CE 5128 Water Resources Engineering: Prof. Dr. Taj Ali Khan
CE 5128 Water Resources Engineering: Prof. Dr. Taj Ali Khan
CE 5128 Water Resources Engineering: Prof. Dr. Taj Ali Khan
• Characteristics of Groundwater
• Aquifers
• Basic Groundwater Parameters and Laws
• Heterogeneity and Anisotropy
• Steady State Groundwater Flow
• Compressibility of Aquifers
• Transmissivity and Storativity
• Radial Flow in Aquifers
Course Outline-Part-II
Recommended Books
• Tariq. A. (2000). Groundwater Hydrology. Center of Excellence in
Water Resources, Lahore.
• Bear, J. (1979). Hydraulics of Groundwater. McGraw-Hill Co. NY.
• Bouwer, H. (1978). Groundwater Hydrology. McGraw-Hill Co. NY.
• Freeze, R. A. and Cherry, J. A. (1979). Groundwater. Prentice Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
• McWhorter, D. B. and Sunada, D. K. (1977). Groundwater
Hydrology and Hydraulics. Water Resources Publications, Colorado,
• Todd, D. K. (1980). Groundwater Hydrology, 2nd edition. John
Wiley and Sons, NY.
• Internet
• Class Notes 4
What is Groundwater?
Where it is Stored?
How it is Recharged?
How it is Discharged?
How it is Moved?
Hydraulics of Wells?
GW Characteristics?
GW Problems?
GW Modeling?
GW Management?
The science dealing with the waters of the earth,
their occurrence, distribution and circulation, their
chemical and physical properties, and their
interaction with the environment.
(Ward & Robinson, 1999)
Hydrogeology examines the relationships of
geologic materials and flowing water.
Both water flux and water quality are issues
Main Branches
• Never-ending circulation.
• Constant movement.
Components of Hydrologic Cycle
Types of Terrestrial Water
Soil Water/
Ground Water
Pores Full of Combination of Air and Water
Unsaturated Zone / Zone of Aeration / Vadose
(Soil Water)
Sustains flows
in streams
Table 1. Estimated Distribution of World's Water.
Surface Water
Salt Water in Oceans 1320000 97.2
Salt water in lakes & inland seas 104 0.008
Fresh water in lakes 125 0.009
Fresh water in stream channels 1.25 0.0001
Fresh water in glaciers and icecaps 29000 2.15
Water in the biomass 50 0.004
Subsurface water
Vadose water 67 0.005
G/W within depth of 0.8 km 4200 0.31
G/W between 0.8 and 4 km depth 4200 0.31
Global Water Supply
Ground Water
• It is usually defined as water found underground in the
saturated zone of rocks, i.e. at depths where the entire void
space of the rock is filled with water.
• It is a term used to denote subsurface water that exists at
pressure greater than or equal to atmospheric pressure.
• It is an important source of drinking water for humankind.
• It is an important renewable source.
• The world’s water distribution is shown in Table 1.
Groundwater represents about 0.62 % of the world’s total
water. Since much of the g/w below a depth of 0.8 km is
saline or costs too much to develop with present
technologies and economic conditions.
• As groundwater supplies are limited, they must be properly
managed and protected against undue exploitation and 17
contamination by pollutants.
Groundwater Use
• Groundwater is used for irrigation, as a drinking
water supply, as a source of all household water, for
industrial operations needing water, and a whole lot
Vertical Zones of Subsurface Water
• Soil water zone: extends from the ground surface down
through the major root zone, varies with soil type and
vegetation but is usually a few feet in thickness.
Saturated Zone
Unsaturated (Vadose) Zone
It has the following properties:
1. It occurs above the water table and above the capillary fringe.
2. The soil pores are only partially filled with water; the
moisture content θ is less than the porosity φ.
3. The fluid pressure p is less than atmospheric; the pressure
head ψ is less than zero.
4. The hydraulic head must be measured with a tensiometer.
5. The hydraulic conductivity K and the moisture content θ
are both functions of the pressure head ψ.
Tension - Saturated Zone
• The capillary fringe fits into neither of the grouping above.
The pores there are saturated, but the pressure heads are less
than atmospheric. A more descriptive name is the tension-
saturated zone.
• It occurs above the water table and below the unsaturated zone.
• The pore space is full with water (w = ) .
• The pressure is less than atmospheric and water is held in the
pore space by surface tension effects.
• The height of the tension saturated zone (also known as the
capillary rise zone) is determined by the pore geometry, sorting
and grain size.
• The tension saturated zone is typically 400 mm thick in a fine-
grained sand and may reach several metres in clay. 24
Water Table
• The water table is the elevation at which the pore water is at
zero gauge pressure, or at atmospheric pressure.
• Above the water table, the water is held in tension by
attraction to soil grains.
• Below the water table, the water is under pressure greater
than atmospheric pressure.
• The water table is actually a sloping surface.
• In general, the shape of the water table tends to follow the
topography of the ground surface.
• It is, however, not a stationary surface, but rises or falls
with the addition or withdrawal of water.
• Obviously, it would rise during the rainy season and fall
during periods of drought.
Capillary Fringe
Types of Water-Bearing Units
The geologic formations are classified in relation to their
capacity to store and transmit the water i.e., the porosity and
hydraulic conductivity.
