Erosion, Sedimentation and The River Basin
Erosion, Sedimentation and The River Basin
Erosion, Sedimentation and The River Basin
• Solution- minerals are dissolve in water and carried along in solution. Typically
occurs in areas where the underlying bedrock is limestone
• Suspension – fine light materials is carried along the water
• Saltation- small pebbles and stones are bounced along the river bed
• Traction- large boulders and rocks are rolled along the river bed
Types of Sediments
• Trash load- the amount of sediment floating on the surfce
• Suspended sediments-it is the particular matter (organic
or inorganic) suspended in and carried by moving water. It
affects the turbidity(dirtiness and transparency )of water
• Dissolved load-it refers to all organic and inorganic
material carried in solution y moving water. It affects the
conducttvity of water
Types of Sediments
• Bed load or contact load-it refers to coarse materials,
minerals moved along the bottom of the streams.
The settling velocity of suspended particles in still water is
approximated by strokes law
Vs-settling velocity
Pg andP-density of
particles and liquid
M- absolute viscosity of
r- radius of
g-accl. Due to gravity
Name of Rivers
• Tarlac, Pila, Camiling, O'dennell,
Amabayambang and Ambayuan
River Classification (2009)
• Agno River (Upper and Lower Reach)
- Class A and C
Amabayambang River - Class C
Ambayuan River - Class C
Hydroelectric Power