Zigbee Technology: "Wireless Control That Simply Works.": Submitted by

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Zigbee Technology:

“Wireless control that simply works.”

Submitted by :
Chitrita Pant
9806 (36)












 ZigBee is an IEEE 802.15.4 standard for data communications with devices. It is designed around
low-power consumption allowing batteries to essentially last forever. The ZigBee standard provides
network, security, and application support services operating on top of the IEEE 802.15.4 Medium
Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) wireless standard. It employs a suite of
technologies to enable scalable, self-organizing, self-healing networks that can manage various data
traffic patterns.
 ZigBee is a low-cost, low-power, wireless mesh networking standard. The low cost allows the
technology to be widely deployed in wireless control and monitoring applications, the low power-
usage allows longer life with smaller batteries, and the mesh networking provides high reliability
and larger range.
 ZigBee has been developed to meet the growing demand
for capable wireless networking between numerous low
Power devices.
 The ZigBee Standard has evolved standardized sets of solutions, called ‘layers'. These layers facilitate
the features that make ZigBee very attractive: low cost, easy implementation, reliable data transfer,
short-range operations, very low power consumption and adequate security features.
1.Network and Application Support layer :

 The network layer permits growth of network without high power transmitters.

 This layer can handle huge numbers of nodes. This level in the ZigBee architecture includes the ZigBee Device Object (ZDO), user-
defined application profile(s)[end devices] and the Application Support (APS) sub-layer.

 The APS sub-layer's responsibilities include maintenance of tables that enable matching between two devices and communication
among them, and also discovery, the aspect that identifies other devices that operate in the operating space of any device.

 The responsibility of determining the nature of the device (Coordinator / FFD or RFD) in the network, commencing and replying to
binding requests and ensuring a secure relationship between devices rests with the ZDO (Zigbee Define Object).

2.Physical (PHY) layer :

 The IEEE802.15.4 PHY physical layer accommodates high levels of integration by using direct sequence to permit simplicity in the
analog circuitry and enable cheaper implementations.

3.Media access control (MAC) layer :

 The IEEE802.15.4 MAC media access control layer permits use of several topologies without introducing complexity and is meant to
work with large numbers of devices.
The RFD can be used in simple applications in which they do not
need to transmit large amounts of data and they have to
communicate only with a specific FFD .The FFD can work as a PAN
coordinator, as a coordinator, or as a simple device. It can
communicate with either another FFD or a RFD.
There are three different types of ZigBee device:
ZigBee coordinator (ZC):
The most capable device, the coordinator forms the root of the network tree and
might bridge to other networks. There is exactly one ZigBee coordinator in each network.
It is able to store information about the network, including acting as the repository for
security keys.

ZigBee Router (ZR):

Routers can act as an intermediate device, passing data from other devices.

ZigBee End Device (ZED):

Contains just enough functionality to talk to its parent node (either the coordinator or a router);
it cannot relay data from other devices. It requires the least amount of memory, and therefore can
be less expensive to manufacture than a ZR or ZC.
 ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 addresses three typical traffic types. IEEE 802.15.4 MAC can
accommodate all the types.
1.Data is periodic
The application dictates the rate, and the sensor activates, checks for data and
2. Data is intermittent
The application, or other stimulus, determines the rate, as in the case of say smoke detectors.
The device needs to connect to the network only when communication is necessitated.
This type enables optimum saving on energy.
3. Data is repetitive
The rate is fixed a priori. Depending on allotted time slots, called GTS(guaranteed time slot),
devices operate for fixed durations.
 ZigBee employs either of two modes, beacon or non-beacon to enable the to-and-fro data
traffic. Beacon mode is used when the coordinator runs on batteries and thus offers
maximum power savings, whereas the non-beacon mode finds favor when the coordinator
is mains-powered.
 In the beacon mode, a device watches out for the coordinator's beacon that gets
transmitted periodically, locks on and looks for messages addressed to it. If message
transmission is complete, the coordinator dictates a schedule for the next beacon so that
the device ‘goes to sleep‘ ; in fact, the coordinator itself switches to sleep mode.
 While using the beacon mode, all the devices in a
mesh network know when to communicate with
each other. In this mode, necessarily, the timing
circuits have to be quite accurate, or wake up
sooner to be sure not to miss the beacon. This in
turn means an increase in power consumption by
the coordinator's receiver, entailing an optimal
increase in costs.
 The non-beacon mode will be included in a system where devices are
‘asleep' nearly always, as in smoke detectors and burglar alarms. The
devices wake up and confirm their continued presence in the network at
random intervals.
 On detection of activity, the sensors ‘spring to attention', as it were, and
transmit to the ever waiting coordinator's
receiver (since it is mains powered).However, there is the remotest of
chances that a sensor finds the channel busy, in which case the receiver
unfortunately would ‘miss a call'.


Cluster Tree PAN coordinator

Full Function Device
Reduced Function Device
●In the star topology, the communication is established between devices and a single
central controller ,called the PAN coordinator.
●The PAN coordinator may be mains powered while the devices will most likely be
battery powered. Applications that benefit from this topology include home
automation, personal computer (PC) peripherals, toys and games.
●Each start network chooses a PAN identifier, which is not currently used by any
other network within the radio sphere of influence.