An aquifer is a geologic formation, which contains water and
permits significant amount of water to move through it under
field conditions.
An aquiclude is a formation which may contain water but is
incapable of transmitting significant quantities under ordinary
field conditions. A clay layer is an example of an aquiclude.
For all practical purposes, an aquiclude is considered an
impervious formation.
An aquitard is a geologic formation which is of semi-pervious
nature, it transmits water at a very low rate compared to the
An aquifuge is an impervious formation, which neither
contains nor transmits water. 27
Comparison of Water Bearing Units
Hydraulic Properties
Types Examples
Sand, gravel
Aquifer Yes Yes Yes
Aquifuge No No No
• A geological unit which can store and supply significant quantities
of water.
• Aquifers are underground sources of water. However, many people
picture them as huge underground lakes.
• Aquifers are actually made of the water that is found in the tiny little
spaces (or "pores") in between the particles that make up the soils
and rock under the ground (or in the "subsurface"). These particles
can actually act as a natural filter to help remove impurities from
the water. This makes groundwater some of the cleanest water on the
• The aquifer portion of the subsurface is the part that is completely
soaked (or "saturated") with water is usually called "groundwater".
• Aquifers have the following two types:
1. Unconfined (Phreatic or Water Table) Aquifers 29
2. Confined (Pressure) Aquifers
Types of Aquifers
Ground Level
Perched Aquifer
Piezometric Level
Water Table
Unconfined Aquifer
Confining layer
Confined Aquifer
Confining Layer 30
Aquifer Systems
1. Unconfined Aquifers
2. Confined Aquifers
Confined Aquifer
Leaky and Perched Aquifers
Leaky Aquifers
Aquifers whether confined or unconfined that can lose or
gain water through either or both of the formations bounding
them from above or below are called leaky aquifers.
Perched Aquifer
A special case of unconfined aquifer is the perched aquifer
which occurs whenever an impervious (or semi-pervious)
layer of limited areal extent is located between the water
table of a unconfined aquifer and the ground surface.
Groundwater -- Recharge and Discharge
• Water is continually recycled through aquifer systems.
• Groundwater recharge is any water added to the aquifer zone. Processes
that contribute to groundwater recharge include precipitation, streamflow,
leakage (reservoirs, lakes, aqueducts), and artificial means (injection wells).
• Groundwater discharge is any process that removes water from an aquifer
system. Natural springs and artificial wells are examples of discharge
• In many locations groundwater withdrawal exceeds natural recharge
rates. This is known as overdraft. In such areas, the water table is drawn
down "permanently"; therefore, groundwater is considered a nonrenewable
• Groundwater supplies 30% of the water present in our streams. Effluent
streams act as discharge zones for groundwater during dry seasons. This
phenomenon is known as base flow. Groundwater overdraft reduces the
base flow, which results in the reduction of water supplied to our streams.
Water-Bearing Formations
Water-bearing formations may be either consolidated or
Consolidated material consists of mineral particles that have been
fused together by heat and pressure or by chemical reactions to form
solid masses. They generally consist of sedimentary and igneous rocks.
Unconsolidated material consists of individual mineral particles
derived from the breakdown of consolidated rock.
• Unconsolidated sediments are generally the best aquifers.
• These sediments deposits are of alluvial origin.
• Alluvial sediments are deposited in and around watercourses.
• Since water-carrying capacity depends on the size of particles,
alluvial sediments are usually well graded and layered. This
enhances their porosity and hydraulic conductivity, making them
good aquifers. 37
The porosity or pore space is the amount of air
space or void space between soil particles.
Effective Porosity
• Effective porosity is the fraction of the
porosity (inter-connected pores) that is
available for transporting water (excludes
fraction of pores too small to hold water, or
those that are not inter-connected).
Sediments, Unconsolidated
Gravel 30-40 Aquifer
Coarse Sand 30-40 Aquifer
Medium to fine sand 30-35 Aquifer
Silt 40-50 Occasional Aquiclude
Clay 45-55 Rare Aquiclude
Sediments, Consolidated
Limestone, dolomite 1-50 Solution joints, planes Aquifer or aquifuge
Coarse, medium sandstone < 20 Joints, fractures Aquifer or aquiclude
Fine sandstone, argillite < 10 Joints, fractures Aquifer or aquifuge
Joints, fractures Aquifuge or aquifer
Volcanic rocks
Basalt Joints, fractures Aquifer or aquifuge
Acid volcanic rocks Aquifuge or aquifer
Crystalline rocks
Plutonic and metamorphic Fractures Aquifuge or aquifer
•The major source of all fresh water drinking supplies in some
countries is groundwater. Groundwater is stored
underground in aquifers, and is highly vulnerable to pollution.
•Understanding groundwater processes and aquifers is crucial
to the management and protection of this precious
•Groundwater comes from precipitation. Precipitated water
must filter down through the vadose zone to reach the zone
of saturation, where groundwater flow occurs.
•The vadose zone has an important environmental role in
groundwater systems. Surface pollutants must filter through
the vadose zone before entering the zone of saturation.
•Subsurface monitoring of the vadose zone is used to locate
plumes of contaminated water, tracking the direction and rate
of plume movement.