Culture: Mohit Chhabra 101603192 COE - 14
Culture: Mohit Chhabra 101603192 COE - 14
Culture: Mohit Chhabra 101603192 COE - 14
Mohit Chhabra
COE - 14
Table of contents
1. What is Page 3 culture?
2. Page 3 Journalism
5. Dilli Darlings
6. Conslusion
What is Page 3 Culture?
Page 3 was a British tradition of publishing an image of a female glamour model, known as
“Page 3 girl”.
Page 3 originated with The Sun in November, 1970 and was imitated in other red-top tabloids.
In Indian society, this culture refers to partygoers, high society or upper class and nation’s
cosmopolitan culture.
Page 3 in a way reflects the interdependence between the media and celebrities.
It can be inspirational for youth but becoming too preoccupied can lead to unhealthy lifestyle.
Youth are forced to see their physical appearance as a measure of their worth.
The show offers a first-hand and closer look at the drama that lies underneath the gloss and
glam of these high-society females.
This TV show is the evidence that Page 3 culture has prevailed so much that it has expended its
roots in Television Media.
It acts as a medium to encourage people who idolize celebrities.
It acts as a medium for budding artists to be famous and be more popular among public.