Improving of Picture Series To The Student'S Ability in Writing Descriptive Text at Grade Eleven of Sma Swasta Gkps 2 Pematangsiantar
Improving of Picture Series To The Student'S Ability in Writing Descriptive Text at Grade Eleven of Sma Swasta Gkps 2 Pematangsiantar
Improving of Picture Series To The Student'S Ability in Writing Descriptive Text at Grade Eleven of Sma Swasta Gkps 2 Pematangsiantar
NPM : 16120035
a). For the teacher
This research is expected can help the teacher to improve their teaching technique by using picuter
series in writing descriptive text and comprehend about picure series as media.
b). For the student
This research is expected can give more information and knowledge about picture series in
writing descriptive text.
c). For the further research
This research is expected can give some benefits and try to make other researchs about the
implementation of picure series.
a). For the teacher
The teacher to be used as a model or media to improve the student’s ability in writing descriptive
text by using picture series.
b). For the student
The students will interest, enjoy, and able to make a paragraph in writing descriptive text based on
the picture series.
c). For the further research
The researcher can deliver useful information to do the next research in the future, especially for
using picture series in teaching descriptive text to improve student’s writing.
A. The Definition of Writing
writing is a complex process that involves a range of skills and task since through writing students need frequent
opportunities to write and to apply the stages in writing process, each of which focuses on specific tasks. Meyers
(2005:2), “Writing is an action-a process of discovering and organizing your ideas, putting them on paper, and
reshaping and revisingthem”.In writing, students should master some learning concepts such as the rule of
constructing paragraphs that are unity and coherence.
E. Picture
Picture is a visual representation or image painted, drawn, photograph, or otherwise rendered on a flat surface.
A. Research Design
This research is a Quantitative research. Quantitative research uses objective measurement to
gather numeric data that are used to answer the question or test predetermined hypothesis.
This research is designed to describe and prove the effectiveness of using picture in teaching
writing to improve students’ writing ability and to attract the students so they are motivated to
B. Research Subject
1. Population
It means that all subject in the researching area become population of the research, Arikunto
(2010). In this case, the population in this research is grade eleven students of SMA Swasta GKPS
2 Pematangsiantar in the academic year 2016/2017. There are 4 classes with the total number of
students are 60, each class there is 15 students.
2. Sample
The researcher take four little pieces of paper containing the class of the students and take two of
them. The first paper is XI IPA1 as the control group and the second paper is XI IPS1 as
experimental group. Each of the class consists of 15 students. It means that there will be 30
students as the sample of this research.
C. Research Instrument
The instrument that will be used is written test. In this research, data is needed to answer the
research problem based on the hypotheses which have been performed before. If we talk about the
data, we also talk about the instrument. To collect the data, the researcher will give the test for the
E. Technique of Collecting Data
1. Pre-Test
The function of the pre-test is to know the mean scores of the control
and the experimental group before getting treatment.In doing pre-
test, the researcher ask the students in control group and
experimental group to write a descriptive text as they know.
2. Treatment
The experimental and the control groups are taught by using the
same material but different technique.
3. Post-test
Having given the treatment, the students are given a post test which is
similar to pre-test. The function of the post test is to know the mean
scores of the control group and experimental group after getting