Chiara Amalia, M. Habib Q, Salma N Azizah
Chiara Amalia, M. Habib Q, Salma N Azizah
Chiara Amalia, M. Habib Q, Salma N Azizah
⋆ Villanelle
A French styled poem with nineteen lines, composed of three–line stanza, with five tercets and
a final quatrain. It uses refrain at the first and third lines of each stanza.
structure OF Poem
⋆ The line is a building block
The basic building-block of prose (writing that isn't poetry) is the sentence
⋆ Types of Lines
If you are writing a poem in a standard form such as a sonnet, your choices about line length are
somewhat restricted by the rules of the form.
If you are writing in free verse, you have even more decisions to make than a poet writing in a
traditional form
⋆ Stanzas
lines are often grouped together into what are called stanzas. Like paragraphs, stanzas are often used
to organize ideas.
⋆ Desicions about Form
First, let your ideas flow.
Then, go back to the poem later and work on improving the poem structure and form
Haiku Poem
“While you decline to cry,
high on the mountainside
a single stalk of plume grass wilts.”
O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms,
Alone and palely loitering?
The sedge has wither’d from the lake,
And no birds sing …
And this is why I sojourn here
Alone and palely loitering,
Though the sedge is wither’d from the lake,
And no birds sing.”