Muscle Strengthening Exercise

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How well do you
know your exercise?
Why is exercise important?

Exercise is important because it

will help you to reduce risk of
developing diseases and also
improves physical and mental
Why is exercise important?

Exercise is important
because you may lose
weight and look better
physically which will boost
your self esteem
What is your exercise?

Muscle strengthening activities

can help in maintaining muscle
mass during a program of weight
loss and it can help in
developing our bone strength
and muscle fitness
What is your exercise?

This kind of activity, which

includes resistance training
and lifting weights, causes the
body’s muscles to work or hold
against an applied force or
What are the health risks

Women are at particular risk for what's

known as the "female athlete triad" that
includes: loss of menstruation,
osteoporosis or bone mineral loss and
eating disorders. These symptoms usually
arise from a combination of overexercise
and calorie restriction.
What are the health risks

There is a risk, too, of

developing abnormal heart
rhythms such as atrial
fibrillation, O'Keefe says. AFib
increases stroke risk.
What muscles are being used to
perform this exercise?

Upper And Middle Back , and Shoulders Biceps

Buttocks and Thighs Triceps
Quadriceps Calves
Pectorals Pelvis
How will this benefit your life?

Strong muscles can have direct and indirect

benefits on health and include:
Ease of movement
Good posture
Easier performance of work, everyday
activities and exercise
Easier performance of recreational activities
Stronger tendons and ligaments, and bones
Decreased risk of injury
Decreased risk of falls
How this will benefit your

Good muscle strength can also

increase work capacity so that an
individual does not tire easily and
can improve athletic performance.
During an emergency, strong
muscles enable an individual to
work beyond their normal

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