INNOBIZ Presentation1-6

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KOTEC’s Technology Rating System (KTRS)

1. Overview of INNO-BIZ LOAN

2. Technology Evaluation System

3. Technology Rating System(KTRS)


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1. Loan Application
2. Request Technology Valuation
3. Due Diligence(Technology Valuation)
4. Issue Technology Appraisal Certificate(TAC)
5. Issue Credit-Based Loan
6. Gov. Subsidy for SME’s Technology Appraisal Fee

The Definition of INNOBIZ

 INNOBIZ : A compound word of Innovation & Business

(Tech Competitiveness)
 Select Excellent Businesses with Technological
Competitiveness & Future Growth
 Potential and Promote them to be Internationally
Competent Enterprises: Financing
 Technological, & Marketing Support
 Many Innovative companies which have just finished
R&D stage has the high probability to die off due to the
vulnerability to cash flow => That’s why we are!


Financial Benefit
• Higher Credit Line
• Lowe Interest Rate (0.5%-1%)
• No Transaction Costs(Money Transfer, Money Exchange)

Introduction to Government Support

• Priority Position in the Government Projection Fund
• Tax Credit (Break)
Other Support (in tandem with KOTEC)
• Introducing promising buyers
• Business Consulting Services
• M&A, Technology Transfer Service

Necessity of Technology Evaluation

 Global economy is led by corporations with intangible

assets represented by IP(Intellectual Property)

 High-growth firms are more R&D-intensive

 The supporting effect of innovative SMEs is better
than that of ordinary SMEs
 Need a measure to find innovative SMEs with technology

 Information asymmetry between financial institutions

and borrowing SMEs
 Lacks of tangible collaterals in early stage SMEs

1. Overview of Technology Evaluation
What’s Technology Evaluation ?

 Technology Evaluation is a subjective activity

 Technology is neither visible nor tangible
 Compared to the evaluation of beauty
 Technology Evaluation needs some understanding
of the technology
 There are a number of traps and pitfalls that
technology manager may encounter
 The value of technology is also affected by
various non-technological factors
 Technology is traded in supplier’s market
 Hard to reach balanced price through market mechanism

Korea Technology Finance

 Government-Funded Institution Under the Special Act in

Korea (Established in 1989)
 Leading the settlement & development of “Technology
Financing System” to Uplift National Economy’s
 Playing a role as “the Core Infra-Structure of
Government’s Policy for Conversion into Innovation-led
Industrial Structures”
 Supplying Policy Financing to “Bridge a gap of
incomplete Financial Markets” ; Information Asymmetry
in Tech SMEs

2. Kibo Technology Rating System
KTRS vs. Credit Rating System

 KTRS(KOTEC’s Technology Rating System)

 In Technology Level, technology innovation and business
possibility are measured
 In Risk Level, Risk of technology is computed
only from technology-based input factors(not financial terms)
 KTRS Rating is the Output of Matrix combination of
Technology Level and Risk Level
 Credit Rating System
 Forecast corporation’s insolvency
 Use financial model(Credit and debt redemption capability)
and non-financial model(CEOs and financial transaction
 Financial model is more dominant than non-financial model
2. Kibo Technology Rating System
Technology Level in KTRS

Input Variables
Scoring Technology
Model Level
45 Indicator Data

 Scoring Model from AHP analysis

• Using expert-advised questionnaires, give weighted value to questions
• Give different weighted scores by industries
• Rate business success prospects of the technology in terms of its technological
ability and business prospects

The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a structured technique for dealing with complex
decisions. Rather than prescribing a "correct" decision, the AHP helps the decision makers find the
one that best suits their needs and their understanding of the problem.

2. Kibo Technology Rating System
Risk Level in KTRS

Input Variables
• Economic environment variable Logit Model Risk Level
• Corporate environment variable
• 45 rating indicators data

 Risk Level from Regression analysis

• Analyzed 11,000 data (Tech. Appraisal Guarantee data) collected since ’99
using statistical techniques

• Unlike general credit rating models based on financial variables,

this Logit model is designed to measure technology-related risks

2. Kibo Technology Rating System
Detailed Indicators in KTRS

Management Module Technology Module

 Environment of technology
 Knowledge management development
 Technical experience  Output of technology
 Management ability development (patents, etc)
 Fund supply  Technology superiority
 Human resource  Technology commercialization

Market Module Business & Profit prospect

 Market potential
 Sales schedule
 Market characteristics
 Amount of sales
 Product competitiveness
 Profitability

It’s not fair !
Should SMEs in developing countries
depend on low labor costs?
We are trying to transform economy from
Labor-Intensive to Technology-Intensive
in developing countries...
This is the spirit of KOTEC and Kookmin

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