●This allows each star network to operate independently.

Easy to synchronize
Low latency

Small scale
●Cluster-tree network is a special case of a peer-to-peer network in which most devices are FFDs and an RFD may
connect to a cluster-tree network as a leave node at the end of a branch.

●. Any of the FFD can act as a coordinator and provide synchronization services to other devices and
coordinators.Only one of these coordinators however is the PAN coordinator.

●The PAN coordinator forms the first cluster by establishing itself as the cluster head (CLH) with a cluster identifier
(CID) of zero, choosing an unused PAN identifier.

●Once application or network requirements are met, the PAN coordinator may instruct a device to become the CLH of
a new cluster adjacent to the first one.

●The advantage of this clustered structure is the increased coverage area at the cost of increased message latency.
●A mesh network is similar to a cluster tree configuration, except that FFDs can route messages directly to other FFDs instead of
following the tree structure.

●Messages to RFDs must still go through the RFD’s parent. The advantages of this topology are that message latency can be
reduced and reliability is increased.

●The cluster tree and mesh topologies are also known as multi-hop networks, due to their abilities to route packets through
multiple devices, while the star topology is a single-hop network.

●A ZigBee protocol network is a multi-access network, meaning that all nodes in a network have equal access to the medium of

Feature(s) Bluetooth ZigBee
Power Profile days years
Complexity complex Simple
Nodes/Master 7 64000
Latency 10 seconds 30 ms – 1s
Range 10m 70m ~ 300m
Extendibility no Yes
Data Rate 1 Mbps 250 Kbps
Security 64bit, 128bit 128bit AES and Application
automation TV VCR
control DVD/CD

diagnostics keyboard
sensors CARE PC & PERIPHERALS joystick

portables TOYS & HOME
 Home Automation  Industrial Plant
• Defines set of devices used in Monitoring
home automation  Consists of device definitions
 Light switches for sensors used in industrial
 Thermostats control
 Window shade
 Temperature
 Heating unit
 Pressure sensors
 etc.
 Infrared
 etc.
 Patients receive better care at reduced cost with more freedom and
Patients can remain in their own home
 Monitors vital statistics and sends via internet graphic
 Doctors can adjust medication levels

• Allows monitoring of elderly family member-

 Sense movement or usage patterns in a home
 Turns lights on when they get out of bed
 Notify via mobile phone when anomalies occur
 Wireless panic buttons for falls or other problems
• Can also be used in hospital care-
 Patients are allowed greater movement
 Reduced staff to patient ratio
 Standards based
 Low cost
 Can be used globally
 Reliable and self healing
 Supports large number of nodes
 Easy to deploy
 Very long battery life
 Secure
 The ZigBee Alliance is nearly strong and growing, with
more organizations signing up.
 This means that more and more products and even later,
all devices and their controls will be based on this
 Since Wireless personal Area Networking applies not
only to household devices, but also to individualized
office automation applications, ZigBee is here to stay. It
is more than likely the basis of future home-networking
 ZigBee play an important role in the future of computer and communication technology. In
terms of protocol stack size, ZigBee's 32 KB is about one-third of the stack size necessary
in other wireless technologies (for limited capability end devices, the stack size is as low
as 4 KB). The IEEE 802.15.4–based ZigBee is designed for remote controls and sensors,
which are much in number, but need only small data packets and, mainly, extremely low
power consumption for(long) life. Therefore they are naturally different in their approach
to their respective application arenas. The ZigBee Alliance targets applications "across
consumer, commercial, industrial and government markets worldwide". ZigBee
technology is designed to best suit these applications, for the reason that it enables
reduced costs of development and very fast market adoption.
 [1] ZigBee Alliance, ZigBee Specification. Version 1.0 ZigBee Document 053474r06, December 14th, 2004.
 [2] P. Kinney, ZigBee Technology: Wireless Control that Simply Works, White Paper dated 2 October 2003.
 [3] Behrouz A. Frouzan, “Data Communication", Third Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing company Limited, 2004, Pp
 [4] Andrew S. Tenenbaum, “Computer Networks”, Fourth Edition Pearson Publication Limited, 2003, Pp 21-89.
 [5] William Stalling, “Wireless Communication and Networks”, Fourth Edition, Pearson Publication Limited, 2004, Pp 39
 [6] 802.15.4, Part 15.4: Wireless Medium Access Control(MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications for Low-Rate
Wireless Personal Area Networks (LRWPANs).
 [7] Sheng-Fu Su, The Design and Implementation of the ZigBee Protocol Driver in Linux, White Paper dated 26 July 2005.
 [8] Jacob Munk-Stander,Implementing a ZigBee Protocol Stack and Light Sensor in TinyOS,White Paper dated October
 [9] Freescale Semiconductor, ZigBee Implementer’s Guide ;Document Number:F8W-2004-0007,May 23, 2005
 [10] Weiser, M. (1991). The Computer for the 21st Century. Scientific America, September 1991. 94-104.

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