Balance of Life and Academic Performance of Nursing Students in A Selected College in Makati City

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Balance of Life and Academic

Performance of Nursing Students In a

Selected College In Makati City

Presented By:
Beltran, Ian Dranlei
Magdalita, May Marjorie
Chapter I - Introduction
• We will be using the wheel of life where it is commonly used
by professional life coaches, it helps you consider each area of
your life in turn and assess what's off balance.

• To assess the relationship between the wheel of life and

academic achievement of students, with the hypothesis that
quality of life is directly proportional to the academic
achievement of nursing students.
• Students who are involved in school and other extra-
curricular activities experience a toll on their physical and
mental health

• Prioritizing their relationship with their love partners makes

their time less spent especially in their subjects and to
other school activities that affects their performance.

• The size of the family in which the child grows if the family
does not have adequate resources will affect the child’s
growth and development.
• The research will be conducted in a Nursing institution found
at Metropolitan avenue near Chino Roces, Makati City.

• The institution is affiliated with a world-class tertiary hospital

also caters a 4 year course in the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Nursing or BSN.

• The researchers therefore formulated the tool that can help

them balance which part of their life that needs more
attention to further improve the quality of life and this is the
wheel of life.
• The Wheel of Life is powerful because it gives you a vivid
visual representation of the way your life is currently, and it is
because each area of your life is mapped on a circle, like the
spoke of a wheel.
• The researchers desired to come up with a recommendation
that will promote finding the balance of life and their one’s
optimum level of academic performance.
• There is a significant difference in the wheel of life of a
nursing student when grouped according to their
demographic profile

• There is a significant difference in the academic performance

of nursing students when grouped according to their wheel of

• There is a significant relationship between the wheel of life

and academic performance of the nursing students in terms
of their demographic profile.
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following:
1. What is the demographic profile of the nursing students in terms
1.1 Current Year Level

1.2 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Family Size

1.4 Civil Status

1.5 Current unit load

Statement of the Problem
• How do nursing students bring balance to their lives and create
happiness and success in terms of:

2.1 Health

2.2 Career

2.3 Love

2.4 Spirituality

2.5 Family

2.6 Money / Finances

2.7 Fun

2.8 Friends
• What is the academic performance of nursing student?

• Is there a significant difference in the wheel of life of a nursing

student when grouped according to their profile?
• Is there a significant difference in the academic performance
of nursing students when grouped according to their wheel of
• Is there a significant relationship between the wheel of life
and academic performance of the nursing students in terms
of their demographic profile?
• Based on the result of the study: What program could be
develop to improve academic performance of nursing
Significance of The Study
• This study aims to benefit the following:

For the:

1.) Future Researchers

2.) Clinical instructors

3.) Health care providers

Scope and Limitations
• The scope of the study is focused on student nurses’ wheel of
life and their academic performance which will be conducted
in a tertiary school in Makati City. The selected population or
setting for the research is student nurses who are specifically
1st to 4th year college of nurses.
Scope and Limitations
• We are going to make our research into a quantitative
research and the researchers made a tool with the baseline of
all the categories of the wheel of life and it will be compared
to the academic grades of that student in the 1st trimester of
the SY 2019-2020
Scope and Limitations
• We will be giving out forms or surveys to each year whether or
not if there is a significant difference of the wheel of life of
students comparatively to each batch and if each year has a
better academic performance if the wheel of life is balanced in
all aspects of their life.

• The limitations that was encountered by the researchers is that

career is not yet applicable since it is not in the scope of the
student nurses wheel of life.
Definition of Terms
• Health: Your physical health and well-being (can also include your
emotional health).
• Family- Social unit of two or more persons related by blood, marriage, or
adoption and having a shared commitment to the mutual relationship
• Friends- is a relationship of mutual understanding and connection
between people.
• Fun- Enjoyment, amusement, or light-hearted pleasure. A source of fun.
Playfulness or good humour.
• Love- strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties.
• Money/ Finances - Your ability to manage your money effectively, save,
budget, and invest.
Definition of Terms
• Spirituality- -In general, it includes a sense of connection to
something bigger than ourselves, and it typically involves a
search for meaning in life.

• Wheel of Life - Finding the balance of life which means giving

time to each aspect or category may it be with friends, family,
and school.

• Lifestyle - The aggregation of decisions by individuals which

affect their health, and over which they more or less have
Chapter III - Methodology
• This chapter presents the methods utilized in the study. This
shows the study parameters through the research design, the
sampling design, the materials and equipment used in the
data collection through the instrumentation, the manner of
data collection through the data gathering procedure and the
statistical treatments used to analyze the data.
Research Design
• The study will utilize a descriptive, correlational type of research.
The purpose is to describe the relationship among the variables
without seeking to establish a casual connection.

