This document discusses God's love and plan for humanity. It begins by noting the disorder in the world and mankind's inner battles. It then explains that God created the world and humanity, intending for people to have friendship with Him. However, original sin disrupted this relationship as people turned away from God. The document outlines some biblical stories and says God wants to bring all people back to Him through His son Jesus Christ. It closes by saying God's plan is an expression of His love for humanity.
This document discusses God's love and plan for humanity. It begins by noting the disorder in the world and mankind's inner battles. It then explains that God created the world and humanity, intending for people to have friendship with Him. However, original sin disrupted this relationship as people turned away from God. The document outlines some biblical stories and says God wants to bring all people back to Him through His son Jesus Christ. It closes by saying God's plan is an expression of His love for humanity.
Original Description:
God's love is universal. it is endless. immeasurable and boundless. indescribable
This document discusses God's love and plan for humanity. It begins by noting the disorder in the world and mankind's inner battles. It then explains that God created the world and humanity, intending for people to have friendship with Him. However, original sin disrupted this relationship as people turned away from God. The document outlines some biblical stories and says God wants to bring all people back to Him through His son Jesus Christ. It closes by saying God's plan is an expression of His love for humanity.
This document discusses God's love and plan for humanity. It begins by noting the disorder in the world and mankind's inner battles. It then explains that God created the world and humanity, intending for people to have friendship with Him. However, original sin disrupted this relationship as people turned away from God. The document outlines some biblical stories and says God wants to bring all people back to Him through His son Jesus Christ. It closes by saying God's plan is an expression of His love for humanity.
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SEMINAR TALK ONE The Situation of the World SERIOUS DISORDER IN THE WORLD INNER BATTLES There is a major need to correct the situation of the world. WAY OF GOD GOD’S PLAN What God creates is good God looked at everything He made, and He found it very good. Genesis 1:31 God created man in His image. God created man in His image, in the divine image He created him; male and female He created them. Genesis 1:27 . Man is meant for friendship with God. Original Sin Man turning away from God and His ways ADAM AND EVE CAIN NOAH TOWER OF BABEL ABRAHAM God loves the human race. God is neither indifferent nor resistant. God wants to bring us all back to Himself. He has made known to us The mystery of his will in Accord with his favor that he set forth in him as a plan for the fullness of times, to sum up all things in Christ, In heaven and on earth. Genesis 3:8-9 God’s plan is an expression of His love. Discussion Starters
1. Share how you came to the Christian
Life Seminar and what you expect or seek to experience. Start with a brief introduction about your life.
2. Share about how you have personally