machines, buildings,

and other physical productive
Contribution of Entrepreneurs

4. Introduce New Technology

- Entrepreneurs take advantage of
business opportunities, and
transform these into profits.
- So they introduce something
new or something different.
Contribution of Entrepreneurs

5. Create Employment
- The business biggest employer is
the private business sector.
-Millions of jobs are provided by
the factories, service industries,
agricultural enterprises and the
numerous small-scale businesss.

1. Human Capital

This includes physical labor,

one of the most important
resources which can be classified
in a number of ways.

2. Opportunity Capital

This is the lead-time before

others see a problem. It is the
insight to the opportunity and
particular know-how in solving a
problem. Also called intangibles
and goodwill.

3. Economic Capital

The second of two business

assets is called tangibles. There
are two types of tangibles: fixed
assets like land, physical building,
manufacturing plant, office space
and machinery.

The second type is called current

assets which includes inventory,
materials, direct materials and
subcontract materials, like
components, parts, asemblies
produced by a supplier or vendor
in accordance with designs and

4. Financial Capital
This includes cash in the
checking account, and cash
equivalents like publicly traded
stocks, U.S. bonds, sometimes
accounts receivables from
marquee costumers, and
personally secured loans made to
the venture. (most needed)

4. Entrepreneurial Capital
This includes the collective
domain expertise, the execution
intelligence, the time and
commitment, and combined
intrinsic motivation of a venture

1. Enormous personal financial

2. Self-employment, offering more
job satisfaction and flexibility of
the work force.
3. Employment for others, often in
better jobs

4. Development of more
industries, especially in rural areas
or regions disadvantaged by
economic changes, for example
due to globalization effects
5. Encouragement of the
processing of local materials into
finished goods for domestic
consumption as well as for export

6. Income generation and

increased economic growth
7. Healthy competition thus
encourages higher quality
8. More goods and services
9. Development of new markets

10. Promotion of the use of

modern technology in small-scale
manufacturing to enhance higher
11. Encouragement of more
researches/ studies and
development of modern machines
and equipment for domestic

12. Develop of entrepreneurial

qualities and attitudes among
potential entrepreneurs to bring
about significant changes in the
rural areas
13. Freedom from the dependency
on the jobs offered by others

14. The ability to have great

15. Reduction of the informal
16.Emigration of talent may be
stopped by a better domestic
entrepreneurship climate.
Entrepreneur vs. Manager of a
Large Organization
1. Costumer Handling and

A manager of large
organization is evaluated on
organization specific parameters
when it comes to customer
Entrepreneur vs. Manager of a
Large Organization
1. Costumer Handling and

An entrepreneur, being flexible

and adaptive, will quickly move to
resolve any costumer issues.
Entrepreneur vs. Manager of a
Large Organization
2. Career Growth and Salary

For a manager of large

organization, there is a certain
career path. Salaries are
guaranteed at the end of the
month. However promotions are
time bound and career growth
cannot be explosive.
Entrepreneur vs. Manager of a
Large Organization
2. Career Growth and Salary

For an entrepreneur, career

growth is all dependent on the
growth of the venture. If the
venture succeeds entrepreneur
gets rewarded by lots of money.
Entrepreneur vs. Manager of a
Large Organization
3. Problem Solving vs. Delivering

Manager of large organization is

more concerned about delivering in
specified budget, time and quality.
More on facilitator and coordinator
rather than a problem solver.
Entrepreneur vs. Manager of a
Large Organization
3. Problem Solving vs. Delivering
An entrepreneur has a lot more
challenges and issues to handle. She
is not only the facilitator but
sometimes problem solver, a hands
on kind of person. Since her team is
small, she has to take care of more
than just communication and it does
get challenging at times.

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