• A quantitative research was the most accurate design for this

study because the researchers utilized a survey or questionnaire
to collect data in a numbered form. This makes the researchers
get a more precise measurement and analysis of extent of the
wheel of life and academic performance of students.
Target Population
• This study will use to select the clients with target population
was utilized for the selection of the student nurses. Target
population defines those units for which the findings of the
survey. The target population is “the entire aggregation of
respondents that meet the designated set of criteria” (Burns
& Grove, 2012). The target population in this study
constituted all the student nurses in the selected college in
Makati City.
Target Population
• This method was chosen because it provided easy access to
the respondents. It was simple, practical, economical, quick
and did not require an elaborate sampling frame, which was
not available. The respondents were chosen from clients who
are student nurses. From the identifying the clients, They will
obtain their consent to participate in the study.
• The researchers will use a research made-tool based on the
wheel of life for the gathering of data. The first part will be
introducing a consent letter that was done by the researchers
and the title of the study, explaining its purpose, asking for the
participation of the respondents in the research while ensuring
a strict confidentiality and privacy for the participants.
• The second part will be composed of the student's
demographic profile including his or her year level, section,
age, gender, number of family members, marital status of
their parents.

• Each Category in the Wheel of Life will be composed of 5

questions each on a total of 40 questions.

• In order for the researchers to indicate the percentage the

students agree or disagree with the questions that are
expressed or stated, The Wheel of Life was utilized.
• This will provide a quantitative interpretation of the
respondents where they chose their answers from 5 simple
choices that involves a table with 8 different categories that
plays a dominant role in someone’s life. The rating score that
will be used is from 5 to 1 as 5 being excellent and 1 being
• With scores from 8 to 10 you are very satisfied in a specific category.
It is important to ensure that this is maintained, but that
improvement in this area is always possible.
• With scores from 5 to 7, you are reasonably satisfied with a category,
but there is definitely a chance for improvement and to achieve
• Scores from 1 to 4 show that someone is not happy at all about this
particular area. You have to find ways to improve the satisfaction
• The results of the computed score of each category of the
respondents to the scale will result to which areas of their life is
lacking and needs improvement.
Statistical treatment
• Statistical treatment of data involves describing the data. It
helps the researchers explain how the data were
concentrated. Thorough understanding is necessary to
conduct the right experiments with the right inferences from
the data obtained.
• To answer the question, What is the demographic profile of
the student nurses? Frequency and Percentage Distribution
will be utilize.
• The following formula is:
Statistical treatment
• To answer the question, What is the wheel of life of student
nurses in terms of Health, Career, Love, Money, Family,
Friends, Spirituality or Personal Growth , and Fun? Weighted
mean will be utilize.
• The following formula is:
Statistical treatment
• To answer the question, What is the academic performance of
the student nurses? Weighted mean will be utilize.
• The following formula is:
Statistical treatment
• To answer problem, what is the wheel of life and academic
performance of the students when grouped according to
demographic profile? Weighted mean will be utilize.
• The following formula is:
Statistical treatment
• To answer the question, what is the significant difference on
the wheel of life and academic performance according to
demographic profile? Z test for Gender and Anova Test for Age
and Length of Experience will be utilize.
• The following formulas are:
Statistical treatment
• To answer problem, what is the significant relationship
between the Wheel of Life and Academic Performance of the
Student Nurses? Pearson R will be utilize.
Data Gathering Procedure
• Before the data gathering, a letter of consent of approval
will be submitted to the Dean of the selected college of
nursing to ask permissions to be able to conduct the study.
When the letter is approved, the researchers will submit a
letter to the level coordinators of the 1st to 4th year levels.
Data Gathering Procedure
• After pilot and reliability testing, the researchers will do the
actual data gathering through a room to room basis where
they introduce themselves, explain the research study, ask for
their whole participation and distribute the questionnaires to
all the students.
• After all the respondents have finished answering the said
questionnaire, the researchers will collect them. The results
that will be collected will be subjected for analysis and
Part I. Demographic Information

1. Age:
a. Below 18
b. 18-19
c. 20-25
d. 25 above

2. Gender:
a. Male
b. Female

3. Current Year level:

a. 1st year
b. 2nd year
c. 3rd year
d. 4th year

4. How many units do you have this semester?

a. – 17 and below
b. – 18 units & above

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