Nephelometry and Turbidimetry: Cls 332 Lab 4
Nephelometry and Turbidimetry: Cls 332 Lab 4
Nephelometry and Turbidimetry: Cls 332 Lab 4
Cls 332
lab 4
Turbid metric + nephlometeric analysis:
When part of incident radiant energy is
dissipated by absorption, reflection, and
refraction, while the remainder is transmit light
as a function of the concentration of the
dispersed phase is the basis of turbid metric
Nephlometer Turbidimeter
Definition the measurement of the intensity of Light passing through a medium
scattered light at right angles to the with dispersed particles, so the
direction of the incident light as a function intensity of light transmitted is
of the concentration of the dispersed phase measured.
,It is most sensitive for very dilute
suspensions (100 mg/L).
Instrument used Nephlometery machine spectrophotometer
Type of light measured Scattered light Transmitted light
Arrangement of photometer measure the light scattered at right angle to made in the same direction as
the direction of the propagation of light from the propagation of the light from
the source. the source.
It could be movable detectors which allow
operator to vary the angle of detection
Clinical uses Ag-Ab rxn, immunocomplex rxn,ppts, Ag-Ab rxn, immunocomplex
lipoprotein rxn,ppts, liver dis, protein in
urine or CSF
Nephelometry and Turbidimetry
1- light source:
Tungsten its relatively low intensity makes it less useful
for samples with low light scattering. Alternatives are:
quartz halogen lamp, xenon lamp and laser which have
higher intensities than tungsten lamp.
2-lens assembly:
Light enter the sample holder through lens assembly.
3-there is provision for the insertion of filter between the
sample and source of light(monochromator).
4- detector (photo –cell):
It is shielded to minimize interference from stray light.
5-Read out device:
Light intensity is converted to an electrical signal by the
detector .
The turbidity of a dilute barium sulphate suspension.
The concentration of the reactants must be controlled by adding
pure solid barium chloride of definite grain size.
-NACL and HCL are added before the precipitation in order to
inhibit the growth of microcrystal of barium sulphate
-A glycerol ethanol solution helps to stabilise the turbidity.
The reaction vessels is shaken gently in order to obtain a uniform
particle size.
Each vessel should be shaken at the same rate and the same
number of times.
1-plug the instrument into ground outlet.
2- choose desirable scale from 0-10
starting with the highest conc. (for std 1=scale 10)
3- turn power switch on.
4-selecte desirable range by range selector at desirable
position .
5- select filter required.
6- transfer your standards in the cleaned cell and place
them in cell holder.
7- remove the standards.
8- fill the second cell with blank to set zero .
9- check the reading of the standards again.
10- measure your unkown.
11- draw calibration curve.