Business Management Ethics 1
Business Management Ethics 1
Business Management Ethics 1
• Immoral management
• Moral management
• Amoral management
Immoral Management
• It implies lack of ethical practices followed by
managers. Managers want to maximize profits
even if it is at the cost of legal standards or
concern for employees.
Moral Management
• According to moral management ethics,
managers aim to maximize profits within the
confines of ethical values and principles. They
conform to professional and legal standards of
conduct. The guiding principle in moral
management ethics is “Is this action, decision,
or behaviour fair to us and all parties
Amoral Management
• This type of management ethics lies between
moral and immoral management ethics.
Managers respond to personal and legal ethics
only if they are required to do so; otherwise
there is lack of ethical perception and
Two types of amoral management
• (a) Intentional:
• Managers deliberately avoid ethical practices
in business decisions because they think ethics
should be followed in non-business activities.
Two types of amoral management
• (b) Unintentional:
• Managers do not deliberately avoid ethical
practices but unintentionally they make
decisions whose moral implications are not
taken into consideration.
Guidelines for ethical behavior
1. Obey the law
2. Tell the truth
3. Respect for people
4. The golden rule
5. Above all do not harm
6. Practice participation- not paternalism
7. Act when you have responsibility
Obey the law