Preposition Is A Word, Which Is Used Before A Noun, A Noun Phrase or A Pronoun, Connecting It To Another Word
Preposition Is A Word, Which Is Used Before A Noun, A Noun Phrase or A Pronoun, Connecting It To Another Word
Preposition Is A Word, Which Is Used Before A Noun, A Noun Phrase or A Pronoun, Connecting It To Another Word
a. At (di)
Menunjukkan alamat (address) : at Cut Nyak Dien Street
Menunjukkan gedung atau tempat-tempat besar/luas (building or
large place) : at the swimming pool
Menunjukkan nama desa atau suatu tempat ketika dalam
perjalanan (a village or town on journey) : at a village near
b. In (di)
Menunjukkan tempat umum (public place) : in the garden
Menunjukkan tempat didalam gedung atau tempat-tempat
besar/luas (inside building or large place) : in the swimming pool.
Menunjukkan nama desa, kota ataupun Negara (a village, town or
country : in a village, in Bandar Lampung, in America.
Preposition of Place
c. On (di/diatas) : Put it on the table
d. To (ke): I will go to Bali
e. From (dari): She comes from America
f. Near (dekat): My house is near that barbershop
g. Beside (disamping): Don’t sit beside me !
h. Between (antara), menunjukkan dua orang atau benda : She is sitting between
her two sisters
i. Among (antara), menunjukkan ketika keadaannya banyak orang atau benda :
she is sitting among her sisters
j. Above (diatas) : Complete that sentences above !
k. Below (dibawah), digunakan berkenaan dengan ukuran tinggi, temperatur atau
sesuatu yang berada di satu tempat/lokasi : Put the bag below that chair !
l. Under (dibawah), Under digunakan bila sesuatu dibawah yang lain : She sits
under the tree
m. In front of (didepan) : I live in front of Adi’s house
n. In back of (dibelakang): His house is in back of my house
o. By (dengan/melalui/oleh) : Put the pens by my books, I make the cake by
Preposition of Time
• Menunjukkan Waktu
1. At : pada/pukul. Contoh : at 11 a.m (pukul 11 pagi), at night (pada
malam hari), at dawn (pada fajar/subuh), at noon (pada sore hari),
at midnight (pada tengah malam), at weekend (pada akhir minggu),
at Christmas (pada hari natal)
2. On : pada. Umumnya digunakan ketika menunjukkan keterangan :
Hari (Day) : on Friday (pada hari jumat), on Saturday night (malam
minggu) Tanggal (Date) : on May 21st (pada 21 mei) Perayaan
(Celebration) : on Christmas day (pada hari natal)
Preposition of Time
No, you can’t watch a video. It’s past your bedtime already.
Usage of OF
Our modules are full of real life examples.
I ate a plate of rice and a quarter of milk.
Would you like a glass of lemon juice?
I need three pieces of paper.
Most of the children in my class like
There are several ways of cooking Upma.
Usage of “FOR”