8251 - Usart
8251 - Usart
8251 - Usart
Receive data
System 1 System 2
Signal common
Asynchronous Communications
• Data to be transmitted is sent out one
character at a time and the receiver end of the
communication line synchronization is
performed by examining synchronization bits
that are included at the beginning and at the
end of each character
Synchronous Communications
Transmit data
Receive data
System 1 System 2
Signal common
• It is possible to use either of the two methods.
• There are special IC chips for serial data
• UART: universal asynchronous receiver transmitter
• USART: universal Synchronous/Asynchronous
• INTEL has USART 8251
• Mode of Data Transmission
– simplex
– half duplex
– full duplex
Modes of Data Transfer
8251 USART
# Sections of 8251
Data Bus buffer
Read/Write Control Logic
Modem Control
Data register
Used as an input and output port when the C/D is low
CS C/D WR RD Operation
0 0 1 0 MPU reads data from data buffer
0 0 0 1 MPU writes data from data buffer
0 1 0 1 MPU writes a word to control register
0 1 1 0 MPU reads a word from status register
1 × × × Chip is not selected for any operation
3. Modem Control
DSR - Data Set Ready : Checks if the Data Set is
ready when communicating with a modem.
DTR - Data Terminal Ready : Indicates that the
device is ready to accept data when the 8251 is
communicating with a modem.
CTS - Clear to Send : If its low, the 8251A is enabled
to transmit the serial data provided the enable bit
in the command byte is set to ‘1’.
RTS - Request to Send Data : Low signal indicates
the modem that the receiver is ready to receive a
data byte from the modem.
4. Transmitter section
Accepts parallel data from MPU & converts them
into serial data.
Has two registers:
Buffer register : To hold eight bits
Output register : To convert eight bits into a stream of
serial bits.
Output Register
Transmitter Buffer
Transmit control
The MPU writes a byte in the buffer register.
Whenever the output register is empty; the contents of
buffer register are transferred to output register.
Transmitter section consists of three output & one
input signals
TxD - Transmitted Data Output : Output signal to transmit
the data to peripherals
TxC - Transmitter Clock Input : Input signal, controls the rate
of transmission.
TxRDY - Transmitter Ready : Output signal, indicates the
buffer register is empty and the USART is ready to accept
the next data byte.
TxE - Transmitter Empty : Output signal to indicate the
output register is empty and the USART is ready to accept
the next data byte.
5. Receiver Section
Input Register
Receive Buffer
Receive control
When RxD goes low, the control logic assumes it is
a start bit, waits for half bit time, and samples the
line again. If the line is still low, the input register
accepts the following data, and loads it into buffer
register at the rate determined by the receiver
RxRDY - Receiver Ready Output: Output signal,
goes high when the USART has a character in the
buffer register & is ready to transfer it to the MPU.
RxD - Receive Data Input : Bits are received serially
on this line & converted into a parallel byte in the
receiver input register.
RxC - Receiver Clock Input : Clock signal that
controls the rate at which bits are received by the
Control Register
• Mode Instruction control word
• Command Instruction control word
Format of the control register
Format of the status register
Operating modes
• Asynchronous mode
– Mode Instruction control word
– Asynchronous mode (transmission)
– Asynchronous mode (receive)
• Synchronous mode
– synchronous mode (transmission)
– synchronous mode (receive)