An Analytical and Comparitive Study of Composite and RCC Multi Storey Buildings
An Analytical and Comparitive Study of Composite and RCC Multi Storey Buildings
An Analytical and Comparitive Study of Composite and RCC Multi Storey Buildings
By K Naga Rakesh
Structural Components
The primary structural components use in composite
construction consists of the following elements
Composite Deck Slab
Composite Beam
Composite Column
Fig 1 Typical Composite Multi-storey steel framed
There is a considerable research work has been done in the direction of comparative
study of R.C.C and Composite structures.
Prof. Swapnil B. Cholekar and Basavalingappa S.M. had described that the Mass
Irregularity can affect all the parameters of storey drift, base shear, dead weight, shear force
and joint displacement during earthquake. They were compared for RCC and composite
structures in this paper. For the stability of the structure and less damage of the structure it is
very important to have uniform mass, stiffness, Simple-regular configuration. Mass irregularity
is given in the figure. Mass irregularity is an important factor which is to be considered while
designing multi-storey building. It is formed due to uneven distribution of mass, strength, and
Shashikala Koppad and Dr. S.V. Itti had published “Comparative study of RCC and
Composite Multi Storeyed Buildings” [3] in which they took a 3-D model in seismic zone 3
and analyzed it in STAAD.Pro V8i software. In this research paper they had concluded that
node displacement in composite structure is more as compared to RCC structure. This is
because the composite structure is more flexible as compared to RCC structure
D.R. Panchal and P.M. Marathe had published “Comparative study of R.C.C,
Steel and Composite (G+30 storey)building” Shear forces in the secondary beams
are increased in steel structure and reduced in composite structure as compared to
RCC. In main beams, shear forces are increased in steel structure and reduced in
composite structure up to large extent as compared to RCC framed structure.
Rahul Pandey has submitted his thesis “Comparative seismic analysis of RCC,
Steel and Steel-concrete composite frame” [10] in which he had compared the
performance of a (G+7) storey RCC, Steel, and Composite building frame situated
in earthquake zone 5 using SAP2000 software. And the results were compared and the
conclusion about the storey drift was made that storey drift in X-direction was more
for steel frame as compared to composite and RCC frame.
Shashikala Koppad and Dr. S.V. Itti had published “Comparative study of
RCC and Composite Multi Storeyed Buildings” [3] in which they took a 3-D
model in seismic zone 3 and analyzed it in STAAD.Pro V8i software. In this
research paper they had concluded that node displacement in composite structure is
more as compared to RCC structure. This is because the composite structure is
more flexible as compared to RCC structure.
Bhavin H. Zaveri , Jasmin A. Gadhiya , Hitesh K. Dhameliya had published “A
Review on the Comparitive study of steel, RCC and Composite Building” in
which they took the comparison of various aspects of building construction for
steel, RCC as well as composite buildings considering various researches. In this
research paper they had concluded that Overall response of composite structure is
better than RCC structure i.e. composite structure produces less displacement and
resists more structural forces.