Zero Budget Farming
Zero Budget Farming
Zero Budget Farming
• Chemical farming
• Organic farming
• Zero Budget Spiritual Farming
Chemical farming
Truth about green revolution
Bijamruta Mulching
A process to circulate air in
A seed treatment method
Jiwamrita Waaphasa
A tonic triggering micro- A micro-climate in soil
organism to make nutrients through which roots and soil
of soil available to roots organism live freely
Preparation of Jiwamrita
Take 200 liter Water in barrel. Take 10 Kg Local Cow Dung and 5 to 10 Then add 2 Kg Jaggery, 2 Kg Pulses flour &
liter cow urine and add it in the water. handful soil from the bund of the farm in it.
Apply the Jiwamrita to the crops with Spray 10% filtered Jiwamrita on the crops.
each Irrigation water OR directly to the crops.
Cost and yield comparison per acre