Coaching, Career and Talent Management

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Coaching, Career

And Talent
• Afifah Risya Aulia Mozart
• Anngelio Maramis
• Anggi Kartika Syuri
• Emi Kartika Ningsih Pardede
• Xiao Qihong

Coaching means educating,

instructing and training
subordinates. coaching
focuses on teaching
shorter- term job related
Importance of coaching
Benefits to the Coach
1. Increased job and life satisfaction
2. Further enhancement of their own skill level
3. Enhanced skill in problem analysis and
4. Develops self-reliant
5. Take greater responsibility and
accountability for actions and commitments
Importance of coaching
Benefits to the Learner
1. increases self-confidence and self-esteem
2. Promotes professional career growth
3. Enhances skillsIdentifies weak areas and turns
them into potential successes
4. Enhances problem analysis
Importance of coaching
Benefits to the Organization
1. Higher employee retention
2. Competitive advantage with more skilled and well-
performing employees
3. Increased skill set and knowledge levels of the
4. Greater chances of attaining goals
5. Optimum utilization of human resources
6. Enhancement of communication within the
7. Strengthening of company culture and ethics
Career of Management
O Career
 The occupational positions a person has had over many

O Career management
 The process for enabling employees to better understand and
develop their career skills and interests, and to use these
skills and interests more effectively.

O Career development
 The lifelong series of activities that contribute to a person’s
career exploration, establishment, success, and fulfillment.
The Basics of Career Management
O Career planning
 The deliberate process through which someone
becomes aware of personal skills, interests,
knowledge, motivations, and other characteristics; and
establishes action plans to attain specific goals.
O Careers today
 Careers are no simple progressions of employment in
one or two firms with a single profession.
 Employees now want to exchange performance for
training, learning, and development that keep them
Roles in career development
O The Individual
 Accept responsibility for your own career.

 Assess your interests, skills, and values.

 Seek out career information and resources.

 Establish goals and career plans.

 Utilize development opportunities.

 Talk with your manager about your career.

 Follow through on realistic career plans

Roles in career development
O The Manager
 Provide timely performance feedback.

 Provide developmental assignments and support.

 Participate in career development discussions.
 Support employee development plans.
Roles in career development
O The Organization
Communicate mission, policies, and
Provide training and development
Provide career information and
career programs.
Offer a variety of career options.
The Employer’s Role in
Career Development

Realistic job previews

Challenging first jobs
Career-oriented appraisals
Job rotation
Networking and interactions
What is talent

The goal-oriented and

integrated process of
planning, recruiting,
developing, managing, and
compensating employees.

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