Criminology Research Report

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• Basic research
This research is conducted largely for the enhancement of knowledge and is research
which does not have immediate commercial potential. The research is done for human
welfare, animal welfare, and plant kingdom welfare.

• Applied research
This research design to solve practical problems of the modern world, rather than to
acquire knowledge for knowledge’s sake. The goal of applied research is to improve
human condition. It focuses on analysis and solving social and real-life problems.

• Problem oriented research

Is done by industry apex body for sorting out problems faced by all the companies. Eg:-
WTO does problem oriented research for developing countries, in india agriculture and
processed food export development authority (APEDA) conduct regular research for the
benefit of agri-industry.
• Problem solving
This type of research is done by an individual company for the problem faced by it. In
short, the main aim of problem solving research is to discover some solution for some
pressing practical problem.

• Quantitative research
This research based on numeric figures or numbers. Quantitative research aim to
measure the quantity or amount and compares it with the past records and tries to
project for future period.

• Qualitative research
Qualitative research is collecting, analysing and interpreting data by observing what
people do and say. Qualitative research is much more subjective and uses very different
methods of collecting information, mainly individual, in- depth interviews and focus
• Basic research, also called pure
research for fundamental research, has
the scientific research aim to improve
scientific theories for improved
understanding or prediction of natural
or other phenomena. Basic research
fuels applied science’s innovations.
The two aims are often coordinated in
research and development.
• Research variable represents the measurable traits that can change
over the course of a scientific experiment. In all there six basic
variable types.

• Dependent variable
Is the variable a researcher is interested in.

• Independent variable is a variable believe to affect the dependent

variable. This is the variable that you, researcher, will manipulate to
see if it makes dependent variable change.

• Intervening variable
Is a hypothetical variable used to explain casual links between other
variables these intervening variables could include: lack of access to health
care or poor nutrition. In psychology, the intervening variable is sometimes
call a mediator variable.
• Controlled variable
A control variable (or scientific constant) in scientific experimentation is
an experimental element which is constant and unchanged throughout
the course of investigation control variables could strongly influence
experimental results.

• Extraneous variable
Are any variables that you are not intentionally studying in your
experiment or test. When you run an experiment, you’re looking to see if
one variable (the independent variable) has an effect on another variable
(the dependent variable).
• Quantitative design
Methods are used to examine the relationship between variables with
the primary goal being to analyze and represent that relationship
mathematically through statistical analysis.

• Qualitative Design
Methods are chosen when the goal of the research problem is to
examine, understand and describe a phenomenon.
• Research problem
Is a statement about an area of concern, a condition to be improved a
Difficulty to be eliminated, or a troubling question that exists in scholarly
literature, in theory, or in practice that points to the need for meaningful
understanding and deliberate investigation.

• Difference research problem

Typically ask the question, between two or more groups or
treatments? This type of problem statement used when the researcher
compares or contrast two or more phenomenon.

• Descriptive research problem

Typically asks the question what is? With the underlying purpose to
describe a situation, state, or existence of a specific phenomenon.

• Relational research problem

Suggest a relationship of some sort between two or more variables to
be investigated. The underlying purpose is to investigate
qualities/characteristic that are connected in some way.
• Researchability
Observation or other data collection in the real world can provide the

• Theoretrical /Practical significance

Research problems have varying levels of importance to different people in
terms of their benefit
So a typical research problem should be important and worth investigating.

• Originality
There is no use of wasting one’s time and energy on a problem
already studied thoroughly by others.
A researcher may come up with different views on the definitions of
terms used in a previous work.

• Relevence
It is important to understand whether the findings of a research
problem can be useful in terms of their relevance to the situation.
• Feasibility
Concerns the possibility of whether the research problem can be
conducted in terms of the means, resources, cost and time to complete
the study.

• Narrow down problem

It should be specific researchable problem.
Identify a specific problem area form the general problem that is well-
defined, clear and practically manageable.

• Interrogative form
A research problem should set in a interrogative form use the 5Ws
For instance, what is the relationship between family environment and
student performance?

• Ethical consideration
It is prudent practice to remain within the confines of acceptable ways of
doing things.
The respondents may not cooperate and refuse to take part of simply to give
the right information in research projects that involve sensitive questions.

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